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films: Over-rated "Classics"


Mar 25, 2007
I thought I'd start a thread about movies other people rave about that you think suck. Or are at least mediocre.

Mine: Raging Bull.
I honestly have no idea what is supposed to be so good about this movie.
It drags at times and the movie has no sympathetic characters. And yet Siscle and Ebert both declared it the best movie of the 80's and AFI has it as the #4 movie of all time. I don't get it.
I'll watch Raging Bull ever 2-3 years and each time I hope that this will be the time where I'll take something new away from it. But it never happens. Every viewing is a test of endurance for me and last time I didn't make it all the way through
I like Scorsese. I like DeNiro. I like boxing and boxing movie. I really want to like this movie but I just can't.
^ why do you feel 'apocalypse now' is over-rated?

i generally have a problem with terms like 'overrated' when talking about art. perhaps they're not overrated, perhaps you underrate them?

Citizen Kane

I guess it's supposed to have good camera movement or something, but I was quite bored. I only saw it because I was in a film class my senior year of HS and I don't think I'd watch it again, unless I was otherwise convinced that it would be worth it. I did think Casablanca was good though.
I agree Kane is overrated, but only because it's "rated" the best movie of all time, and it's not. It is a really good movie, though, and not just in a technical sense. I saw it in HS and didn't like it, but I was a very different person then. 10 years later I like it a lot.

The OP is dead on about Raging Bull. I never liked Taxi Driver either.

Honestly, I think the most overrated movie of all time was American Beauty, with Fargo a close second. The easiest way to tell is to track how many times you see a film mentioned five or six years after its release.
Appreciating Citizen Kane means appreciating just how big a step forward it was for American cinema.

Citizen Kane is under appreciated.
American Beauty is overrated.
I know I'll be chastised,but The Godfather. I just think it's tedious as hell. I've tried to like it,to watch it with an open mind,but it just bores me to tears.

Clerks. While I do like this movie and its many quotable lines, it's neither Kevin Smith's best work, nor the Gen-X masterpiece some have colored it as.

Pulp Fiction. There, I said it. Yes, I enjoyed it, but I can't imagine getting blown away by it even if its impact hadn't been blunted by seeing several movies that stole his plot device before finally watching the original.
Belisarius said:
Clerks. While I do like this movie and its many quotable lines, it's neither Kevin Smith's best work, nor the Gen-X masterpiece some have colored it as.

I agree. Smith sucks. The gen-x cinema prize must go to Reality Bites. :D ;)
atlas said:
I agree. Smith sucks. The gen-x cinema prize must go to Reality Bites. :D ;)

Wow, I'm glad for that smiley...

I have to agree about Clerks. It wasn't bad, but it was overrated. On the other hand, if it hadn't been, he never would have been able to make Chasing Amy, which was one of the best movies of the 90s.
HisNameIsFrank said:
I know I'll be chastised,but The Godfather. I just think it's tedious as hell. I've tried to like it,to watch it with an open mind,but it just bores me to tears.

I agree that The Godfather is over-rated. My beef with the Godfather is that it's way too romanticized. Too a ridiculous extent. Sophisticated dudes, in nice suits, waxing poetic with each other. It's all "honor this", and "loyalty that" and "you tried to kill me but you're still my brother and I love you".
Whatever. Organized crime was, is, and always will be run by thugs. From the foot soldiors all the way up to the bosses.
Goodfellas is waaaaaay better than The Godfather in my opinion.
Blair witch? :x
I remember the hype about this movie.. everyone though it was the greatest ever
and what do ya know
it sucked
I have never felt like I wasted an hour+ more then I did watching this pos

star wars is also overrated >.>
<<Chasing Amy, which was one of the best movies of the 90s.>>

Amen; *that's* his best movie.
supertrav77 said:
I agree that The Godfather is over-rated. My beef with the Godfather is that it's way too romanticized. Too a ridiculous extent. Sophisticated dudes, in nice suits, waxing poetic with each other. It's all "honor this", and "loyalty that" and "you tried to kill me but you're still my brother and I love you".
Whatever. Organized crime was, is, and always will be run by thugs. From the foot soldiors all the way up to the bosses.
Goodfellas is waaaaaay better than The Godfather in my opinion.

I disagree, having spent quite a bit of time in Sicily whilst in the Navy, you can understand how first and second generation Sicilians in America acted this way. Puzo was right on. Especially considering the time frame for the film as well.

Psycho, while a great film is certainly overrated. Some of Hitchcock's films were far better and led much more credibility to the antagonists and protagonists. North By Northwest and Rear Window are but two examples.
the only calls so far inthis thread i agree with are clerks and psycho. i love every other suggestion.

Raging bull is excellent imo. i love the storyarc, the sets, the costumes, the accents, the wonderful, wonderful photography, the music, everything about that film.
I agree that Apocalypse Now (and 2001) are works of art. I also agree that they're overrated. So is "The Godfather" (the movie, NOT the book).

Just because films are works of art (even great ones) doesn't mean they can't be overrated. IMO the Mona Lisa is also overrated... with thousands of other priceless paintings surrounding it, it gets more mindshare than it deserves.
see, that's where i disagree. Regardless of "mindshare", a work of art can only be judged by it's own merits, and not in relation to other pieces being "underrated", underappreciated or underviewed.

when i see a film that is rated as one of the best ever or a work of fine art, if i agree that it is a work of fine art, i do not consider it as overrated then.
The Shawshank Redemption. A very good movie, but to put in the top two ever made in imdb is a wank.

Lord of the Rings Trilogy. As amazing it was just to create the film, it would help if the plot was actually interesting!
I guess we can agree to disagree. Beethoven's 5th is (still) one of my all time favorite symphonies, but IMO it's another example of something being overrated. It isn't a problem with the work of art, it's a problem with people and their ignorance (or whatever).

P.S. I agree with LOTR being overrated... flame away ;).
another vote for lord of the rings

from now on, everytime i hear the word sprawling in a movie review, i'll think "rambling". Every time I hear epic, i'll think "trite".