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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Film: Stand By Me

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really love the film.
it is a saturday afternoon classic tv film too... one that is on and i'd actually stop to watch.
oh yeah, top quality classic film here. didn't stray too far from the book either. i thought they picked some great kids to play the characters, namely river and wil wheaton (who i had a huge crush on).

this was probably the first rated R movie i ever saw...i believe i was about 9. to this day i dont' dig barf scenes, so i'm gonna let that one go. running from that dog in the junkyard was pretty good.

"shut up"
"i don't shut up, i grow up. and when i look at you i throw up! huahhh"

"and then your mother goes around the corner and she licks it up"

i was always sad about gordie's brother (who is john cusack, if anyone remembers that!)
Gordie: "suck my fat one, you cheap dime store hood".

Chris: "Suck my fat one?. Who ever told you you had a fat one, Lachance?".

Gordie: "Biggest one in four counties".
I hope everyone had childhood memories similar to this great film. I remember being that age wandering around an abandoned drive in theatre, basically a junkyard- the innocent yet `tough guy` antics, the downright dangerous and stupid shit that you simply can`t get away with after you become a teenager. Never found a dead body, but one time some local kids found a dead fox, and it was the most exciting adventure ever to find it and examine the rate of decomposition over the following weeks.

I saw this film a long time ago and never really appreciated how well written and well acted it was until seeing it again recently. How dare F&TV not have a thread for it yet!;)
SardonicNihilist said:
I hope everyone had childhood memories similar to this great film.

Absolutely, although sadly the weather wasn't as nice as it was in that film :D
I remember when i was alot younger i picked this film up about 5 times to rent it and never did! Then i bought it for £3.99.

Can anyone explain the 'mailbox baseball' scene to me. One of the guys in the car goes "aw damn i'm out" and someone else replies "shouldn't have gone for a wooden one".
^^ i'd have to see the scene in its entirety to offer any real help. was it a wooden mailbox or a wooden bat? either his wooden bat broke or his wooden target mailbox didn't come off the post?
Shit, good question. I'd have to watch that scene again too to be 100% sure but i'm pretty sure it was the mailbox that didn't come off.
I think the aim of the game was to hit the mailbox completely intact from its post, and the wooden one merely shatters- thus counting as the third strike? Maybe.

"..it'd be an unofficial game!"
Cool thanks.

down down baby down by the rollercoaster
sweet sweety baby i'll never let ya go
i met a girlfriend a TRISCUIT
she said a triscuit a BISCUIT

ok, so i dont really remember the words, but you get the picture :)
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Stand By Me is easily one of the best movies based on a Stephen King adaption. Stephen King is a writer of hooror, but his best writing is based in reality.

Picking a great director is key to a great movie based on the work of Stephen King. Just look at Shawshank Redemption, Carrie, Misery and The Green Mile. Most of which are grounded in relaity with no supernatural overtones.

Rob Reiner and Frank Darabont have done a great job with King's work by remaning true to the source. The casting in Stand By Me was phenominal. Stephen King really remembers what it was like to be a kid. That's why he writes children so well.

He also realizes that there is more evil that dwells within each of us that any creature he could conjure up. If you read all of his novels and short stories, you will notice that humans are far more evil that the creatures in his book.

Stephen King is too often dismissed as a horror writer, but nothing could be further from the truth. The man writes characters who you and I know all too well.

Stand By Me gets five stars easily.
Fantastic film. I watched it, for the first time in, ten or fifteen years, a few weeks ago. My girlfriend grabbed it for us, and I was thinking - cool, this was a really well done movie back in the day, a classic.

As some probably know, I reside in fucking Cambodia. I grew up in the country, in Australia, and to come over here is somewhat of an adjustment, as you can imagine. I was watching that movie, and every single better-than-vague memory of my childhood came flooding back, it nearly brought me to tears. Such a powerful, touching movie that encapsulates everything that it is to be a kid.

4 stars. 5 is for something really special, there might be a handful of movies that I consider five-star-quality.