Fentanyl/ Opiate WD - need help please!

Well that would be incredible; from being so fucked I couldn't sleep for more than a couple of hours and having to toot fent every couple hours to having my life back (again) in 3-5 days. Let's see..

I'll keep ya'll posted

I may start up on the Mirtazapine tonight and take it for a couple of months to ensure I sleep properly and bypass any PAWS.. By the way I can't recommend the Mirtazapine enough, I know soooo many people who have got fucked up on SSRI's - the Mirtazapine is more effective, generic so it's cheap, been around for decades and proven safe and it helps with sleep/appetite. I only ever used it for sleep but certainly felt the antidepressant/anxiety effect in a couple of days. If you or anyone you know is considering SSRI's I STRONGLY suggest they consider the mirt as an alternative
I don't know that I'd go around suggesting people switch from their SSRIs to mirtazapine, that's a bit reckless. I too take mirtazapine for insomnia and never got on with SSRIs. Thing is, I know quite a few people for who mirtazapine and other tricyclics had know effect, and for whom SSRIs have really helped.

Anyway, that aside, hope you get some sleep! I'm sure you'll stabilise on the bupe soon, and hopefully won't need such a crazy high dose to do so. I honestly couldn't tell the difference between how I felt on 8mg vs 16mg when I was on it.
Agreed, I certainly don't advocate anyone stopping taking their meds or switching on my account (an addict!!), however if anyone is considering or being pushed down the SSRI route by a practitioner I would encourage them to think twice and have an open conversation about alternatives such as Mirtazapine.

SSRI's have such crazy side effects and the Drs seem to push the new, relatively untested (on the general population) ones due to kickbacks from big pharma. The Mirt is tried and tested (and meta studies show more effective), yeah it has side effects like sleepiness and weight gain but that far outweighs the suicide risk and serotonin syndrome of the SSRI's.

I'll keep everyone posted on my progress. I'll be grabbing more Bupe tomorrow and plan to take only as needed (none if possible)

Thanks again all, so much.. In such a better place right now than I feared. If only all addicts has access to support and Bupe!
I managed to get hold of more Bupe; 48mg total.

As soon as I got it 8mg was sniffed and all WD symptoms vanished within 30 mins.

Can anyone suggest the best way to proceed? Taper the sub to a plan or just blow a slither as and when needed?
Hey Dan, awesome and fantastic news! Glad you're feeling better. I'd go with the latter plan if I were you, just take as little bit as needed. From what I understand tapering shouldn't be an issue unless you're on the bupe for more than a week or two. I was on it for years so was a whole other kettle of fish. Given that fent is a generally a short but savage ride down, hopefully that won't be necessary for you.