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Rated E said:
Emotional strength? What is that... Is being guided by emotions emotionally strong?

Or would the ability to detach from emotions in order that they don't cloud one's judgment be more emotionally strong?

Is it simply a strong understanding and command of emotions? In which case I might phrase that emotional intelligence I guess.

I guess i would say mental/emotional strength is where you are able to manage your emotions. Remain in control of yourself, and like you said have emotional intelligence. This i don't believe is gender based.
Rated E said:
Wait, so you mean there's exceptions to generalisations?

Hmm.... i don't really generalize. I don't believe in it personally. I guess i am just stating that there are some pretty tough female players who wack that ball like there is no tomorrow and certainly draw a crowd due to it.

Rated E said:
I don't know enough about tennis to know if this is true or not. Is this just your opinion or is womens tennis objectively (ie. recorded as being) more popular?

I wouldn't say it is recorded as more popular, but there have been times when a female match has been highlighted as the match of the night. Of course it depends on who is playing, but tennis these days seems to be quite equal as far as what is popular, and advertisement etc. This is my opinion, but it's based on what i have seen. People may disagree. But it's how i feel about the situation.

To be honest i don't care much about worrying if this and that is equal. What women may lack in with some things they sure make up with in other ways. So it all levels out in my opinion. Feminists tend to irritate me at times because they can go a little overboard, and make unrealistic demands. I am quite happy to sit back while my boyfriend does all the heavy lifting and blokey stuff around the house, and i will happily fold clothes, vacuume and do the dishes lol
Um, ticket sales for mens tennis sell out waaaaaaaay before womens. Look up some stats if you dont believe me. They barely compare.
Also, I say that men are mentally stronger than women, because of chemistry, rather than "objective observation"
Do you have any proof or links or anything like that of where you have the information that men are mentally stronger than women? I am actually quite interested and curious about that. From my understanding of the human emotions, mental strength isn't gender based. I don't really get how it can be gender based. Men and women are really too different from each other to compare when it comes to mental/emotions. I mean you have to take into account what the emotional strength applies to. What it it in regards too... do you mean in general with everything no matter what it is a male who will naturally be better to cope and be mentally stronger than a woman would be? Or would that only be with certain things?

My boyfriend is indeed much stronger than me mentally with some things. Things of which i wish i were stronger about. But then there have been things that he has been very vulnerable with and weak and that is when i have stepped in and put him on the right track. It goes both ways, that's all i am saying. And it depends on whatever the thing is that one is being emotionally weak about. I feel men maybe can deal with stress a bit better than women, but that's all i can think of that they may have over us mentally. What you class as my 'objective observation' i actually class as personal experience and believe it or not, from reading about the difference between men and women and how their brains function differently from each other. And let me tell ya, they're a fair bit different.

Prove that your statement is more than an "objective observation"
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Rated E said:
Wait, so you mean there's exceptions to generalisations?
Yes. like the following:

Womens sport is boring (probably)

People play/spectate less, have little interest in at amateur level, pro teams gain less sponsors (less income), it's televise less (less exposure), when it's tv'd nobody watching (less advertising $$). if these factors were reversed, im sure female athletes would be paid equally. its not because of any policy of gender bias, its financial, Australian people apparently choose not to watch female sport, are they all categoricaly sexist?
dfrs, I was thinking chemistry... hormones and the such. Men dont have to tolerate the influence of such chemistry
That is totally debatable. It is actually proven that men do actually experience hormone changes, and in some cases they experience them more frequently than women do. They can actually suffer more mood swings than women. Of course though once again, it depends on the make up of the person. But men do indeed experience hormone changes.

They may not have to put up with their dicks bleeding, but it doesn't mean they don't get other things along the lines of 'chemistry'

Besides, the fact that women have to deal with PMS doesn't make them weaker.
lol at 'dicks bleeding'. I had a vision of teeny-tiny penis-eye tampons.


sorry, as you all were.
You are right, it is totally debatable and tbh, I have no idea what im talking about! I simply speculate with my counter argument, and that being I wasnt talking about PMS, but our hormones that allow us to lean more towards behaviour that to make looking after our young our first priority, and those chemical changes that occur , I can see how they would be not be constructive in a workplace.

I am seriously almost talking shit here. I really do believe what im saying is true, but its hard to articulate here.
I still don't get how the natural instincts, chemistry and hormones etc of a woman declares them mentally as the weaker sex. Especially with the nurturing side of it... the need to look after their young and that being first priority. That's a natural instinct. It's not a weakness. It's unfortunate you view those natural qualities of a woman as a weakness....

I think we'll have to agree to disagree :\
Samadhi said:
lol at 'dicks bleeding'. I had a vision of teeny-tiny penis-eye tampons.


sorry, as you all were.

Bwahaha! Or little pads that they tape to the end of their willy. Aww how cute and little would those pads be. =D
PMS is like an emotional workout - it will make you more emotionally intelligent (or sometimes exacerbate issues)

Unfortunately if you want to 'get ahead' and be paid a lot of money emotional intelligence isnt going to help you in most jobs... certainly not as much as aggression, confrontation and bull headed determination
m4dd0g said:
PMS is like an emotional workout - it will make you more emotionally intelligent (or sometimes exacerbate issues)

Unfortunately if you want to 'get ahead' and be paid a lot of money emotional intelligence isnt going to help you in most jobs... certainly not as much as aggression, confrontation and bull headed determination

And let me guess, women are incapable of demonstrating such characteristics?
Males are much much better at it. This isnt about your mothers daughters ex husbands cousin who did this thing last week with her detachable penis... its about generalisations... just as much as the generalisation of 'Men get paid more than women'
Either way, thats in regards to work. Mental strength isn't just related to work. I am talking about in general. It wasn't specified here that we were just talking about work based environments. Sure men make better leaders, i wont argue with that. In fact i whole heartedly agree. I think a woman put in charge can equal disaster. If they're jealous of another female and they have authority, it's look out! But there are other things in life that women are indeed strong willed with. It's not just about work environments.
^^ don't you honestly think that a woman in charge or with power can have more maturity and sense than to behave badly in terms of being jealous of another female? I mean we're not talking about a bunch of admin assistants sitting around bitching in their lunch hour. I've seen both male and female higher level managers behave badly (hissy fits at work etc) and I've certainly seen my share of women who would cheerfully stomp all over your head to get ahead in the workplace (not a quality I admire but however). I also think that emotional intelligence does help you get ahead in terms of controlling how you behave at work and having insight into other's people's feelings/behaviour ... if women behave in an overtly aggressive way it often goes against them, unlike their male counterparts.

Not to mention a certain male world leader, lead by a team of mainly men, who has made some pretty stupid decisions relating to a war in Iraq and other social issues which has affected the US - not the first time a male world leader has behaved like this eh? Having said that I don't think a female world leader would necessarily do any better - this probably relates to political leanings and general stupidity more than anything.

Generalisations exist because they can be true, but sweeping generalisations lead to those same unnecessary, unwarranted barriers which people have talked about previously in this thread with regard to women not being paid as much as men and not being given the same opportunities and so forth.
ByronStar said:
Not to mention a certain male world leader, lead by a team of mainly men, who has made some pretty stupid decisions relating to a war in Iraq and other social issues which has affected the US - not the first time a male world leader has behaved like this eh?

Oh come on. To casually throw in such a complex issue as the War in Iraq is a bit rich. For all we know, the US Government was satisfying alterior motives by going to war with Iraq (heard of the military-industrial complex? You know about that stuff that makes your car go?) and thus was making the right choices for them. Regardless of how negatively the war may have been received in the media and by the rest of the world. Even with the negative public opinion, I doubt most any war is going to be received well by the public, but that doesn't mean that countries aren't going to continue to have wars and therefore continue to have governments that make decisions regarding those wars.

Did you happen to notice that they're are armed forces still currently in Iraq, yet the controversy has died down so much that I can't remember the last time I read something about the Iraq war in the newspaper. I'd say they did a pretty good job of getting what they wanted (long term conflict $$$$$). Of course I disagree with the war and the perceived motives behind it wholeheartedly.
Rated E said:
(heard of the military-industrial complex? You know about that stuff that makes your car go?)

You know Rated E, I'm pretty sure I speak for many people in this discussion when I say we'd all prefer it if you quit acting like you're talking to a three year old, for example here, and when you repeatedly suggested Samadhi didn't understand what an analogy was.