• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

feelings of extreme bordness, nothing to do in life.

Sounds like depression...and very similar to the kind I suffer some times. It's a strange numb feeling to everything around you.The gym is really the only thing that helped! if you focus on bettering your physical health it will give you a rewarding way to fill your time.
If you're not already "depressed" it sure sounds like you're headed that direction, and while I'm only a few years older than you, I've been going through something very similar. The daily routine of getting up, getting money, buying pot, smoking all night long in a car with a few buddies got old fast!

I did exactly what alasdair mentioned above. I had to actually look at myself which is something I hadn't done since rehab years ago. Taking action is the most important step! You mentioned skating is one of your biggest hobbies yet it's become dull and boring. This can be tied directly to depression, as it does things like make you lose interest in everything and everyone. Glad to hear you're getting a gym membership though. For me at least, working out has always made me feel way better and I feel as if I can think more clearly after a good workout.

Best of luck to you!
try getting a job, you'll be so busy that you won't even have time to be bored AND you'll be making money. ;)
It sounds to me like you are waiting for something to happen to get over your boredom. Have you tried attempting to find a job? You should tell your doctor about being bored all of the time but don't expect some drug he will prescribe to cure it. You mentioned going to the gym. That's a splendid idea considering your age but you must dedicate yourself to it if you wish to follow through with it.

OP have you tried knitting or adopting a cat? What about joining a book club or taking up baking? I assume youre a woman, because men can chop wood or grill steaks if theyre bored. Men stuff.