• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

feelings of extreme bordness, nothing to do in life.


Mar 12, 2012
Ok so this isnt directed at a drug.. But at my action..
for the past 4 months or so life has been BORING!
its no just the typical bordum you get when your a kid and cant find anyhting to play with..
Like i wake up go to school, then home, and everyday its the same thing.. i think what the hell is there to do?i could go out and smoke a bit of pot and chill with friends but thats boring, i do that all the time .
Even when i take part in one of my hobbys (skateboarding) il skate for a couple hours it will be alright then i fell extremely bored..
i find life to be to boring to get through.
i need honest answers...
its almost like depression.. but bordum.. and i guess the bordum bring on some depression..
but honestly is there any prescriptions i could get from my doctor to help?
Firstly this is the wrong place for such a topic.
Secondly; my advice - do not pick up ideas from this thread and use them to try cure 'boredom'.
Why don't you pick up a pen and paper and create some art? Or write a short story?
Look at porn. Go skating. I dunno.. Just don't Start forming drug habits only because you have nothing better to do
im 17, and no its past the point of trying to find something new to do, ive already been through that, and my mom suggested going to the doctor for some sort of a prescription. my life just feels pointless everything i try to do doesnt make it any better or easyer
17 is very young to be on an antidepressant... But we're not doctors. Go and see one, and he'll have the last word on it. Meanwhile, you can post on TDS which is more suited to this sort of subject. Good luck ;)
Sounds like depression... 17 is a tough year for a lot of people. Hormones going crazy, you’re not sure about the future. I best bet is to just exercise a lot if you’re bored. Just run until you are tired. Eat healthy. If those do nothing (Which I believe those will help) then go see a doctor for possible anti depressants. I say do the exercises before the anti depressant, and like a lot of people say they are helpful for people, but if u don’t have a problem; they can seriously screw you up.
that seems like a good idea ill give that a try, imma get a gym membership asap.
17 is very young to be on an antidepressant... But we're not doctors. Go and see one, and he'll have the last word on it. Meanwhile, you can post on TDS which is more suited to this sort of subject. Good luck ;)

I would say 18-19 would be a suitable age for an anti depressant as the brain has fully developed by then. 17 would not be that bad if you are really depressed. But go to a doctor. Excersie and go to a Doctor. Is what I would say. Good luck man
This sounds like the dictionary definition of depression, especially judging from your age and current lifestyle, you're right on queue for a nice bout of "What's life really worth?"

Fear not, it's perfectly normal and will pass as long as you do things for your own life and NOT jump on a prescription. You need to get out and find new things in life that make you happy. They may not be immediately obvious, but over time you'll learn yourself better and will be better at making yourself happy and comfortable.

Good luck man, and do NOT try to chase this problem away with drugs, that will do nothing but make it worse.
this is one of the best answers, i appreciate it.. i am going to try and workout alot though..
and yeah your right drugs definatly don't help, ive been on an almost 4week opiate binge(depression/bordum started atlest 4 months ago though, if not longer)
i dont know.. opiates just make me feel... really really good... and at peace with myself, NOT bored whatsoever while nodding...
Definitely do exercises first as previously mentioned. Exercise can really do wonders for your mental health. If the problem persists for the next like six months, I'd go to perhaps a therapist first, and then see if they think you should see a psychiatrist.
I don't think 17 is too young for antidepressants, i've been on them since i was 16, but i do believe people tend to just jump to pills as the quick easy answer before trying other things first and getting a therapist, or primary doctors opinion first.
good luck!
If you ever need to, feel free to message me as i deal with depression along with other things.
I don't know if this is really for TDS, but maybe SO? I'll send it their way first.


Hey! Feel free to send it elsewhere, this just doesn't fit within BDD guidelines. Thanks!
anhedonia (not finding pleasure in once pleasurable activities) is a big part of depression. for me when i start to feel that way it's a sign i need to do something to avoid a real major depressive episode. i recommend talking to your doctor, a talking therapy like CBT may help you, therapies can be more useful longterm as they give you tools so that you can help yourself. i was on antidepressants at 17 but that was also to help with concurrent OCD, they helped me, but i rate therapy more effective.
This sounds like the dictionary definition of depression, especially judging from your age and current lifestyle, you're right on queue for a nice bout of "What's life really worth?"

Fear not, it's perfectly normal and will pass as long as you do things for your own life and NOT jump on a prescription. You need to get out and find new things in life that make you happy. They may not be immediately obvious, but over time you'll learn yourself better and will be better at making yourself happy and comfortable.

Good luck man, and do NOT try to chase this problem away with drugs, that will do nothing but make it worse.
^ This. I remember goin thru the same thing at your age. I was so anti-psychs so I tried everything to make me feel better...literally everything but rx's. I soon found where I "belonged" and feel into a good life...until now. But it's +17 yrs now. And even with the AD's I have to force myself to do ANYTHING anymore.
Best advice, excercise and hopefully it'll give you enough endorphins to feel better again.
But, by all means, if you just can't get out of your funk, see a therapist. S/he will be the best person to decide if it's serious enough to go forth to a psych for a rx.
Good luck!
Apologies if these comments do not help the OP but 16- (a few months short of 18) i was on top of the world.

Then i had a relationship breakdown, it changed everything! And boredom was what i thought was the problem.... Here i am almost 15 years later in a big hole im trying very hard to dig myself out of..... Maybe you are just genuinely bored or there maybe other underlying causes/reasons for your boredom (possible depression?)

I may be way off but at your age life is confusing at the best of times.. I put my Depression and Anxiety issues at the time (18 years of age) down to growing up and becoming an adult, how wrong i was!

I didnt talk about it to anybody as i just guessed all my friends were going through the same feelings and if they wernt 'normal' then others would have mentioned it to me. I had plenty going on in my life, i had many good close friends (who i still have to this day :) ) I had an active social life, i was out every night having a laugh with my friends, i had my music (a massive part of my life) I had my decks where i could just go home after getting stoned with my friends and mix for hours, more and more weekends we would go raving all over the country, it didnt matter how we got there, Train, Bus, Car we got there and danced the night away!

But still during all this i felt like something was missing, a sense of boredom which developed into depression, but instead of getting help i thought i could battle through it alone....... I WAS WRONG! :(

Anyway my advice is if you have any doubts try now to open up whether it be to an understanding family/friend or your G.P or other health professionals.

I just wouldnt wish my last 15 years on my worst enemy.

Chohkdee kap ;)
jesus christ this is the second time im questioning my doctor, he had me on ad's and anti psychotics since I was 10! Look dude, you should join a youth group or something because hanging out with potheads will only leave you feeling worse and worse
What are your plans for the future? Do you have any plans to go to college? At 17, I was starting university, so you must be getting to that time, right?
You still live at your parents, right? When you live with your parents, you don't have that much responsibility. You don't need to pay rent, cook, clean everything, etc. (for the most part anyway ... there are exceptions of course) The point is, living with your parents is pretty easy compared to living by yourself.
So if you move out to go to school or something, you will find yourself less bored. So as you grow older, you'll find that you have more responsibilities and you won't be bored so much.
For now, concentrate on school, exercise is great too! Do you have a job? Do you have any hobbies? Volunteering is a good idea as well, see if any places in your area need some help.
Having goals, even small ones, are good.
For me, I only work part time so I do have lots of "spare" time on my hands. But I have started working on some projects and doing some other stuff that would make me more employable. I also started knitting and sewing which is fun to do in my spare time. Crafts, exercising, sports, etc. are good ways to keep busy.
that seems like a good idea ill give that a try, imma get a gym membership asap.

best decision you ever made

and trust me, the teen years don't mean shit. you will find your feet, and once you do you'll discover there is too little time for all the things you want to do.... a whole new reason to be depressed ;)
Just wait till you graduate and all your friends are gone and skating doesn't mean shit to anyone anymore. :D
i need honest answers...
how much time do you spend with yourself? i don't mean alone, checked out. i mean, hanging out with yourself, asking yourself questions, seeking answers, getting to the heart of how you feel about issues, the future and life?

invest some time in yourself. what better use can you think of for your time? with all due respect, your grammar and spelling are pretty bad - do some learning? read books, read the paper, discuss ideas with people. make your brain fitter. make your body fitter.
