• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Feel Like Life’s Pointless?

Even the old lady you talked to in the aisle at the grocery store for 5 minutes that you'll never see again

You very well could've made her day

So when somebody smiles at you, smile back

I dont have much of a life so I love going to stores and chatting it up with people. Im especially nice to the people who work at the dollar store, they usually look like they are hating life.
yea me too

ppl can be assholes to those working on the lower end of the totem pole for no reason at all - so im always nice to them unless they're assholes

all the checkers know me at the grocery store and they tell me about all the assholes they deal with - sometimes i get to see the assholes in real time too
- sometimes i get to see the assholes in real time too
Oh yeah.....the number of times I thought I was going to die because I felt the need to tell some dickhole who was well out of my weight category to fucking calm down and stop being a dickhole to the staff.

At the same time, bullies always (I'm sure there are exceptions to the rule) back the fuck down when directly confronted with at least a modicum of confidence.
Have you ever had this feeling, and if so did you ever get over it?
Went through an existential crisis for years; deeply depressed and just saw peoples lives as going to work, coming home, watching TV, few drinks at the weekend - rinse, repeat.
That's just not for me. Did the whole drug thing, thats not for me either. I like to be out and about, cycling around the city and meeting new people...that creates opportunity and meaning, as does creating Art.

What really got me out of that funk was creating a forum, and what I'd do was I'd slap up stickers with the URL on it in random spots.
That created a whole new meaning in life for me - I had random people from all over the city joining up and posting about their lives.
We'd have meet ups and have deep discussions on all sorts of issues. Did that for the guts of a decade and it was one of the most important learning experiences of my life.
I'm actually rebuilding it and the intention is to go about slapping up stickers again.

Conclusion: Life is what you make it. It has no meaning until you give it meaning; no point until you make one.
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As far as I'm concerned you make your own meaning in life.
What do you think your current meaning in life is?

Like I recently got kicked out of my mom's house because i was going a lil crazy(i was kicking her stupid suboxone and was losing my mind, I'll never touch sub again)

But then alzo my dad died a year or so and left me some money, God bless him.. I guess he's smiling down on me. He despised my mom and left her and I had to deal with her crazy mood swings and just being a bit high strung

This is crazy timing as I now have a apt, a job and a okay roomate, looking for a girlfriend badly, been a year.
Funny cause I'd been needing to get out of my mom's house,
because dating girls was tough. She got very jealous and actually made huge deals about this.

"Life is stranger than you can suppose."-McKenna
I just don't suppose anymore.
I hope I've got an idea of what life's meaning is. Or is it just a ride? That we have little to no control over.

We won't know until the ending
I do but then I am told life is also what we make it intrinsically there is no real point on a grand old universal scale but to live without reason or good reason brings one to the level of beasts and dare I say lower

When I view myself as of primary importance I ignore how my actions truly impact others and if I want to survive well I am not the fittest however Darwin spoke of compassion I guess in terms of the human soul's evolution of consciousness and cooperation

The smartest profit over the weakest I often dwell on how I am "enslaved" by this societal construct people go about in like that is normal but stuck in my own head is a dead end street I am starting to see not like looking within to improve just the negative looping of insane thinking if I don't check it I will wreck it

Anyways I need to worry about my own duties which are tiny right now but I could not manage even those this week how dreary and weary I am yet to sit and ruminate won't lift me out of this mess active time in nature will

I guess if I want to live I have to do the 12 Steps which upsets me but when I resist I fall onto a path of destruction no matter how well I think I am doing and they say the primary purpose for them is to live in a manner no prayer has kept me living in thus far for very long but who knows if life is meaningless why do I keep trying to engage what they say is my only hope

I have interests but totally unable to pursue them with this out of control addiction running me into the clutches of insanity and finally organ failure I can see that won't be quick nor painless body cannot take much longer of this mindless self-indulgence

For me to stay a fiend centered on just one more fix makes no sense whatsoever whatever life may have to offer but then without action no prayer will give me a life I can sit calmly in perhaps that has more to do with how my psyche works than with whatever benevolent supernormal powers (I don't buy into the Supreme Creator concept more steeped in Eastern beliefs anyways I digress enough mumbo jumbo sorry to run my keyboard metaphysically) may still be with me after taking a hell spiral of a dive down the wrong road of another pitifully incomprehensibly
demoralizing bender

Last bit to get off my chest I woke up this morning without a full night's rest due to being drunk hopefully for the last time but that's a far cry at this pace to look beyond what should be done today not tomorrow that's not a guarantee for someone like me I digress again to the point I hit my knees and called out for help but the dopamine deficit gerbil wheel my brain is stuck in still started grinding its gears again the hardest lessons in life I refuse to learn yet this pain is teaching me I don't have a choice about it really I cannot stand it any longer so I surrender as they say I have to I can't think I know better after how I have been behaving and thinking

Gosh that was too much but the other choice is to keep seeking a dopamine blast which for .y brain is a terribly agonizing slippery slope I won't fare well on at all not a game I win at I suck at intoxication

So if I can live clean for the rest of today from the neurochemical hijacking vices that basically yoke my entire being to them and find some peace in nature it had a point despite whatever the deranged pride filled but vapidly hollow soulless circus monkey tries to get me to do heck someone people die without ever asking why

People turn to spiritual teachings for a concern like this I am thinking I find no solace elsewhere I could keep searching for Door Number Three who knows the point is I should stop being so careless and self-centered then that is a start I can live with a peaceful point because my ego is not a point?
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Have you ever had this feeling, and if so did you ever get over it?
Yes. Last time yesterday evening after receiving news that threw me completely out of my orbit. I didn't have suicidal thoughts, but wished I would die. I couldn't function anymore, both physically and mentally. And that's when the thought came that there is really no point in going on.
I tried to focus on little positive things. I tried to distract me as good as I could. Eventually I fell asleep, and when I woke up this morning, later than usual and with the sun shining into my room and my dogs poking me with their noses, I felt happy to be alive.
Yesterday's bad news are still valid, and still bad, and I'm still unable to deal with the problem. But right here and now there's nothing I can do besides enjoy the good things. That can be as simple or awesome as the morning sun or a dog's affection.

However, I do believe life is also inherently pointless, or more accurately; life is absurd. Both meaningless and meaning exist simultaneously. This universe's natural state is chaos and absurdity. Meaning and purpose can be found within the absurd chaos, but the chaos on a whole is meaningless. Yin and Yang.
This is very Tao. That's where my search for something metaphysical I can identify with was interrupted. Maybe it's time to that wheel back in motion)
People turn to spiritual teachings for a concern like this

Have you looked into Kabbalah, Rosicrucianism (or even Thelema or The Golden Dawn)? I know Freemasonry requires a belief in a 'Supreme Being' but that could be ANYTHING. I find Freemasonry fascinating myself, I often visit the Grand Lodge here in Dublin and have been to a few meetings and sit downs with the higher ups in regards to joining but I refuse to pursue any kind of path like that until I have a significant amount of sober time under my belt.
why does life have to have some sorta point specifically for you?

dont be so self absorbed

ya know how i feel?

i feel like at any time, i could get a point just by posting in this section

(true story)
Life itself is the whole point of life.
It you can't find it within yourself (now) then just look around. It's there. And if you look close enough you will eventually find something that gets your interest, and starts a chain of thoughts and ideas and based on that, actions. Most will be very simple ones. And that's okay. Human's ability to asks questions about the meaning of life might be seen as a gift, but it's also a curse.