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Favourite Philosophers?

BTW, did anyone mention Sartre? I strongly disagree w/ many of his ideas, and found him to be a bit pompous (him being a Soviet sympathizer and all), but he was definitely a major contributer to existentialism.
Really?!? I'm curious; could you explain why you chose him? Albeit, I'm primarily influenced by some controversial thinkers, especially Ayn Rand.

I didn't like The Art of War that much, (but then again I'm not into military strategy) but The Prince is one of my favourite books. It's like a self help book, but better.
When I was a young girl I was in love (head over heels love) for Albert Camus' The Plague. The feminist part of me loves Simone De Beauvoir.
Has anyone already made the quite expected and not so funny selection of :
Favorite Philosopher = ME

This guy, right here. *points to self*
Kripke, Russel, Spinoza, Leibniz, Putnam, and Chalmers (in no particular order)
Your english really sucks. it's very ambiguous, write concise, write clear, make your argument clear: Obama style. Are you writing for the reader or for yourself?

One of the greatest philosophers: Allama Iqbal

But the west shows him no love:(

I thoguht his writing was clear and concise. Don't really kno what you are getting at.
^some people (like me) may find that such writing styles are actually clear and concise =D
though we're usually vastly outnumbered
^some people (like me) may find that such writing styles are actually clear and concise =D
though we're usually vastly outnumbered

nice clear statement, and "vastly outnumbered" i couldn't have said it better=D
You are showing great improvement after each and every post. I am proud of you:) hehe
Lil Jon


I just began reading his works, and he thoroughly blows my mind. i've only read segments of his philosophical works and am about to begin Thomas the Obscure - can't wait!
lowdown? im not familiar with the term. if you mean what one should read of him, well anything and everything really. his work is not systematic.
edit: one should read him in french though. i never read a translated text of his.
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