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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Favorite Movie Soundtracks & Scores?

So cool to hear ppl's odd tastes. Naturally its odd, weird. Atmosphere -always being an experimental thing, that floats around above in out thru..

Day to day i come back to 25th Hour [2002]. Both parts of it, featured songs..funk, hip hop, rock) but also the score!!

Stone [2010] also with Edward Norton has a special main theme. Idk what word for it. Goosebumpy. Love that film.

The Emerald Forest,1985.

AWWH. Love the Social Network, the soundtrack by Reznor/Atticus ross gave it the dreaming i reckon 😎
I’m so ready and man I find SO MUCH of my music from OSTs. I love the topic even if I am the only contributor daily and feel compelled to just list one after another. ;-). I DO listen to every song I post for sure and i figure Even if not it’s the same moment on the space time continuum, somewhere across time and space or across synchronicity or serendipity we actually do almost intersect or at least were always waving as we orbit by.

Quid Pro Quo

Can you name the year that movie was released as well as the name of the movie and which character and or actor was it actually spoken by? Then can you leave a “famous quote”, from the movie. (A GIF or graphic would work well)

Hey ho. Let’s go!
Hey ho. Let’s go!!
Let's go
tell me about this artist. Who is he, what’s his name, age, normal genre of music. Have you heard of him before he was in this movie which by the way can you put the name of the movie? the year it was released, who the major players were as well as your most favorite quotation from the movie because everyone has one.

Who had seven chipmunks swinging on a branch eating lots of sunflowers on my uncles ranch? You know, that old children’s tale from the sea?

Hey! step into my fucking office!
Because you’re fucking fired!

Here is your chance to educate me because I don’t know if this was a movie because I was occupied at the time, Which BTW still haunts me today because it never came back and up to that point my guilty pleasure had always been movies and media and I had seen every single movie at every single place you could rent them I was so caught up and so proud of that knowledge but little bit ashamed like I should’ve been reading more but I loved it like nothing else and I saw some of the strangest movies & independent films but whatever this was it may have just been a short might be Internet or it may have been cut from a full length movie but either way I gave up on TV after missing too many movies to be able to catch up - so I just quit.

So was this a short made for the Internet like many others or was this an excerpt from a Green Day movie or a movie that Green Day did the soundtrack for and is that the plot shown in video?

Btw I actually had some high hopes for this guy to see what’s coming out with some pretty weird off wall stuff and then he just stopped I guess when he grew up because it was only for maybe 16 through 18 that he made movies that I was paying attention to. Therefore he could still be making them and I’m not watching them ….OH OH OH oh wait a minute

HE WAS IN THE SCARIEST horror movie I’ve seen a long time… see no evil and answer no I have not got to see part two has anyone? I can’t imagine me any better I mean the story is solid and the first one which is just odd for me because those are not normally the type of horror movies I would ever appreciate except it truly could happen in real life therefore generally I don’t call them horror movies they’re more like dramas but that was definitely a horror movie and scariest shit. Maybe simplistic but it is scary! And the one vet. I was surprised because I’m not that much into horror.

Regarding horror movies if anyone wants to discuss there’s only one in history that i didn’t laugh at or was scary to me because it was not a horror movie. Something ridiculous like a cube or something can’t really happen in real life so it doesn’t scare me but sometimes makes me laugh.

Yeah I know to this day, I was way too young to have seen the faces of death. I can still hear the song in the chicken factory!.

Ash from the evil dead series Army of darkness that’s something else and I love that. I haven’t even been able to see the series that came out I’m so far behind. I Yeah I know to this day, I was way too young to have seen the faces of death. I can still hear the song in the chicken factory!

I didn’t get to see the end of True Blood!
I didn’t get to see the last couple of seasons of weeds!
Honestly I did not see the final season of breaking bad!
WTF what does WTF help me Lord help me Rhonda help me JEBUS! Lolol.

I do know what it is though. I’ll admit to you all, in open forum- a secret so deeply hidden, I’ve never even remembered it long enough to even know of a reason worth sharing. That is, unless there is identification- that = human connections stronger than any other as time ceases to be in the equation. My words remain just as valid, as do yours- as long as they still exist to be witnessed somewhere. We were meant to meet.

… I love true blood so much and I don’t want it to ever end… Therefore it won’t.

Fuck off Jebus I’m trying to drive! Help me

“I saw Allah & Buddha Singing at the Savior’s feast when up in the sky an Arabian rabbi fed Quaker Oats to a priest.

Pretty good, not bad
I can’t complain
Because actually all them Gods are just about the same.
~~John Prine”


All about sending my love to Valhalla on a miniature flaming makeshift canoe with candles floating it through the arm of the canal and in my daydreams on into the causeway to eventually reach the open waters of the Gulf.

Chances are the tide would be going backwards and I’d not notice as it lodges in the tall grass behind me.

Does it matter?

Would you believe me if I told you I got this soundtrack on my only birthday party which was my ninth at the single parent campus apartments. I also Recd Greased lightening.

Living in the campus single parent apartments complex, there was a varied group of people/contemporaries and being a college town for 14,000 people only that was a ghost town in between time unless you stayed which were so few did….My choice of friends in the third grade range from younger than me to much older than me and maybe one friend in my same grade. Her name was Julie I remember that.

This place was so cool because it was right behind the stadium so hearing the games on the weekends going to the stands the next day was awesome and those old-time carnivals with the real crane lift they had those and they were so cool.

When it rained it would often flash flood and we had all the spots in the bushes it was so cool but I have another friend who’s older sister was in eighth grade. At my birthday party there are probably 10 people there that’s about how many kids live in the apartments and like I said only one other with my age. After I knew all the words to greased lightning but I’m not sure I’d yet seen the movie, I ask Melissa (8th grader) about a word that I was singing in a song. I said that I didn’t want to ask my dad who was raising me as a single dad what it meant unless I could figure out what it meant first.

She asked how the line went. I said it goes: Look at me I’m Sandra Dee I’m lousy with virginity. asked what ‘virginity’ meant. I never got an answer. She said that when I was older i could ask an adult but I was just too young to understand.

rocky horror is one of course I knew all the words by rote immediately and well even when Dallas/Richardson Spring Valley & Coit they did have a midnight showing where everybody dressed up and i couldn’t go unless it was a close to authentic as remains.

Therefore, I must now humbly admit for the first time in public forum for sure and I’m embarrassed to say I know every word to every song but no I have never seen the magic of Tim Curry and the time warp and dammit Janet you’re a slut!

Please share with me your experiences of this epic showing whether you saw it that way or not. I’m afraid my time has passed and that happens in a lot of movies in the end so I waited right to the line which seem to be right around altered states or Clockwork Orange cause I didn’t go right before that too much maybe carny. I was actually disappointed that Altered State wasn’t more entertaining for me and I knew It was those same reasons Clockwork Orange didn’t do it for me though Some déjà vu peeling made me know that I almost maybe just missed the line. I know I did. I just waited a little too long. Don’t get me started.

I see a movie I want to see again though and I just saw it as I was creating a video so I had to go get clip from it -oh my God -I need to see dead men don’t wear plaid again wow see I don’t even think I understood back in the day what was going on… That makes me think of Johnny dangerously

You stupid bastage!!

I was going to say Davitch from Ememy Mine with Lou grossett jr and .. shit and i won’t look up his name. Oh shit - I said if should start forgetting names, lyrics and songs …..DENNIS QUAID.

See he was actually in a movie which I didn’t really like his character or many of the characters but the movie turned out to be fantastic because there’s been like three movies ever the second day were over I restarted because usually I have this thing back when I loved a - after about a year because usually I’ve forgotten them because I do have a big trick of the memory of purposely forgetting the movie completely like I never even saw it and re-enjoy it again if I will wait one year so I’ve been playing with memory for far too long so now. I should be more surprised that everything’s turning up clusterforked since I was leas system design.

Dennis QuAid, I believe was the captain in Pandora. I did not rewatch that movie I’ve never seen it again but it had an affect on me. It was really good and the second it was over I jumped on IMDB to look for the second part and because of an epic fail on the budget for whatever reason because it was a good freaking movie, due to the loss of funding even though the movie was already written, they did not go forward with part two. I need to see part two man! Lol

And movies i rehit start when the credits rolled - I MUST see the matrix. IDK how but gotta see it.

Regarding this Fubar memory situation… I know now. SIGH….. big f sigh. There’s always a worse way to go but man, I recall One day laughing until I was laughing through blurry tears on how fucking ironic it is that someone like myself who all I have is my memory and it’s everything - it’s my ability to think, see, hear like I literally can go blind and deaf like a mute if I forget some data well it’s all there I just can’t access it I knew this was coming but what a fucking nightmare way to go.

I tried to think maybe it’s a mercy like if you had Alzheimer’s but you know that’s not true …remembering things… it’s like Swiss cheese really because I’m pulling vocabulary words out of my ass so I know something’s up. That’s because when I reach for the words I normally would reach for they are gone which causes me to dredge up old terms which is good because I have that option - some other synonyms and such . But I don’t like it. Just know that. I know no one would love such unique challenges that I never could’ve imagined and why do I have to experience them now because I’ve had a hard time I really have - I don’t say that much but what’s this life for creed just pure suffering?

I completely stopped asking why when I was 27 when I became mired in analysis paralysis. So WHY (there it is again) it’s come up a few times lately. You know back in the day I was told why ask why who cares why doesn’t matter why all kinds of trying to negotiate with the word why in my analysis paralysis but none of it made a difference.

What I had to do and I don’t know when it changed but I have never looked back until six years ago I guess was a day of my diagnosis although I was told I had three months at that time, 3 months a year in then three months a couple years ago and three months now. Don’t think I don’t believe the hype - I believe it every time so much so that if I could kill myself in my thoughts alone I would’ve been dead the first three months. Unbelievably as powerfully strong as positive thinking is and changing our lives apparently being convinced we’re nothing can change your mind that you’re dying or dead or won’t wake up - well I keep waking up… what I’m thinking doesn’t seem to have much bearing on what actually occurs. I guess that’s a relief like dud since as I said I would’ve killed myself many times over by now on accident usually.

Please don’t tell me it’s really wasn’t enough! All my friends are not dead or in jail! Both of those lines were spoken by John Prine. All my friends turned out to be insurance salesman. That’s a third.
sure you have!?..me myself & Irene(i posted the Spanish! 🐥).
That particular, tune- it's bombastic nirvana.
These ones...

No i actually hadn't!! I downloaded it straight away but havent watched yet. That tune took my bloody head off. I'm looking forward to this film. 🤩