Favorite Cartoon

After reading some more threads I know see that I watched far to many cartoons as a child.......
However, I must add two more of my favorites from those afternoons after school....
Duck Tails and Darkwing Duck!
You gotta love cartoons that poke fun at greed and infatuation.
Not to mention a duck who has a money bin taller then the empire state building and a hero who has his secret layer in the golden gate bridge.
PLUR to all
Chalice™ (AKA "Star-face-a-chu")
"Reality is a delerium caused by conciousness"
"I'm a little bit of everything, and to much of all of it!"
Oh yeah, dragon ball Z is fuckin' great.
I love the simpsons, but (like motab) I don't really think of it as a "cartoon."
Skywalker: WHATS THE ANSWER?! I feel like a damned moron not knowing it...
dead ant. dead ant. dead ant. dead ant. dead ant. dead ant. dead aaaaaaaant. deeeeead ant.
*sung beautifully to the tune of PINK PANTHER!*
man motab! how could you not know that one??
oh yeah..and my fave cartoon of all time is Astroboy. I have been known to dress up like him on ocassion
EXCEPT the top half of my body remained clothed.
[This message has been edited by mona (edited 17 January 2000).]
All I know is that the Care Bears were huge stoners, Smurfette had her choice of 100 or so cocks, and Scooby Doo and Shaggy have taken one two many bong hits.
If it seems as if I can roll harder than others, it is only because I have rolled on the shoulders of giants
My number one, favorite cartoon is definetly the simpsons. besides that johnny bravo and old school jetsons!!!
hmmm, love those cartoons.
but i do notice no one mentioned my favorite CATDOG, you know, half cat and half dog? love it! watch the simpsons everyday, sometimes twice. tom and jerry rock, old school bugs bunny, woody woodpecker, smurfs, scooby doo, ren and stimpy, i could go on and on.
Any of you old skoolers remember the Moncheechees? Now that's old skool!
Hmmm let me see...I guess I am considered an oldskooler!!
here's my list:
1. Transformers
2. GI Joe
3. Bugs Bunny
4. Macross
5. Voltron
6. He-Man
7. Thundercats
8. Guyver
9. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
10. Superfriends
11. The Simpsons
12. Smurfs
13. Pinky and The Brain
14. Pokemon
and last but not least...
15. Animaniacs
In conclusion...saturday morning cartoons are the best!

kick out the gloom!
kick out the blues!
tear out the pages with all the bad news
pull down the mirrors and pull down the walls
Tear up the stairs and tear up the floors
Its a perfect day to throw back your head and kiss it all goodbye!
All the old school stuff, Transformers, G.I. Joe, Voltron, and all the classics Buggs, Donald, Tom and Jerry, and Porky.
If there is grass on the field play ball!
it all depends on what cartoon mood i am in (and simpsons don not count as cartoon, the are in a league of their own taht i will call best show on television).
my fave cartoons of all time is probably x-men and voltron.
second faves: he-man, transformers, square face batman and batman beyond, magilla gorilla (he was so stupid!!) josie and pussy cats, spiderman.
third tier: scobby doo (before the and scrappy too days), duck tails, alvin and the chipmunks, carebears (stare!), ninja turtles (before the futuristic phase as they were losing in ratings to the power rangers), heckle and jeckle.
almost anything i'd watch. i rush home from work to watch batman and i wake up at 8:50 on saturdays to catch batman beyond (then go back to sleep) and yes, i am a 25 year old female.
ok, now here is a real old school question: who remembers a cartoon about a family of colorful "blabs" that can take on any shape they wanted...i have been racking my brain for 3 years now. only my older brother and one friend can recall ever watcing such a show. the father was pink, that i remember, he was a pink blab. and i think his name was baba papa. my other friend looked it up at work (she does something with access to past prductions) but couldn't find any show named baba papa. PLEASE HELP ME REMEMBER.
Voltron that is awesome! Which one though? There was the one with the lions and the one with the cars...the girl in pink was a hottie...LOL
Nice to meet you this weekend. I am sure we will do it again. Take care Tommy Boy!!!

On the 8th day, Tiger created a monster.
finally, sumone shows a lil luv for voltron =) comin up for all us college-age kids, it was all about voltron, he-man, jetsons, gi joe, and the one i CANT BELIEVE you all forgot... GUMMI BEARS!!! all tyme favorite. this thread is makin me smile so much *^_^* damn, to sit there all day and watch cartoons... oh wait, thats what i do now. aiya, i wish... btw, could someone describe the get along gang as much as possible??? i KNOW ive seen it, but i cant picture it at all =( sheesh, minds going like water...
one last thing... what do yoo all spose was in that "gummi-berry juice"???
~~the footprints, the green light, angel... *desiderata*
for oldtimes i go with transformer, thundercats, and voltrons...
nowaday i have to say batman, batman beyond, the tick, and beastwar...
anyone ever watched the tick...that guy and his sidekick author is hella funny!!

everyday is a new day...
everythought is a new idea...
"The Simpsons" would be my obvious choice, hence, my ability to watch all 15 episodes that air each week. But I cannot, in good conscience, classify it as such. I would also like to say "Space Ghost Coast to Coast" kicks so much ass (as did Cartoon Planet, all because of Brak), but it also cannot be deemed a cartoon. Thus, I will move on.
As far as cartoons go, I am an ol' skooler. I grew up watching japanese cartoons (which shows with my love for anime) in Japan, and then fell in love with the cartoons that aired in the states. Here are some of my all-time favs:
Ol Skool
1. Transformers, baby!!
2. Voltron (My fave was Voltron II... it involved three robots -- Alpha, Beta, and Gamma -- that formed into one and would kick much ass, though few really ever saw this version)
3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Heroes in a half-shell, turtle power!!)
4. Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats... HOOOOOOOOO!!!
5. Wile E. Coyote (
) and the Road Runner
6. G.I. Joe (The movie rocked!! I still love Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes)
7. Gobots (not as dope as Transformers but they still entertained)
8. Bionic Six (Mad props to Motab for remembering this show... and Karate-1 rules!!)
9. He-man (by the power of Greyskull)
10. C.O.P.S. (later renamed "Cyber Cops")
Honorable mention goes to: Wheeled Warriors, Visionaries, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Dennis the Menace, Scooby Doo, and Tom & Jerry.
1. Ranma ½
2. Macross (Robotech in U.S.)
3. Tenchi Muyo
4. Dragon Ball Z
5. Fatal Fury
6. Sailormoon
7. Fushigi Yuugi
8. The Slayers
9. Neon Genesis Evangelion
10. Gunbuster
Honorable mention goes to: Initial D, Grave of the Fireflies, Visions of Escaflowne, Slam Dunk, Gundam, Ninja Scroll, YuYu Hakusho, and Devil Hunter Yohko.
New Skool
1. X-men (I miss this show sooo much!!)
2. Pokemon (my fave's Eevee)
3. Powerpuff Girls (Bubbles is just too cute!!)
4. The Tick (Spoooooooooooon!!)
5. Batman
6. Beast Machines (memories of the old series)
7. Pinky and the Brain
8. Batman Beyond
9. Spiderman
10. Beavis and Butthead
Honorable mention goes to: Animaniacs, Ren and Stimpy, Superman, Men in Black, and Tiny Toons.
Yeah, I guess you can say I love cartoons.
there are soooo many cartoons that are my favs .here they are he-man , cat dog, two angry beavers , and last but not least,it wasnt a cartoon but it was a kid show called the magic garden.
Dragon Ball Z is the best cartoon ever. If you ever happen to be trippin on 'cid when its on, or have a tape, WATCH IT. It will appear 3D to you. Its one of the weirdest things I have ever saw.