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Fatal Mushroom Trip - 7 Grams - First and Last Attempt

Im very sorry to hear about your horrible experience :(
jonah_222, all ive ever seen posted by you indicates that you are the troll, please fuck off and dont come back.
Im not going to be rude like Jonah_222 but I would really like to see a news paper article or something that backs up Bad_trips story as being factual. Despite what you may think people whom have NEVER touched a drug in there lives get off on making up bad drug expierance stories and posting them where ever they can..... They have been brainwashed by government ANTI-DRUG propaganda and think hey if I can scare a few people away from using drugs by making up shit I have done something positive for society....
Dont believe the government anti drug lies....think for yourself
It does seem odd that this was posted by someone who's BL account seemed to be entirely for the purpose of posting this story. I don't doubt that it's possible for this to happen, but if people think that posting bad or even fatal trip reports is going to stop people from doing drugs, they are severly inbred.
yeah,this could have been a totally falsified report, or it could be 100% reality. we won't know for sure without knowing the people involved, or seeing legal documentation. but that's not my point.
drugs, aside from the OD'able ones, do not kill people. it is the actions that people take while under the influence of them that kill. this is a good reason to either have a sitter, which i personally have neglected to do at any point in time, lock yourself away from anything that could even remotely be harmful, as we all should know that when under an influence, even the most simple things can become deadly, or know your limits and don't go past them without taking precautions.
this report is, in its simplest form, a warning to people about respecting drugs. if you respect the drug, and its capabilities, you shouldn't ever have to worry about anything like this. because, when you respect your drugs, you know how far you can go with them, and don't try to go past that.
sorry for the loss of your friend. i had my first friend death at age 9...it really sucks. so, if you want someone to talk to, feel free to get in touch with me.
well look, this is all i can say,
reading that post was seriously moving, it gives u a sad feel and yet in the back of your mind u actually do wonder if you are spinning shit???
i guess we will never really know unless we see it posted on the news or in a newspaper or some shit like that!
so all i can say hypothetically is that if really is real, then fuck, that is horrible man!! get better!
Honestly, real or not, that could happen to anyone. Please people, know your limits cause freak accidents happen everyday. So when you are all fucked up make sure you are in a safe environment. It gives you a feeling of security just in case you bug out. Sorry to hear about your loss bro...I hope things work out for ya.
i have eaten 7 grams or more of good dried mushrooms on several occasions, the worst thing that happened to me was puking my ass off during one of the times. when you take that much its really...weird. i prefer acid over mushrooms, but there hasnt been any acid around for months =(.
you are the #4846th person to say that. everyones complaining theres no acid. Is it that hard to make? oh well Ill do either acid or shrooms. dxm was nice but now im ready for more intense visuals :)
Damn. This is quite a stark reminder of exactly WHY sober sitters are necessary for more intense trips.
Much sorrow for your loss.
-plaz out-
I feel for your loss, and I hope you can learn to cope with what has happened, remember that there are people that care for you and please do not commit suicide. As for lessons that can be learned from this, there are many, and I'm not going to babble on about them. Be smart, be safe, be happy. 7 grams of mushrooms is a lot, and I just want to say that I wouldn't have even considered driving at all on such a dose, I would have stayed in a dark room with a bucket to puke into and a tape recorder to record the information that the magical fungi related to me so i could record the visions. That is definitely not a recreational dose, at least in my opinion. Again, I hope you can learn to cope, and achieve some state of happiness again.
Psychotic Episodes are fucking horrible man, I had a friend kill himself after taking too much acid. And as a result I am recovering from post traumatic stress disroder. If you ever need anyone to talk to about help to get over things, or possible medication that may help you don't hesitate to drop an email man. Seriously, as bad as things as now luckily there is loads of treatment and help available for things that happen like this.
Email:[email protected]
Please dont hesitate to email me, I wish you the best :)
I had to respond to this because of one of my trips that is scarily similar to the one that was described. Me and two other friends also had eaten 7 grams of mushies that we had cultivated. We were also outdoors camping on an unseasonable cold day in March where the temperature got down into the 20's. The one difference was that we had a sober person with us. Without this person my friend's fall in the creek could have become disastrous. For most of us, having a sober trip sitter may seem unimportant since we understand how drugs can affect us. I know now that having a sober person there was one of the best decisions of our lives.
BAD_TRIP, Like so many others I hope things turn around. As for contemplating suicide, I've done that a thousand times in my jacked up life, but remember the view is always strained at the bottom of the hill, meaning a decision like that now might not be what the "real" you wants to do, that is the you that is happy and on the right track. You'll get back on your feet man, it's only inevitable.
Antidepressants - I have been back and forth on every kind their is, like said before some *can* fuck you up in a situation like that, but those are usually the ones designed to make people more outgoing and energetic (particularly effexor, and many tricyclics). However, most single action SSRI's are very calming and really help you get your shit together, not in the world, but in your head. This is all speculation and piece of mind, and take what i say not as advice but as experience, but I had wonderful results with Celexa.
Best of luck to you man, peace and happiness.
Terribly sorry about your friend. If you need someone to talk to, you can email me.
:( sorry to hear about this. Post again sso we can see how you are doing.
Just thought this was time for a bump, seems as winters is just round the corner.
Always have a sober trip sitter if you can, especialy if you are trying drugs of unkown potency.
This is a very sad story wether true or false.
I was doing a search on shrooms and found this report, definitely worth a "bump". Very sad, but very enlightning in terms of safety. Know your limits, know your setting.
I've had 2 friends eat too many mushies and kill themselves. Not eh mushies, but the actions they took because of the mushies....
This is a very good leason at a VERY TRAGIC cost.
I seriously hope for your soul's sake that you can come to grips with this. It is NOT your fault, and it is NOT the drugs fault. Simple human error, and it could have been prevented not by not taking the drugs but simply by following a few simple rules.
Yo had no idea that this would take the turn it did.
This story is one that SCREAMS for HARM-REDUCTION!
Had these drugs been used in a facility that is safe and isn't of an unknown potency, this loss of life would likely not have occured.
I will pray for you.
And do not kill yourself! You made a mistake, but it wasn't YOUR MISTAKE that harmed your friend. It was theirs.
I know that this hurts, and I'm sure that it wasn't infact the loss of life that hurt as much as the loss of life in your state at the time.
I know it normally hurts, but the way you were when you discovered this was inevitably what has scarred you.
I pray for you and your friends and family for your loss.
Interesting, still one that should be read by all...
Look after your friends, look after yourself.
I'm very sorry that all that happened to you, it scares me because I know that this could have happened to me, or anyone one else here on bluelight just as easily.
how long ago did this happen? b/c i read this same report posted on the shroomery not too long ago.
i'm really sorry to hear about that, but it amazes me that something like that could happen off shrooms. i don't see how shrooms could ever fuck you up to the point of freezing yourself to death when you could have the option of sitting in a warm car.
i know this is *extremely* improbable...but was there a possibility they were "laced"? because while most 7 gram trips are extremely intense i've never heard of a shroom trip inducing "unconciousness"