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Extremely heavy DMT trip,what to do?

...didn't know what sleep is,who i am,who my friends and parents are...I don't remember the visuals at all,they were so different from my other dmt trips.I felt like I was dying and born again and again and again....

Is this the "amnesia" you are talking about...sounds like it was temporary and DMT amnesia is pretty common...at least not remembering the trip is.

Do you even take drugs P.?
dude - wtf?
would you please show some fuckin restraint before you actually (and deliberately?) talk people into a worse situation?

@SoonAJunkie: from my perspective this guy^ lacks both competence/experience and empathy to be of any help in your situation.

what does help in your situation - and it is indeed a quite common situation - is radical and non-judgmental acceptance of what you experience(d) and the confidence that time will heal what feels damaged and that you will eventually grow from it. trust the process, don't over-analyze, distract yourself, give yourself a treat.

...and; use this as your mantra:

"Can someone please tell me what to do to make the trip wear off completely.... I don't wanna feel like I don't exist.... "

I was talking about the amnesia from the trip and the statement above confirms to me that the amnesia associated with the trip is still on-going a month following use.
dude - wtf?
would you please show some fuckin restraint before you actually (and deliberately?) talk people into a worse situation?

@SoonAJunkie: from my perspective this guy^ lacks both competence/experience and empathy to be of any help in your situation.

Who, exactly, is "dude", dude?
I'd say you've given raw sensations the unfit significance of believing that you knew everything.

If you had known everything then life must ultimately must be futile and unfulfilling.

Drop the false belief, your judgement of what is everything has no meaning. It was a hollow experience and life lies outside of the false boundaries you have created.

I see from reading more of your posts that you, actually, don't do drugs...
...did you have a bad trip that left you damaged?...are your parents degenerate druggies?...

...go head...lie down on my couch and tell phuckingnutz what happened to make you this way?

...you see, the purpose of a harm reduction forum is to prevent harm from drugs...yes, but also to prevent harm to the person from themselves...so you might want to think about that the next time you give one of your abrasive, acerbic responses to a person who is, obviously, distressed.

...now, young man, get off my couch, take some psychedelics, and call me in the morning.
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Hi all I'm here again
Ill make an update. People who haven't done dmt,and are cool with your lives DON'T DO IT.Dmt will break that bubble of safety that you're living in,showing you what existence is like,for me,it showed me that existence is a damned curse,and it's fake.Watch out.It's extremely potent....You're gonna face your inner demons
I agree with PhuckingNutz up there..It's pretty clear that this guy is just asking for guidance and here we have somebody whose ego seems to have been offended for some reason or another, and replies as though his own intellect is being challenged.

SoonAJunkie...It seems like you we're given these messages for a reason. Did you have a goal in life before this trip? Did you have a goal you we're trying to accomplish during the trip? Ask yourself without being in denial, what kind of lifestyle you we're/are living and the habits/choices you make daily..Find our what your vices are and defeat them. Start becoming more giving and helping others..I find that always improves my mood best, along with helping myself with exercise(something I've been personally lacking lately and in all honesty has been my worst vice of all...losing my physical health, which whether you choose to believe so or not, effects your mood probably greater than anything else besides your diet).

Start with the basics again friend..You are reborn.

Start eating healthy, start exercising, don't let yourself be isolated in loneliness and surround yourselves by friends and family, and every chance you get to help someone(with anything), do it, because you may crack a smile and not even notice it...

And over time, the experiences of your past will be just that...An experience of the past. Live and Learn!
Trust me guy...ignorance really is bliss, you're right. But you'll learn to embrace that ignorance a little bit again as time goes on;).
No no man I'm not offended by the trip...i was always loving and caring.Most people here believe I'm an ignorant idiot but I'm not, I know tons of stuff,believe me.Dmt somehow showed me that my infinite thirst for information is, like,unwanted?
been there, done that SoonAJunkie...

Except it was with some LSD sweet tarts that we're "dipped" in liquid LSD(give or take 5-10 hits per tart) in addition to a 70mg vyvanse somewhere in that time... tripped for over 18 hours with my buddies and had to take some klonopin to fall asleep before my parents got home. Needless to say it was the most intense experience of my life, and bare in mind I have taken acid and mushrooms plenty of times before that..

I was just like you. Nothing seemed to make me happy and life had this sense of complete meaningless..always asking myself questions, feeling as though everything I did was just a waste of time. No enjoyment from anything that I used to be so satisfied with doing..

Interesting to see someone else has experienced this. After caning too much acid when I was about 18 I experienced exactly what you describe above. I even went to the doctor, convinced I was suffering some sort of depression. This was about 20 years ago though and they didn't dish out antidepressants like they do nowadays so didn't get given anything to help with it. It then took about a year of staying off all drugs completely for me to get my "normal" head back on.
I've not had acid since, although have tried and enjoyed a wide selection of other substances.
Recently I've been wanting to give DMT a bash, but if there's a danger that it could bring these type of negative post-trip feelings back then I don't think I'll bother. By the way, I wasn't someone that ever really suffered from bad trips. At the time they were all great fun.
for the record: a sufficient dose of any strong psychedelic substance can bring on an existential crisis like that.

'ignorance is bliss' is not the right attitude when delving into serious psychoactives - however no level of commitment can save the adept from receiving lessons he didn't ask for...
it's part of the deal. substantially so.

"You're gonna face your inner demons"
yes. do so!
and you will grow.
Interesting to see someone else has experienced this. After caning too much acid when I was about 18 I experienced exactly what you describe above. I even went to the doctor, convinced I was suffering some sort of depression. This was about 20 years ago though and they didn't dish out antidepressants like they do nowadays so didn't get given anything to help with it. It then took about a year of staying off all drugs completely for me to get my "normal" head back on.
I've not had acid since, although have tried and enjoyed a wide selection of other substances.
Recently I've been wanting to give DMT a bash, but if there's a danger that it could bring these type of negative post-trip feelings back then I don't think I'll bother. By the way, I wasn't someone that ever really suffered from bad trips. At the time they were all great fun.
They share the same symptoms but they may not share the same pathology.

Check out the delusions: cotard, reference, and grandeur and let me know what you think.
for the record: a sufficient dose of any strong psychedelic substance can bring on an existential crisis like that.

'ignorance is bliss' is not the right attitude when delving into serious psychoactives - however no level of commitment can save the adept from receiving lessons he didn't ask for...
it's part of the deal. substantially so.

"You're gonna face your inner demons"
yes. do so!
and you will grow.

Totally agree. Despite going through that unpleasant period I'm still glad I took acid. Just shoulda been sensible and had it in slightly lower quantities :D
The longer term positives for me marry precisely with all the cliches - broadened horizons, insight into life and the universe etc etc.
And now i'm old and sensible I wouldn't DMT if I did try it, like I used to with other substances when I was young and foolish.
No no man I'm not offended by the trip...i was always loving and caring.Most people here believe I'm an ignorant idiot but I'm not, I know tons of stuff,believe me.Dmt somehow showed me that my infinite thirst for information is, like,unwanted?

Soon, this time ahead of you is the integration period of your trip...sometimes it's easy sometimes not. The most good often comes from something bad...cliché but true.
Never stop having a thirst for knowledge...when you stop asking questions and learning new things then you start to die.
That said, the knowledge doesn't have to come all at once.
You're young...take your time...you have the rest of your life.

Lastly, you stated that "ignorance is bliss", oddly enough as time passes, your ignorance will return, to some degree, meaning that the more time that passes, the softer the edges of your trip will be.

As I said before, time is your best friend...learn from this and it will be worth the ride you took.
phuckingnutz said:
… think about that the next time you give one of your abrasive, acerbic responses to a person who is, obviously, distressed.
Maybe you should think for a moment about what is being said. Talking to God gaining endless knowledge. These are just delusions. Making a person realize the truth is going to make their life worthwhile. He will be a better judge of what value this experience had and what real knowledge is.

I agree with PhuckingNutz up there..It's pretty clear that this guy is just asking for guidance and here we have somebody whose ego seems to have been offended for some reason or another, and replies as though his own intellect is being challenged.
I was questioning his false claims of knowledge. Let him answer for himself.
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I was questioning his false claims of knowledge. Let him answer for himself.

...and you know they're false becausssssse..........why?...because you FUCKING DON'T KNOW P.Man.

He might actually know EVERYTHING...He may even know why you are such a fucking PRICK.

Fuck it...this is turning into a "P.Man" roast, which is no fun 'cause it's too easy. Sooooo, I'm gonna bow out.