Exercise 4 Health, Mental Health, and Addiction vs. The Endorphin Factory

I really wish I could meditate in more effective ways. That will help!
Thanks JA! :)
I really wish I could meditate in more effective ways. That will help!
Thanks JA! :)

Sure thing E. I think I'm going to delve into this as well, just got to work on getting my knees into that pretzel posture Yogi deal. The Apan Vayu Mudra might be a good starting point.
Dam, the heat is on finally in my corner of the states. Broke down half a dozen shipped pallets looking for a needle in a haystack and was drenched. I think I need a couple of days to acclimate after the lovely cool ocean breeze weather..
I'm having a Swimming hour tomorrow, finally. Need to make use of the credit I have at the local gym, especially now during the holidays.
I'm going to swim for one hour, have already confirmed my presence. It's downstairs so I won't miss it.
I feeling good already!! :)
Lifted back and some shoulders last few days.. Sore today so I'm taking another rest day.. Going to stretch and soak
I'm going to see about going to a yin yoga class each Sunday, as opposed to just practicing at home. May as well learn some new asanas, find a good teacher and there are always cute girls around those places. I presently practice at home every day. Enjoying a nice refreshing cup of iced white tea at the moment.

I'd also like to learn how to formally meditate... like Transcendental Meditation maybe - but like with a real teacher, in a meditation class. I think the yoga studies gets involved with meditation sometimes.

I love long walks! I go for them all the time, anywhere and from the evening to late at night just depending on how I feel. I'm going for one later today, just not sure when. I'm feeling pretty sad today though.
That's great ShroomySatori!! It seems you are doing fine. It's nice to see you being engaged in activities and enjoying meditation.

I also like long walks, I do it every weekend and sometimes I get so far. It gives me a chance to think calmly about everything.
The weather is helping too. :)
That's what I like about them too. I often go at an hour when most people are asleep so it's nice and quiet. I always feel refreshed getting home.The weather is helping too but there was one time when it too late to turn around, a few months ago, when a fucking Canadian quasi-torrential downpour start going on. By the time I was back on my street, it had rather abruptly stopped raining, I was soaked to the bone with freezing cold whether too. I still enjoy it! For some strange reason it was fun.

Thanks man, I'm feeling okay. I have a job interview tomorrow and I am really excited about it. Just found out. I'm also going travelling (not far, just to a closeby city for several days next week to stay at my friends guest room at his condo. Super existed. I'm seeing the band whose skull emblem I have tattooed on my arm. They went on hiatus for like ten years so I was never able to see them live... it feels like a dream. And then my buddies like to party of course.

I'm still trying to quit the heroin but I'm also trying to enjoy life. I'd like to get back to strictly oxycodone for pain management.
Took yesterday off too.. Big day today. Going to hit chest hard, abbs and then shovel mulch for two hours.

Rest day tomorrow 4 sure.
Planning to swim tomorrow. It's too early.
Either I stay as planned (before work) or risk missing the hour free late at the evening.
legs and biceps are up. walking as well.. need to get into some beginning yoga soon. going to soak today as well.
I did swim once this week but it was coldish in the morning and I felt really tired after work. I'm thinking of going to regular walks and swim at least once a week. As long as I keep moving and not stressed out at work I'll be fine. But it's true, exercise really improves our moods. And if done right it can give us so much energy.
I'm doing gym today during our one hour break. We trying to get this routine working at work.
Walked, lifted legs and biceps. A few days ago i added new ab lifts to my program and im happy I did.
@neversickanymore - What is your workout regimen? I usually try and hit one body part ever workout then end my session with some cardio.

Today was chest/tris ending with a 15m run.