Exercise 4 Health, Mental Health, and Addiction vs. The Endorphin Factory

Me: 1 Treestump: 0

Fingers crossed I can get out of bed tomorrow.

Now that's impressive!!.. last one took me a few days and then my father pulled it out with a truck.

Easy day today.. going to lift biceps and soak in the spa.. maybee some loads of mulch later on after it cools down.
Now that's impressive!!.. last one took me a few days and then my father pulled it out with a truck.

Easy day today.. going to lift biceps and soak in the spa.. maybee some loads of mulch later on after it cools down.

I so wanted to be in Texas or the middle of nowhere so explosives could have been implemented. You & Erik have got the right idea about swimming/ spa.
I did manage to swim early, but now after work I just feel so tired. Happy but tired.
I've been working out for the past 3 days. I'm back at it. Doing crunches, push-ups and running on the treadmill. Feels good.
I am a heroin addict, and I used to have no sex drive for years. Now I do two or three hours of yoga a day when I'm using (at home, since I used to practice so much), after I use (zero hours in withdrawal of course) and I find that I don't really have serious testosterone issues like before. I know there was a study I read about in the science of yoga (a book) that mentioned yoga increased testosterone levels, just not really cardio strength. In other words, I am horny as fuck again despite using, etc.
Also, I am very strong for an opiate addict. I tend to become incredibly gaunt very quickly in withdrawal, but when I am doing this and sticking to my vegetarian diet without running out of dope for a while, I can get up to 200 lbs, pretty decent for having chronic spinal pain.

Love yoga. Cycling is great too and really fun, especially if you get a nice road bike (mine is a nice sorta vintage looking lugged steel bike, not those carbon frame ones... I absolutely love it, really skinny parts to it.
^ That's excellent! I'm glad you're getting so many benefits from yoga. Sounds like exactly what you need!

And thank you Erikmen! You're an inspiration. Gonna try to keep it up. I think many of my problems came from not forcing myself to exercise like I should have.
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The meditation aspect is excellent as well. Makes me very relaxed, especially with restorative/yin asanas.
^ I wanted to know how really meditate. I think it's great and can make you feel good. In control. Focused.
It doesn't necessarily have to be spiritual. Meditation can really help me with concentration and self awareness. A calm, relaxed, mentally stimulating, observant mindstate. Also, it can improve my mood and help with optimism. And being in the present moment, a cliche thing to say I guess but it definitely does do that. Life can pass you by if you get lost in your thoughts and memories. There are a lot of practical benefits to it too.
^ I agree with you. People need to learn how to turn themselves off. Don't think of anything and sort of reset your mind and body.

I personally have had a difficult time to stop thinking of things in general when I'm required to. It's a work in progress but I would really want to practice it until I learn.
Yeah, that's a cool way of putting it. Thoughts are flying through my mind all the time and it's only really after calm yoga sessions on heroin hits that I can achieve that beautiful blank state.

If you try to pay constant attention to your breathing, and practice those slow deep breaths starting from deep in the belly and moving up to the chest it can help. Mind/body connection.

I have trouble with that too because I'm not always doing restorative yoga poses after more intensive ones on heroin! The thing is that the thoughts don't really have to go away, and they might never be able to. For myself, it's all about letting them flow by without getting caught up in them.

Just as an example, I have tons of thoughts when I'm in cold turkey heroin withdrawal. My mind races a mile a minute when I'm not feeling dead inside. I think forward in time to that next hit, and that creates suffering because I am comparing it to the present moment where my bones and muscles are aching, my legs are shaking, arms feel like lead... it helps if I just let those thoughts flow by. Some of those thoughts can be really negative too, like suicidal ideation and it's best to just let them exist and flow through your mind without acknowledging their existence or dwelling on them any further by making connections and getting stuck in negative thought loops. I get a lot of practice with this in heroin withdrawal because I really try to stay in the present moment and accept the state of my body and mind without comparing it to any past or future states I might find myself in (like finally getting that hit 3 days later and getting on with life). It could be about a past girlfriend too, see mine always have some sort of root in suffering, fear, stuff like that it seems. Anyways, I find it really helps to recognize that they will pass (if it's something bad like a drug craving) and to just let them flow by accepting it (if it's just regular mind chatter).

Hope this was useful in some way man. I practice yoga a lot so I end up thinking about ways to achieve that beautiful state without drugs and long yoga sessions. I found it easy to write this being I have recognized the same problem within my self, and find it super hard to deal with sometimes.

Oh and I don't know if this will show as an edit (I'm a chronic editor lol... aka super annoying poster) but I am so, so so so so super psyched to practice yoga this morning! I finally got my fix yesterday after a long withdrawal stint, which had me pretty much bedridden, and for 3 days I only had bananas and some grapefruit juice so I was feeling emaciated. I had a lovely vegetarian pasta last night, and I'm going to make some strawberry crepes for breakfast. All that joint rolling back in the day has lead to a new valuable life skill: rolling them crepes full of yummy strawberry puree I have to make. Oh and I have to do something for a friend, but then the sun will be shining and I'll be out on that deck doing downward dogs : ) I've gotten up to holding 10 minute ones, when 5 used to be hard. I think I'm going to try 15 minutes soon, but not today. After that withdrawal hell, I'll have to take it easy and do some 5 minute ones working up to 10 minutes today because I haven't done an asana in days... I just can't practice in withdrawal, although, I am practicing in a way for sure. It's just different (basically what I was describing above, trying to transcend the horrible suffering of it) and not as good for my body.
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I'm trying to get back to my daily routine exercises, I had it going on for so long, now I just can't get enough enthusiasm to re-start. :\