Exercise 4 Health, Mental Health, and Addiction vs. I worked all that out

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When you get out of surgery omen to those tiny little exercises they give you for years.. they end up making all the difference.. speaking of which now my damn ac joint is killing me.. think its time to see a sports doc about this shit.

Yeah I know, gotta do them all.....

Went to the physio when it had popped a few times and I had all the exercises and hydrotherapy exercises and was pretty decent at getting them done, didn't stop fighting though. Result being my shoulder is now utterly ruined.

It's really not easy going to a gym 7 days a week to do rehab exercises.

edit: Also, 6 foot and 198???...You weren't doing that bad compared to 6'5" and 155!
did kundalini yoga this morn, went for a 30 min run at noon, and some yin yoga tonight

yin is similar to taoist yoga i think, they hold the poses for like 2 minutes each and its all pretty slow and meditative
i feel really awesome after it though

if i could just live like this for the rest of my life id die a happy man
It's really not easy going to a gym 7 days a week to do rehab exercises.

edit: Also, 6 foot and 198???...You weren't doing that bad compared to 6'5" and 155!

The exercises that gave me the most benefit started with a half liter water bottle half full and later moved to rubber band exercises.. all really low weight stuff. Even when I lift my shoulders now I use very low weights as the muscles in the shoulder are not intended or capable of doing heavy work. So I think at least in the begining you will be able to do allot of it laying on the couch watching tv or listening to music.

Right 198 still seems like allot.. but I was utterly devoid of fat and my muscles were eaten away.. I am a big person and have real trouble fitting into airplane seats and stadium seats (have to sit sideways) as my shoulders are so wide. At 198 my face was really sunk in, my legs were god awful puny and no part of me had any muscle tone at all. I would get tired carrying a bag of groceries. Now I can pick up a full garbage bin that weighs around 200 lbs (90 kg ) with no significant effort and place it in the back of a tall pickup truck. So glad I got better.

I'm going to haul and spread some more mulch and hit the gym later tonight for a run and to lift legs and biceps.
I've never understood how I weigh so little. Even when I was in relative fighting shape....



6'5"....fucking broad across the shoulders......still only weighed 185! If I was competing I probably could have made it down to 170 by strictly dieting off the body fat too. I think it's just because I have a really small waist, not barrel chested and probably hadn't been doing enough strength work on my legs. Still, think I have hollow bones or something.=D

Coming out of the back end of this detox I'm 30lb lighter than in those photos.

Really dying to get this surgery done but I have so many complicating factors. Honestly cannot wait to be able to get back to martial arts, it was such a positive influence in my life when I was fighting. Hopefully within the week I finally be out of the acutes and I'll be able to get back on my beautiful singlespeed bike and start putting some strength in to my legs. My 59 year old dad rode 175km in a sportif race the other day, he's absolutely putting me to shame!
Ugh! I wish I didn't have to worry about consuming a bunch of calories without gaining weight. But I guess it can be annoying if you are a guy and trying to bulk up.

Did a short workout tonight. Planning on goingto a short hike again tomorrow (grous grind) and see how I do it this the me. I will be happy if I get an hour as my time.
Just loaded eight trailer loads full of we mulch with a garden shovel and then spread them with the same damn shovel.. utterly soaked with sweat and I feal great.. going to be sore tomorrow.. but thats ok as it a road trip day and I'm not working out.
Just gym today I wanted to go hiking but I woke up late lol. Tomorrow will be gym plus hot yoga and beach volleyball with gay bffs
Gym today, good day there... my friend and I have taken to spending mornings and afternoons hiking and walking and swimming in rivers on Saturdays, and then playing frisbee in the evening, but this weekend I am traveling to my grandma's lake house for 2 weeks... but there I will be doing hardcore tubing at 25-30mph, which is a fantastic workout, and WAYYYY more fun than the gym. :) Also plenty of hiking there. I can't wait!
Gym today, good day there... my friend and I have taken to spending mornings and afternoons hiking and walking and swimming in rivers on Saturdays, and then playing frisbee in the evening, but this weekend I am traveling to my grandma's lake house for 2 weeks... but there I will be doing hardcore tubing at 25-30mph, which is a fantastic workout, and WAYYYY more fun than the gym. :) Also plenty of hiking there. I can't wait!

That sounds ace, Xorkoth, Nice one. Hope it's all going well.

Rest day today but I did hot yoga last night. I want to nap when I get home so I have full energy to blast it off tomorrow.
since 48 hours been eating healthy, and going on walks ater my meals i shat 3 healthy shits today :p ;)

Today did the same + went jogging in the morning and evening and played football in the afternoon.

I have put on 30 kg (20 in the past 16 months partly due to, anti-psychotic and AD, but also due to bad habits.)

Now jus gotta keep it up! ;)
Fucking bike tyres arrived today and I was sleeping when they were delivered. Now got to wait 48 hours until I can collect them ffs. Was wanting out on the bike today.
Fucking bike tyres arrived today and I was sleeping when they were delivered. Now got to wait 48 hours until I can collect them ffs. Was wanting out on the bike today.

Ugh I hate it when that happens. That's happened to me in the past - or I've had to go to the delivery place with proof of my address.

Great job phatass keep it up and hustle it good on your next workout sesh!

Powered through another intense workout tonight. Im ready for hot ypga tomorrow night!
been cutting the grass/edging once a week for both my house and my grandmother's (takes about 2hours each house including resting), and going for 30min walks on the off-days. So like 2 intense days and maybe 3 days of light-moderate walking.

after the grass cutting, I feel(and sweat and breathe) like I used to after playing basketball all day. Last time I had some dizziness where i lost the ability to think clearly briefly, and got scared and frustrated, but it went away and I was able to finish. Hopefully I will start to adjust physically, and get stronger.
Three mile hike uphill.. twenty minute swim.

look at you go! ;)

been cutting the grass/edging once a week for both my house and my grandmother's (takes about 2hours each house including resting), and going for 30min walks on the off-days. So like 2 intense days and maybe 3 days of light-moderate walking.

after the grass cutting, I feel(and sweat and breathe) like I used to after playing basketball all day. Last time I had some dizziness where i lost the ability to think clearly briefly, and got scared and frustrated, but it went away and I was able to finish. Hopefully I will start to adjust physically, and get stronger.

That's great corazon, soon you will be running for what I know.

Killed it today in the gym although I was struggling for my cardio. I am leaving tomorrow afternoon for my trip and I am still debating whether I should workout in the morning.
Got out on my bike for the first time since detox today, pushing up the four mile hill home almost killed me (singlespeed bike) but I'm sure I'll feel better for it.

Still, the first step on the road back to fitness has been made.
Got out on my bike for the first time since detox today, pushing up the four mile hill home almost killed me (singlespeed bike) but I'm sure I'll feel better for it.

Still, the first step on the road back to fitness has been made.

That's one of the best things you can do. Helps the appetite and pushes the body to regenerate and re-establish natural dopamine.
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