Exercise 4 Health, Mental Health, and Addiction vs. I worked all that out

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^ that's what cardio is all about! Make sure to do a cool down walk after intense cardio.

Yeah I walked a bit for the last half mile or so because it was uphill. My heart is still beating fast and its pissing me off but my resting heartrate is normally high anway.
^^ I'm still thinking about joining. The monthly fee I can do, its this "enrollment" fee that is deterring me from doing it...

Plus trying to decide between joining a gym, joining the indoor rock wall/gym, or joining a martial arts dojo. If I could choose I would definitely do both martial arts and the rock climbing, can't afford it though. Not sure If I can even afford just one of em thats why a regular gym is also on the list to choose from.

decisions decisions
Theres a really decent looking gym not far from here and it's not very costly but tbh 1. I can't be bothered, 2. I have no money on my card right now (not yet)

Also fuck paying like $8 for the bus travel
I am gonna have to take it easy for this week since I just got new tats on my hips and further rubbin on it and movement will not be good on the healing process so I think no cardio for a few days just dumbbell exercises and maybe squats?

Oooo what tats you got? X
Got two designs of the Nasturtium flowers on both sides oh hips :D

Thinking of doing some yoga when I get home... Hmmm pondering
^^ I would have done yoga today had I slept last night. At least I got to go jogging this morning before the effects of not sleeping really hit me, so It wasn't a total loss today. Haven't had a resting day in 4-5 days now if I recall anyway so yeah, just going to try and get to sleep early tonight. Jogging as well as yoga planned for tomorrow. I don't have class tuesday or thursday anymore, just monday wednesday for the time being, so gotta find something productive to do tomorrow.
Worked out feal great.. then fixed up some streak tacos and traditional mexican shrimp cocktails. But i used cilantro instead of lettuce and red onions and vine ripened tomatoes.. This provided good flavor so I didn't need cheese. In the shrimp cocktails I loaded them up with cukes onions cilantro and just added limited shrimp. This is my new idea with eating.. lots of flavor and spice, lots of veggies, limit the amount of unhealthy meats I consume by portion.. So still eat steak and such but I maybe only ate 3oz total or 84 grams of steak in three tacos and three large shrimp. And all the unneeded carbs are gone. No more side dishes.. I used to eat this way and feel its so much healthier. The idea of rounded meals seems to me to be the perfect way not to loose wait. Yeah back to mostly lean meat, some none lean meat, no more potatoes, limited rice and pasta.. lots of veggies. It kinda amazing how a persons appetite comes back after getting of the drugs and then add in exercise it like shit im ravenous.

So yeah I feal pretty damn good.
I went to the gym today, despite being extremely sick. I actually had a good chest/triceps workout. Felt very weak at first, but then things kicked into gear. Took forever, though.

What sucks is that the only way I can get from the gym to work is to take a bus from the downtown station out to where I work. And this bus station is where I used to buy H, and it is guaranteed that you will be touted by salesmen as you make your way to your bus. They know who I am. They want me back.

So ya, I can ride the post-gym high to walk through this without any temptation. But still, it does suck. Little things, like the smell of the bus exhaust combined with the scent of menthol cigarettes, makes me flashback like crazy.
45 minutes on the epilitical (cross-trainer thingy) yesterday n may do another today. Also did 30 minutes cardio core (slim in 6 off beachbody). Very nice little workout xxxx
I wish I had the balls
Im pretty sure the captn and plmar have the balls to do anything;)!!

Workout is on the table for today. biceps, back and shoulders is getting the lift today and a walk run jog for cardio. stretch as well.
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I feel like I've been hit by a train from the flu, but am going to attempt the gym anyway. I need to blow off steam from work.
45 minutes on the epilitical (cross-trainer thingy) yesterday n may do another today. Also did 30 minutes cardio core (slim in 6 off beachbody). Very nice little workout xxxx

The elliptical (I think that's what you're talking about) is my favvvvorite machine. So fun and easy and burns so many calories :3. I need a gym membership :(.
The elliptical (I think that's what you're talking about) is my favvvvorite machine. So fun and easy and burns so many calories :3. I need a gym membership :(.

yes that's it. I didn't exercise today but will get back to it tomorrow.
Im pretty sore today... so im just going to hit the spa if I have time.. but I still feal pretty good.
I haven't gone for three days lol been lazy too. I am going tonight for some light exercises:D
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