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    European & African
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European Crack Cocaine Thread

Is a surprisingly common event in addictworld ime :\

If you really do want to dabble in such waters be prepared to maybe even ending up doing similar yourself. Every scumbag addict started off as a chipper. That's not to say becoming a scumbag is inevitble by any means... but you must've noticed there is an unusually high proportion down there. Keep on your toes at all times cos such Goodies really do bite ya more often than most would like to think or admit to...

If you can get decent(ish) powder coke than look up recipes to cook yer own rock (ammonia method is vastly superior to baking powder). Is considerably cheaper usually and with much cleaner product. Saves a few pennies... but still pricey. I always found buying a weight of powder (1/8-1/4 usually) and rocking it up meself and keeping it as purely a session drug rather than buying dribs and drabs kept it under control best. Buying pissy lil rocks is a fasttrack to spending all you have and then some...
i don't plan on using enough to warrant cooking it up myself, tho my mate says he wants to. actually a funny story he told me today: a couple doors down from his there is a crackhouse, where he was first offered white. he was in there the other day talking to the resident about potentially moving in (sounds a great idea!), and there was a hasidic jew in full traditional clothing, with the beard and the sideburns everything, smoking a pipe! it's crazy what people get up to in private.

i don't hang with other addicts really, because i hate all the whining BS, massive egos, drama and drug talk. i prefer to use alone, except for parties and stuff like that.
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i don't hang with other addicts really, because i hate all the whining BS, massive egos, drama and drug talk. i prefer to use alone, except for parties and stuff like that.

This made giving it all up SO much easier. I just could not stand to listen to some of the crap that other users came out with sometimes. Unbelievable.
one day i'll make a post in this thread

n you will be all like fukin ell is that true.
Pretty sure you've done that several times over, Brimz. Even more so in the drugs threads, mind :D

EDIT: Doh! I though I'd clickied on the Gibberings thread for some reason. Brain has not quite gotten back up to full-speed yet. I suspect I need some drugs or summat 8)
yeah nuff times i expect haaha

I remember making a post about how all the poor would go down the social everyday you member those days yeah .

Fuk i do n they were very difficult.

T'was funny cos young Albion had no idea of this n had not heard of Socail Security offices and the worlds counter payments drugs , prostitutes , moredrugs , robberies plenty of abh n the like .

A common meeting place for any one with misery about them is a good description Of the Old DSS buildings
Much as it pisses off the less liberal-minded amongst us it's hard to deny the fact that on any given day down at the social you'd generally struggle to find anyone who wasn't an addict of some description either trying to blag a crisis loan or kicking off about summat. Was an unpleasingly common day out for me. And I do mean a day out - 9 times outta 10 you'd end up sat there from the moment it opened til after it had shut before you finally got given a cheque - even when it was genuine need or they'd fucked up and actually owed you summat. Remember one day when just that had happened and I finally received a cheque for 23p (from memory - was just enough to buy a pack of skins I remember cos I was so fukkin skint I actually cashed it to buy a pack of skins) should have framed the fucker really :D
Much as it pisses off the less liberal-minded amongst us it's hard to deny the fact that on any given day down at the social you'd generally struggle to find anyone who wasn't an addict of some description either trying to blag a crisis loan or kicking off about summat. Was an unpleasingly common day out for me. And I do mean a day out - 9 times outta 10 you'd end up sat there from the moment it opened til after it had shut before you finally got given a cheque - even when it was genuine need or they'd fucked up and actually owed you summat. Remember one day when just that had happened and I finally received a cheque for 23p (from memory - was just enough to buy a pack of skins I remember cos I was so fukkin skint I actually cashed it to buy a pack of skins) should have framed the fucker really :D

i rekon 10 years i wasted down their atleast i was getting paid;)
Ha! Bully for you :p

Was only outta true desperation I even bothered wasting my time there. I tried very hard to stay away from fucking folk over and generally acting a complete cunt when I was heavily addicted to one t'ing or t'other. The way I saw it was that if I could scrounge a lil extra out the social to keep me covered for however long it was far better than having to resort to shoplifting (which I always kinda hated - just not built for that kinda stuff but when needs must...) or even worse robbing from folk I knew (which - perhaps unusually - I regarded as less of a Bad Thing than robbing strangers - at least people who knew me knew my situation and kinda knew the score and that I'd do my very best to pay them back if at all possible, street robbery and burglary and the like can really traumatise the victims rather than just massively disappoint them). At least with blagging the social you mostly have no choice but to pay it back cos it comes straight out your giro.

Pee Ess: On that last bit about having to pay back every penny you ever get on loan from the social - it took me 10+ years to pay beck everything I borrowed and finally paid off the last of it just a few years back. For those tha bitch about us "scrounging cunts" do bear stuff like that in mind maybe - it's not a free lunch no matter what the Heil & Co try to convince you. Would you rather us desperados got so bad we took it directly from you on the street or from your home whilst you're akip? I suspect not but that's kinda the alternative for many until/unless drugs like heroin are made back into a purely medical issue and prescribed legally. Sad, even pathetic, but also true.
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funny how something that played a huge part in modern culture - The Counter Payment

Gone but never Forgotten;)
Afaik they still do 'em here. Problem being that you have to take a train 30-odd miles to actually pick it up which means having to jump the train cos you've obviously got no cash or wouldn't be needing a crisis loan. Genius policy. You'd think they could at least loan you the train fare from the local NobCentre in town outta petty cash til you've cashed the cheque 8)

On the plus side, you can at least request a crisis loan and similar stuffs on the free phone the local NobCentre provides which is way better than having to take a train all the way there and back with no idea if you'll actually get owt. Plus the crisis loan forms always did my head in :!
haha shambles i mind reading about that 23p cheque on here when you first posted about it!!! Am in Glasgow and been getting proper nice rock, ive rocked up 86% white before and actually found it 2 strong for me and it triggered psycosis almost instantly!!! (i am prone to scatter much quicker than others after my psycotic episode 2 years ago) but this rock is just about right even if it was made using bicarb cant complain getting 3 .3's for 50. and yeh you wud have to be loaded to get a rock habbit!!! i was never really into it before while using kit but now am sticking to my done script i usualy get a few rocks twice a month and allways after a session in the pub i wudent smoke that shit soaber!!
Loaded or just in a position to acquire cash/drugs without necessarily paying the going rate for keeping up a rock habit anyway, Psyko ;)

I mentioned the kinda cashmoney I was spunking daily on rock recently, but just to put it in context, much of that was actually given to me as payment for services rendered. I had a reputation for being the best "doctor" in town (ie I could hit up a vein on even the most fucked up folk - and longterm addict/dealers tend to be in that category and more than grateful to find someone who'll make housecalls and do the bizniz they can no longer do for themselves so pay handsomely for the service ;)). Other sources include having plenty chums far more happy to do things I'd feel queasy about doing but were also very happy to spead the luuurve to a select few. And being a smack/crack dealer/addict for years (albeit a very bad one) and all-round thieving junky cunt for most of me younger life :\

Ain't proud of those years as such... but ain't half as ashamed as some would like me to be. Needs must and all that ;)
Loaded or just in a position to acquire cash/drugs without necessarily paying the going rate for keeping up a rock habit anyway, Psyko ;)

I mentioned the kinda cashmoney I was spunking daily on rock recently, but just to put it in context, much of that was actually given to me as payment for services rendered. I had a reputation for being the best "doctor" in town (ie I could hit up a vein on even the most fucked up folk - and longterm addict/dealers tend to be in that category and more than grateful to find someone who'll make housecalls and do the bizniz they can no longer do for themselves so pay handsomely for the service ;)). Other sources include having plenty chums far more happy to do things I'd feel queasy about doing but were also very happy to spead the luuurve to a select few. And being a smack/crack dealer/addict for years (albeit a very bad one) and all-round thieving junky cunt for most of me younger life :\

Ain't proud of those years as such... but ain't half as ashamed as some would like me to be. Needs must and all that ;)

yeh - must be prity bad nott being able to even hit your groin or kneck!!!! if i got to that stage id just go back to smoking or do the bottom line (rectal)

i never fucked with needles much TBH i used to prefer smoking H but certain did do it now n then usualy allways used my hands as my arms are really chubby!!
Hehe. Much as I should possibly be ashamed to mention it... I've not only had to hit up folk in the neck but actually in the cock. Not the groin - the actual peeneye. Was a very rare event though. Mostly involved having to hit folk up in deep veins on the arms (ones I never had the stomach to hit up on me own arms) and hands (I never minded hitting meself up there) and feet (not a nice place of work when dealing with yer average junky dealer I can assure you :D). Basically the places folk didn't have the balls to go near themselves so were glad somebody would and could. Hence being paid pretty handomely for me services. Beat the shit outta having to rob folk for me needs though. Most of it was easy score. The average addict ain't exactly expert at finding veins but as mine were shite to start off with I leaned fairly soon how to hit up tricky spots on meself an others.

In on topic news, injecting crack/snowballs was what finally killed off the last remaing usable veins for me. Big problem with IV crack/SB is that the coke produces insane levels of vasoconstriction, thickens the living shit outta the blood, and has you fiending so bad you end up looking like a victim from a slasher movie when on a sesh. And lordy did I have a few of those :|
In on topic news, injecting crack/snowballs was what finally killed off the last remaing usable veins for me. Big problem with IV crack/SB is that the coke produces insane levels of vasoconstriction, thickens the living shit outta the blood, and has you fiending so bad you end up looking like a victim from a slasher movie when on a sesh. And lordy did I have a few of those :|[/QUOTE]

same as mate ...shot heroin for 20years with no problems then 18months of speedballs n coke...no veins
Shambles, when you were digging for the deep veins, how did you know where to 'look'? Did you know from an anatomical pov or was it a case of insert needle, create vacuum and say a lil junky prayer? Always wondered that.

Thankfully my surface veins were always so thick and visible i never had to go trawling the depths of my limbs. Always tended to enjoy keeping the white and brown separate (only by the odd minute or two mind) and sticking to the pipe for the crack so have got all using veins intact.
yeahh shams where are these secret veins - shouldnt really ask but in the intersts of science
ended up buying a scorerock there due to reading this last night lol and it looks great with the nice yellow tint in pub the now getting some units in me....also got my meth and six yellows for after!!!!!! happy days.going to use a glass steam roller pipe I find its great as long as you pack
the ash one layer tight and a lose one ontop.