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European Crack Cocaine Thread

I'd say about 8-9 large hits, the stuff was ok really i just always say that the last stuff I smoked was shit. But that's how it gets ya right?

And I know getting some from a random in a bar isn't gonna get you a good product 9/10 times, but my friends dealer was out and only had smack and I might never go home if I start partying to much.
Hey backroll! How's life? And how do you manage to smoke crack without the brown?! I think I've done that about twice and vowed both times "never again"!
Hey backroll! How's life? And how do you manage to smoke crack without the brown?! I think I've done that about twice and vowed both times "never again"!

Yo! I'm pretty good actually, partner is ill at the moment, and we found out the baby is going to be fucking massive which is interesting to say the least! But i'm sure what she is going through is a sinch comapred to you guys...how are you both? She has made me cut most things out of my life which was tough at first but i'm reaping dividends now so i'm very very happy going into this festive period. RE: crack without broon...yeah I know what you're saying! And have said the same myself on many occasion! But these days I will only every buy that shite if I have some decent benzos, strong cannabis and at least 12 units of booze. So that basically ain't gonna happen again with a kid on the way!

@ Klink...a few months ago I would have pm'd you for a link. 9 pipes from 20...8o well done sir! Enjoy the rest of your holiday, and stay away from the light and dark!
Yo! I'm pretty good actually, partner is ill at the moment, and we found out the baby is going to be fucking massive which is interesting to say the least! But i'm sure what she is going through is a sinch comapred to you guys...how are you both? She has made me cut most things out of my life which was tough at first but i'm reaping dividends now so i'm very very happy going into this festive period. RE: crack without broon...yeah I know what you're saying! And have said the same myself on many occasion! But these days I will only every buy that shite if I have some decent benzos, strong cannabis and at least 12 units of booze. So that basically ain't gonna happen again with a kid on the way!

@ Klink...a few months ago I would have pm'd you for a link. 9 pipes from 20...8o well done sir! Enjoy the rest of your holiday, and stay away from the light and dark!

Thanks man, I plan on staying a way from everything but cannabis and ecstasy. The hard was just a one off and I haven't been craving it to bad, so I think if I stay away from it I'll be fine for now.

Something odd that works for me when I'm craving but dont want to get any crack, is just reading all the anecdotes poeole here have about their use and the social groups they use in. So please keep em coming everyone
Yeah I have a few choice videos and documentaries on youtube that put me off it in a second!
got links for them backroll? I still think about it most days, sometimes just get stuck thinking about it esp at night. Only did it a few times always before brown, made a pipe by putting a 1ml through a med bottle with foil over the lid, even if it was weak it would still leave me checking bits on the carpet etc, I can see why they call N02 hippy crack it's something to do with breathing just makes it more compulsive

very selfish drug wish I'd never tried it or heroin even if I'm feeling happy and productive there is that little bit of me that just wants white and brown, probably got to live with it for life?
Yeah I reckon it's for life, our brain's physical make up has been literally changed. The chemistry of these drugs is so powerful and demonic that they will always whisper sweet nothings in your ear...

If you type crack cocaine into youtube it brings up these videos:




Watching them cooking, and smoking makes you want it badly! But watch them when they are coming down and it makes you remember, and just look at their lifestyles...Don't get it twisted, I think there is nothing wrong with doing it if you can afford it and handle the comedown. I have responsibility like I never did before, that's the only reason I don't do it much these days.

Attention users and abusers,
Down and out losers,
Stop chasing that cloud,
It never fails to elude ya,
Spending that money, like it's minute maid,
You're getting stupid charged on a whole week's pay.
Well we're not too bad atm thanks Backroll - she's down to 0.3mg now which is amazing, she's doing so well. I'm at 3.4 as i asked to go back up when i was at 2mg - had a panicky evening and just wasn't very functional in general with nerves and mood swings. The recent rx for pregabalin has helped loads though. You're right about responsibility getting in the way, some days i fucking resent it!! Anyway back on topic. Mmmm, crack. Mmmmm, lots of crack after lots of brown. Mmmm.
Thought I was gonna get away with it this year but literally just got the text that means it will be a white xmas! well xmas eve anyway! 8)
Happy New Scum of the earth! Or that's what people like to call us. I scored 2 today and then a few hours later (after some ducking and diving;)) got a 3n1(the 3 was the whisky).

The photo below is a bit shit, it's half of one of the bags (my scales are fucked soz) and it pretty firm. What the photo dont show ya is that it's got a nice yellowy/rusty tinge to it (usually a good sign) and indeed it was!


So how are we getting on white wise this year then people?
did crack for the first time a couple weeks ago when a friend offered. he smokes from a pipe (2oz bottle with bottom knocked out). i just picked up a bag as my guy only had a couple dark (wanted 3), and smoked it off foil as i don't have a pipe. this seemed like a more efficient method? when smoking with the pipe it seemed to go poof! and that's £10 gone after only several hits. is off foil more efficient or is my pipe technique just bad cuz i haven't used one before? obviously with foil you don't get such a massive hit, but seems to last longer? also, my mate said to hold in the smoke as long as possible, is that necessary? i've got numb lips and tongue, is that a good sign? thanx.

i've only had coke a few times as it costs too much for very little high, crack gives a much bigger effect compared to the coke i've done.
Most crack dealers I knew who also used smoked off foil. Way more economical and doesn't get you quite as frantic for another hit. Flipside being you also get barely a fraction of the hit of a proper pipe. You pays yer money...

Am intrigued by your description of your mates' pipe. How did that work? A bottle with the bottom knocked out?!? You mean like you'd use for smoking hot knives or a bucket or summat? I just can't picture it at all...

A crack pipe as I would recognise it, for reference...


or even better...


Have seen folk use all kindsa set-ups to smoke rock but those two are pretty standard ime.
a tiny 2oz cognac bottle, like these, the bottom knocked thru with a screwdriver, gauze in the top. or today gauze in the bottom as the top had cracked and snapped off to an extent.
did crack for the first time a couple weeks ago when a friend offered. he smokes from a pipe (2oz bottle with bottom knocked out). i just picked up a bag as my guy only had a couple dark (wanted 3), and smoked it off foil as i don't have a pipe. this seemed like a more efficient method? when smoking with the pipe it seemed to go poof! and that's £10 gone after only several hits. is off foil more efficient or is my pipe technique just bad cuz i haven't used one before? obviously with foil you don't get such a massive hit, but seems to last longer? also, my mate said to hold in the smoke as long as possible, is that necessary? i've got numb lips and tongue, is that a good sign? thanx.

i've only had coke a few times as it costs too much for very little high, crack gives a much bigger effect compared to the coke i've done.

I have seen this done and tried it myself, unless you have fucking firey browny orange top notch wizzle there ain't much point. The whole idea of it is a nice fat 5/10 hit in one go. If it's decent it will have you going for half an hour. So what Shambles says is right.

If you're new to it don't go fucking around with small bottles, there is a surprising amount of technique involved! The pipes advertised above are your best bet starting off. Don't use elastic band though seal that foil with tape and make sure that all possible areas for air leakage are plugged. Some people make a blow hole, I don't.

If using these pipes (waterless bongs really) then it is probably best to crush your rock somewhat. Also don't make too many holes in the foil but make sure air come through freely before you load up. The ash is actually quite important as well, let a whole cig burn without smoking it (if you're rich) and pack it down tightly on top of the holes in the foil then do that again then have one layer of loose ash which you then put your white on. Don't let the flame touch the rocks, the heat will be enough, and if you do it will all burn up and then you get less of a wak.

Shambles: picture a miniature cognac bottle with the bottom knocked out and the neck packed with wire...My 0.8 for 30 I just had was quite lovely thank you%)

IagainstI you beat me to it!
What he said ;)

I actually find the Evian bottle pipe (with chuff-hole) to be the best money can buy and I've tried plenty. Seal with tape not laccy bands though, for sure. I'd especially echo the crushing of the rock part. The finer you chop it the less you need per pipe to hit a bellringer. Surface area innit. If your rock is halfway decent there's no way on this earth you need anywhere near a ten-stone per pipe. Maybe quality's gone to shit since I last smoked ;)
ok yea, the hit is kind of the thing yea. i will try making one of those pipes for next time, thanks for the tip. in a while tho as it eats money. i'm guessing that being high on b will reduce the hit quite a bit?
It has! Although I'm getting good again now, not great but good.

Good luck with your crack cocaine endevours IagainstI. And don't believe the hype, whilst it is incredibly morish you have to have a lot of free time and a lot of money to become an addict.
Ya. Quality was getting seriously ropey when I last smoked. Was one of the reasons I knocked it on the head. That and I was spending £200-1000/day on the stuff 8)

The media-hype of it being a devil drug is definitely a bit excessive... but you really do need to watch yerself with crack. Totally depends on how you fund it though. If you fund your habits through any kinda non-legal means then be prepared to become a very shady fuck indeed once you get a taste for the white :|

The best advice I can give is to always remember that no matter how bad you're fiending the fiend passes in ~2-3 hours. Those hours may seem like an eternity - this is why folk end up robbing grannies on the street for a pipe - but it passes and then is over. Craving is also a bitch but is mostly manageable. There's no physical addiction - all mental. But my gollygosh it can get intense for those coupla hours 8o

Pee Ess: Most folks I know of who use both dark and white will smoke white when they're comfy on gear (not so great when rattling) but not mangled on it. Save some gear for afterwards to help ease the fiend. Scag does dull the effects a bit... but not much. Crack cuts through everytime - is why folks tend to use both: is one of the only "up" drugs that you can really get properly mangled on when you have a brown habit (imo, ime, etc, etc).
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lol thanks, my mate is having financial issues after only a few months, which sucks, i want to avoid that obviously, but know that it could happen. it's just so much better than any ordinary "coke" i've had before, i don't get why people bother with it.

he was clean for a couple years (was addicted to heroin for ~6 years) then my ex got him back into brown because she wanted someone to use with, so he resurrected his inner junkie, and added crack this time. how fucked up is that? she's done that sort of thing to a few people, makes me fuckin angry.