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Opioids Etonitazene Analogues Megathread


Dec 9, 2018
The benzimidazole opioid Etonitazene:

Anybody ever knowingly tasted this compound?

IUPAC Name : 2-[2-[(4-ethoxyphenyl)methyl]-5-nitrobenzimidazol-1-yl]-N,N-diethylethanamine
CAS Number: 911-65-9

From what I understand it is quite rare; I think it would be interesting to try, although probably extremely addictive and also dangerous.

Note: This is just some raw info I found recently, there is some confusion still regarding the name of the compound. Whether it is protonitazene or protonitazepyne. I will amend this info as the thread develops and more info comes in. - @deficiT

This class of opioids are incredibly dangerous and run a high risk of overdose!!!! Please avoid, and proceed with caution!!!!


From National Association of Drug Divergence Investigators:

Protonitazene is classified as a novel opioid of the benzimidazole sub-class and is structurally dissimilar from fentanyl.

Novel opioids have been reported to cause psychoactive effects similar to heroin, fentanyl, and other opioids. Novel opioids have also caused adverse events, including death, as described in the literature. Structurally similar compounds include etonitazene, metonitazene, and isotonitazene.

Protonitazene (Pronitazene, Propoxynitazene) is a new designer opioid, an analgesic in the benzimidazole class. Protonitazene, isomer of Isotonitazene, has the same effect on the body and has a similar molecular structure. Protonitazene has sedative, analgesic and euphoric effects. Like most opioids, protonitazene can be addictive


From a vendor, consider hearsay

PROTONITAZEPYNE is 80% the potency of ETONITAZEPYNE is an analgesic drug related to etonitazene, which was first reported in 1957,and has been shown to have approximately 200 times the potency of morphine by central routes of administration, but if used orally it has been shown to have approximately 20 times the potency of morphine. Its effects are similar to other opioids like fentanyl and heroin, including analgesia, euphoria, sleepiness.


"Hi Everyone,
actually I decided to stop researching fenta analogues and etonitazene analogues, but the decision came only after the order was already placed.
There are SO many other interesting compounds to explore/research a lot safer and not so dangerous and addictive - any analogue of oxymorphone, ketobemidone, pethidine - and maybe if somebody will decide to craft somes - Dipipanone or Piritramide analogues. Chinese are finally heading in interesting new directions with not so strong opioids and not based on fenta anymore.

But here we are, I got Isotonitazene and the scary thing is that this analogue got really no history, was created this year. Metonitazene would have been a wiser choice, at least some info were present (metonitazene.info).

I'm really not much confident to research this compound from the very few reports I got from some contacts. Maybe somebody here researched already it? I am looking for the most safe RoA and dosage, even if I've a middle opi tolerance, I want to start with a "no tolerance" dosage.

Normally for fentanyl analogues, smoking or vaping was for me the safest RoA, in case of crossing the barrier, worst case is blacking out / falling asleep, and if you make sure somebody is always with you to put in a safe position for sleeping, no big risks were involved.

But I never had experiences with Etonitazene or any analogues. And advice would be appreciated, thanks."
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I can't believe this post has no replies as of yet. One would be inclined to think that people would be all over any Research Chemical that does have no affinity to Fentanyl or analogues thereof. I, for one, am honestly very curious about this one. Any more light you can shed on this obscure chemical in the meantime?

Thanks in advance!

This was written by Hamilton Morris on the parent compound, but seeing as Isotonitazine is fairly new it might take a bit for even anecdotal posts to pop up.

It has been suggested that etonitazene is the most addictive substance on the planet. As an opioid, it exhibits 1,500 times the potency of morphine, but it’s also a stimulant on par with ecstasy. Basically, it’s a molecular speedball. Although etonitazene has appeared as a street drug on a few occasions, the vast majority of the world’s supply is consumed by mice and monkeys in addiction studies. Scientists know that rhesus monkeys lick their little furry lips with delight when you spike their water dish with etonitazene, but monkeys like a lot of shit, and as the old saying goes, never send a rhesus monkey to do a man’s job.

Thomas Highsmith worked at a prestigious laboratory in Salt Lake City designing low-friction laminates for high-performance skis. In 2003, he started spending long nights in his lab secretly manufacturing a personal supply of etonitazene. Shortly after completing the synthesis, he became hopelessly addicted. He would show up for work clutching a 12-ounce spray bottle of etonitazene and fiendishly snort it throughout the day. Over the course of a couple of months, his tolerance escalated to the point where he was taking 300 times his starting dose. A coworker became suspicious of Highsmith’s odd behavior and reported him to the police. His etonitazene supply was seized, and he was prescribed methadone to combat the withdrawal. At that point, his addiction equated to 500 bags of heroin a day, and the methadone umbrella did nothing to deflect the 10,000-pound etonitazene anvil hurtling toward his head. Highsmith never received a criminal sentence because he was found dead in his home before his first court date. The withdrawals were so severe that he had killed himself to escape the pain.

At least the Thomas Highsmith part is correct: https://www.deseretnews.com/article/987564/Utah-case-of-potent-drug-is-US-first.html

"Because the drug is difficult to make and so potent, Reuter doubts this latest discovery is the start of any type of trend."

This was obviously before the Fent craze.
I ended up researching on myself, in the most safe way.

So, first, to unpack and handle it it's strongly suggested you wear at least latex gloves and painter mask. After some tests and thinking potency was not so dangerous, I did some repacking without gloves and mask, and I felt pretty much fucked up, I had to take amphetamines to recover.

My suggested SAFE dosage for people with low tolerance on Opiates/opioids:
Isotonitazene, Vaped --> 10mg / 4 ML , personally I used 25mg / 4ml (3-4 puffs for a medium-strong effect), and 40mg / 4ml were too much (blacked out).
Any other ROA: I suggest to start with 10 ug (I repeat, UG not mg!). You would probably need to reach 50-100ug for the threshold, but better safe than sorry.

Personally I didn't like it. It's too strong, it's strongly sedative, I had no particular euphoria. Only decent way I found using it is a very low dosage Vape (5mg/4ML), this way is having a chilling/relaxing effect but without excessive sedation.

it looks like this substance is very appreciated from all people with insane tolerance, for many different reasons, or just because they are on Methadone / Burpre very high dosage and they cant feel other stuff, not even heroin).

Potency estimated from my test:
Smoked 30-60x potency
Other reports are mentioning IV or orally taken could reach a much stronger potency, up to 200x!

Please be very careful when researching.

I've decided to put all this stuff in the cellar for now, waiting for Brorphine (11-13x), trying to get legit batch of 2f-Viminol (5.5x) and sticking with IBF (20-25x) for the special occasions.
I will skip the new upcoming product (40x), and I've heard two new U- serie analogues (apparently not so caustic and with a potency similar / higher than U447000) is floating around, but I won't source it since I'm not inspired from those compounds. There are so many other interesting things, like a probable ketobemidone analogue, the hope a good batch of oxymorphone analogue will be released, interesting Pethadine analogues with a legal status, etc etc.

Again, Please be very careful when researching Isotonitazene.
isotonitazene analogue of etonitazene opioid.

Thinking of getting a gram of this but more I am reading about the more I think the high potency and lack of information on it from being so new I don't know. I have literally only found a few Threads about this analogue of Etonitazene which. I can't judge the isotonitazene analogue of Etonitazene based of the effects and potency of it which is a dangerous opioid so I can't imagine isotonitazene analogue is not at all safer.
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This seems to be the proposed structure.
The ethoxy-group of Etonitazene has been been replaced with an isopropoxy-group
Well, it depends why are you considering buying it, and what are you looking for in opioids as effects.

Iso is definitely something for all people with insane tolerance or that wants to get high but they are taking large dosage of methadone or subu as therapy. Personally I felt only the extreme sedative effect of this compound, when I did not blacked out. With a very very mild vape liquid concentration is "ok" as painkiller and relaxing effects, but this is for sure not what I am looking for in opiates, I seek more the good energetic / euphoria kick, together with a body/mind/soul peaceful nod.

As I said there are a lot of other interesting things coming out, in my personal opinion this is not worth researching.
Metonitazene could be more promising.
And to avoid fuck up the tolerance, I think 2f-viminol would be the perfect substance, and it's something with more clinical studies (see the viminol papers) - sadly atm I heard many reports (including myself) who received AP-237, even if labeled with 2f-viminol, and the problem seems is still not resolved.

Brorphine, 11-13x morphine potency, is something I would pick (and I picked) over Iso.
And for the rest, screw all those fentas and eto analogue, I seek the true holy grail, ANY working analogue of:
Oxymorphone, Nicomorphine, Meperidine, Ketobemidone, Dextromoramide, Piritramide and last but not least, Dipipanone!
Oh and based on what CaptainFentanyl said, Diacetyl-N-Phenethylnormorphine is above all the rest.
I talked to a highly informed person who has used this and I decided it is not for Me. Oh and I am on 90MG of Methadone for pain and that was the idea that this could break through but it seems to potent even though I can use it correctly the person who I was talking to is on 130MG and he said some about nearly blacking out and this stuff is strong and not like fentanyl strong but strong enough not for me to want fuck around with for various like one of them being I don't want to ruin my tolerance. As I am hoping to be able to bear through the pain of withdrawing from methadone and the pain I have from using it so I can get on a low enough dose at the very least if not fully off it and onto my old medications I was Prescribed which is probably no longer a fucking flipping flying salad crouton option now since the current opioid climate and scripts being cut down etc.

Apparently they made a working analogue of Oxymorphone but they fucked up the racemic mixture or some like that and it did not work so all it got was bad reviews as a failed Oxymorphone Analogue RC. I forget the name it started with an M but it is impossible to get due to the fact that precursors for making are strictly controlled and other factors but hey there is hope that maybe someday there will be a good Opioid RC least it's not all doom and gloom for us Opioid lovers.

I have read about the 2F-Viminol being accidentally sold as a different substance so I think it's hard to tell if this will be good or bad until they fix that problem.

Oh and thank you for all the replies I had no idea so many interesting Opioids are being developed right now I have known for a long time everyone has been complaining about the shit selection of them I guess that's the reason behind the motivation to make a good analogue but it will most likely get blanket banned so fast if they do make anything good I mean especially if they make it uber potent and dangerous to idiots who purchase it without the research first or the people who wanna make money and start cutting/replacing Heroin with it ffs. **face palms** lol.
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Extremely bad idea. Don't do it

They sell a benzimidazole opioid by the gramme? Jesus, that would be enough to have the entire population of Banff or St Pölten or Burlington, Vermont overflowing with Gemütlichkeit and loving everyone and gathering in the square to try to tackle world peace for an entire day . . .

How far did the Chinese Betäubungsmittelmeisters get with dipipanone and piritramide analogues? Now my spine is itching and mouth is watering . . ..
Does anyone know what the best cutting agent to add to isotonitazene to make it easier to smoke and dose would be? I know with #4 H people would use caffeine to cut it amd smoke it anyone try to turn isotonitazene into a china white type deal
Does anyone know what the best cutting agent to add to isotonitazene to make it easier to smoke and dose would be? I know with #4 H people would use caffeine to cut it amd smoke it anyone try to turn isotonitazene into a china white type deal

Has it been determined exactly how potent this is? For smoking it, in Russia they made a solution of etonitazene, dipped cotton fibres in the solution, and used a stuff wire to push the fibre into cigarettes, it usually took only one thing fibre the length of the cigarette and the ashes were still active so could be ingested by one of several means. Apparently the heat destroyed enough of the nicotine and left enough etoniazene to make it possible to do so. Other than that, the benzimidizole opioids have been used for various things by liquid volumetric dosing -- maybe you could dissolve the gramme of isonitazene in a water cooler worth of water and then either drink it little by little or spray some on parsely, pipe tobacco, pot, or something else and smoke it when it is dry . . .

Beware the water cooler bottle, though -- once at an office somewhere they filled the water cooler with water with 10 000 hits of acid in it, someone fell down and knocked it over, the water cooler emptied on his head and saturated all his clothes and he is still in the puzzle factory to this very day, thinking he is a glass of orange juice and people are coming to drink him. At least that is what I heard on CNN domestic once . . .
yeah read my paper


  • Blanckaert_et_al-2020-Drug_Testing_and_Analysis2.pdf
    759.7 KB · Views: 64
This was written by Hamilton Morris on the parent compound, but seeing as Isotonitazine is fairly new it might take a bit for even anecdotal posts to pop up.

At least the Thomas Highsmith part is correct: https://www.deseretnews.com/article/987564/Utah-case-of-potent-drug-is-US-first.html

"Because the drug is difficult to make and so potent, Reuter doubts this latest discovery is the start of any type of trend."

This was obviously before the Fent craze.

And pretty much the same kind of obscurantist doublespeak disinformation that they and their predecessors put out, like needing a PhD in medicinal chemistry, and often not even then, getting opium poppy pods and seeds to work.

But one has to sign for NyQuil like it was paregoric in the 1930s or something . . . NyQuil? NyQuil‽ NYQUIL! Jesus fucking Christ: Madame Curie and George Washington Carver couldn't do anything untoward with NyQuil . . . well, except jack up weak and midrange opioids with it. And some sedation . . .

Just more crap from the last "epidemic" of drugs in the US with meth.

Someone was telling me about the new Sudafed with phenylephrine that "Haha fuckers! You can turn the new stuff into 4-methylaminorex" which actually cannot be done in any one-pot synthesis or other method I could imagine, but she was right about one thing, if it works as a decongestant, it is a stimulant and can be jacked up with various chemical reaction, yes . . . Jesus Christ, phenylpropanolamine is closer to cathinone than almost anything else. I gobbled chlorphenamine-PPA capsules with caffeine tablets and orphenadrine hydrochloride tablets and some dihydrocodeine and tripelennamine in the early afternoon for years and I had an average grade of A in all the foreign language courses I took. Bringing myself up to date on programming and computer science too. There once was this redhead . . .

Bwahaaahaa! In the States and perhaps elsewhere there is a credit-by-examination programme called Clep which saved a lot of time. I demand that all of youse who do pods and poppy seed extracts be given a PhD in medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology & pharmacy NOW!
Has it been determined exactly how potent this is? For smoking it, in Russia they made a solution of etonitazene, dipped cotton fibres in the solution, and used a stuff wire to push the fibre into cigarettes, it usually took only one thing fibre the length of the cigarette and the ashes were still active so could be ingested by one of several means. Apparently the heat destroyed enough of the nicotine and left enough etoniazene to make it possible to do so. Other than that, the benzimidizole opioids have been used for various things by liquid volumetric dosing -- maybe you could dissolve the gramme of isonitazene in a water cooler worth of water and then either drink it little by little or spray some on parsely, pipe tobacco, pot, or something else and smoke it when it is dry . . .

Beware the water cooler bottle, though -- once at an office somewhere they filled the water cooler with water with 10 000 hits of acid in it, someone fell down and knocked it over, the water cooler emptied on his head and saturated all his clothes and he is still in the puzzle factory to this very day, thinking he is a glass of orange juice and people are coming to drink him. At least that is what I heard on CNN domestic once . . .
Lol good ol CNN my favorite source for news written by children! And I was more so trying to figure out something that would dissolve in water easily like isotonitazene so I could mix the two let the water evaporate amd have something I could smoke easily out of a oil burn or foil. In its current state it just burns to easy and has a horrible taste caffeine powder mixed with it helps it not burn as easily. But I'm wondering if there is a safer cut that would mix easily and melt/vaporize in with low heat easily. As far as potency Its right around normal fentanyl HCL probably a little stronger but it could also just appear stronger because it's more sedating and has better legs but less energetic euphoria that fent has. I've considered spraying it on plants and smoking it that way but I pick to be able to know my exact dose. I usually use a calibrated spray bottle filled with a 350ug per spray solution (MICROGRAMS NOT MILLIGRAMS!) just incase some stoned kid is reading this not knowing what hes doing. Anyone recommend a good cut for people who like to smoke out of bowls or off foil lmk! And yes trust me I know the risks and dangers of this type of drugs so please dont message me a bunch of shit telling me how stupid I'm being or that I'm gonna fuck my life up. I'm just here for harm reduction purposes
The benzimidazole opioid Etonitazene:

Anybody ever knowingly tasted this compound?

IUPAC Name : 2-[2-[(4-ethoxyphenyl)methyl]-5-nitrobenzimidazol-1-yl]-N,N-diethylethanamine
CAS Number: 911-65-9

From what I understand it is quite rare; I think it would be interesting to try, although probably extremely addictive and also dangerous.
This stuff is apparently immensely addictive and incredibly euphoric. There is a story about the guy who first synthesized it (or maybe he wasn't the first I'm not sure) who ended up so addicted to it that something like 800mg of methadone couldn't touch the withdrawals, and he committed suicide.
The man in question was one Thomas K. Highsmith, he was a chemist at Morton-Thiokol (they make rocket engines - different sort of "getting high") and was not the first person to synthesize it. (The patent for etonitazene dates to 1957 and Karl Hoffmann et al at CIBA) He was the first person to get busted in the US for abusing it, he made a bunch at his workplace and carried around a nasal spray bottle full of an aqueous solution which he hit all day. I guess eventually people asked questions like "why is Tom constantly on the nod" and "what's in the saline bottle that he sniffs out of every 15 minutes", and in 2003 he got discovered, prosecuted, and then commited suicide after even ridiculous doses of methadone brought him no solace.

Wikipedia tells me that apparently in Russia in the late 90s, there were pre-laced cigarettes being sold with etonitazene on them, and it was sold as "Chinese Dwarf". What a strange name. So it's had a history of abuse before Mr. Highsmith, just not in the Western bloc.

Anyway, this is even more potent than isotonitazene. You'd have to be a fool, or addicted to large-animal paralytics, to use this compound.
MSM - In general it is a pretty versatile friend. It liquifies at low temps, stays liquid long enough to dissolve most compounds and thus mix thoroughly and then cools to a soft solid. making it the best cut i know of, since it pretty much eliminates "hot spots" and such. its pretty easy to handle. vapes pretty well, if it gets too hot, it tastes bad. just keep it kool. i have found it actually potentiates lots of compounds as well. since it helps absorption. its similar to DSMO imo. I mix it in my nasal sprays of coke and H. Ive used it to cut 25x and 2cx for oral/nasal ROA.
Anybody tried these yet? I’ve been using both daily for a month or so, and they’re absolutely killer. Metonitazene is very potent (1mg or less for non-tolerant users), very euphoric, and has decent legs. Etazene appears less potent. Since isotonitazene is all gone, these two are fantastic alternatives for my fentanyl HCl use.