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Benzos Etizolam

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Hey guys, I'm pretty interested in these and I am about to order about 10 1mg tabs. What would you say is a good first time dosage? About 1mg? Also, has anybody used this at work or even on the walk to work?

If you use it at work take 1mg-1,5mg before work and don't bring any with you. I made the mistake of bringing a couple and ended up falling asleep in the break room, walking into a glass door, falling asleep in the freezer, and dumping yogurt all over myself once I got home. Thank God my father picked me up, I would of crashed.

Shit is potent if you get the genuine stuff. I get the Etillam brand in the blister pack, it's amazing. I don't use it to get high though, I use it once or twice a week when I take a high dose of Clenbuterol, Yohimbe, and T3.
how would you guys rate etizolam compared to xanax/klonopin?? i know abusing benzos for recreation is a slippery slope, but i've been doing it off and on for 5-7 years and i know what im doin ;)

yah, do you guys think etizolam is euphoric?

i also heard 1mg etizolam = 10mg valium = .5mg xanax....is this accurate??
how would you guys rate etizolam compared to xanax/klonopin?? i know abusing benzos for recreation is a slippery slope, but i've been doing it off and on for 5-7 years and i know what im doin ;)

yah, do you guys think etizolam is euphoric?

i also heard 1mg etizolam = 10mg valium = .5mg xanax....is this accurate??

Like the stuff. It's pretty damn euphoric by itself and even more euphoric with Methadone. To me, it feels like a combination of Xanax and Valium. It's got the quick onset of Xanax with the muscle relaxing properties if Valium.

It's better than Klonopin and on par with Xanax in my opinion.
While I am not normally a fan of benzos, unless I am mixing them with another substance (marijuana, opiates when i used daily, etc), I am definitely VERY INTERESTED in this substance for a variety of reasons. I am interested in mixing it with my daily dose of suboxone to calm me down a bit (suboxone gets me a bit ansy and energetic), as well as to every now and then experience the nice benzo+opiate combo, except hopefully by doing it with muted versions of those drugs (buprenorphine and a benzo analog) so as to be safer

On top of this, I am also very interested in this drug for when i QUIT my suboxone maintenance: help me get to sleep, help cure RLS, all those terrible withdrawal symptoms that arent too bad from subs but just stretched out for a long period of time.

Anyway my questions:

Does anyone have any experience mixing etizolam with buprenorphine? Can you give me any info about this combo? Any light to be shed? I'm going to assume it'll feel similar to regular opi+benzo combos, except a bit dumbed down?

Does anyone have any experience using etizolam to help them quit suboxone/opiates? I am very interested in using this as well as kratom for when I finally come off of my suboxone, and am curious as to how well this functions combating withdrawals, versus the classics like xanax/klonopin/valium.

Thanks for any info guys!

EDIT: Wanted to add this NOTE: I AM BY NO MEANS SAYING THIS IS A SAFE COMBO! BOTH ARE VERY DANGEROUS AND STRONG DRUGS!!! But to me, as someone on a suboxone maintenance dosage of a couple mgs whos body is tolerant to subs, i feel it is more safe relatively, than if i were to say, go out slam a bun and eat 2 sticks.
Aye i got a high benzo tolerance so it didnt change the bupes effects much that i noticed. Others have said it makes the bupe more chilled though, guess thats the obvious. Benzos + opis though, tread carefully!
Hey guys, I'm pretty interested in these and I am about to order about 10 1mg tabs. What would you say is a good first time dosage? About 1mg? Also, has anybody used this at work or even on the walk to work?

Try half of the 1mg tab at most if it's your 1st try - or even less. Don't underestimate those!
Let's say someone's a daily user of etizolam (i'm not). How long would it take to risk serious withdrawel? During my last benzo binge I was taking irresponsible doses of xanax and several others daily (and all day) for roughly two months. I didn't notice any discomfort after stopping, not even any rebound anxiety.
If you use it at work take 1mg-1,5mg before work and don't bring any with you. I made the mistake of bringing a couple and ended up falling asleep in the break room, walking into a glass door, falling asleep in the freezer, and dumping yogurt all over myself once I got home. Thank God my father picked me up, I would of crashed.

Shit is potent if you get the genuine stuff. I get the Etillam brand in the blister pack, it's amazing. I don't use it to get high though, I use it once or twice a week when I take a high dose of Clenbuterol, Yohimbe, and T3.

THCified said:
Try half of the 1mg tab at most if it's your 1st try - or even less. Don't underestimate those!

Thanks for the info guys, so this stuff is pretty potent then? I got my order in and they are blue tabs. Does this drug release serotonin because I hear it is quite euphoric.
Combo tyme:

poppypod tea

and no fucks were given on that night.
Dude how could any fucks me given in any situation?

The top four alone would rid me of fucks.
Thanks for the info guys, so this stuff is pretty potent then? I got my order in and they are blue tabs. Does this drug release serotonin because I hear it is quite euphoric.

Never got any mood lift from them alone, but regarding the potency, yes it is, but also subtle, and that's where many fail and overdose.
This stuff doesn't seem to work anymore for me....I guess it's back to diphenhydramine
so whats the consensus on Etizolam - from Intas Pharmaceuticals - blue coated pills, blue comes off easy

have taken my second 1mg after, testing 1mg and waiting an hour
been blazing all day, effects maybe clouded

definitely some slight muscle relaxation, no euphoria yet which is what i am looking for
going to smoke and maybe drink and take another 1mg
I dont get why people take benzos seeking euphoria. If you want euphoria, take an opiate.
So in ur opinion you would say there not worth it? Where the ones you got the ones that came in the ten blister pack? Because i thought the etilaam ones were white pills not the blue ones? Did they help anxiety at all?
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