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Benzos Etizolam Mega Thread v1

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@JesusGreen: 10mg will not (well it may depending on the person) make you black out without tolerance with etizolam; it generally will put you to sleep for 16 hours though. i think your solution may not be as saturated as your friend thinks.

It won't mess up your tolerance forever, i recently binged bad on clonazepam/etizolam and dropped my dose quick for a week where i got symptoms of benzo withdrawal. After that though i continued my regular dose (2-5mg etiz/day) and still got great effects. Of all people i should have my gaba system completely burnt out but it's still not dead yet!!
^ Ah that's good news, then I can sit through any anxiety and sleep loss I get over the next few days without worrying too much, I'd hate to have missed out on experiencing other benzos (at normal dose ranges) in future just because of a mix up.

Regarding the solution, it was 100mg of powder, basically he originally believed it was cut 1:10 with some inert substance for ease of dosing since he received exactly 10x what he expected, and tried 20mg of the substance and had a good time, so he labelled the solution 0.5mg/ml even though it was actually 5mg/ml of substance. He spoke to the guy who gave him it though and they said it wasn't cut and was all Etizolam and he made a mistake when sending it. Just thought I'd explain the story for anyone curious.

Having known that he received 10x as much powder and such I should have assumed thats what he gave me and titrated up from a minute dose, but given that he was capable of talking to me on 20mg of the stuff (though typing like the village drunk ;)) I assumed it was fine, and for the most part it was, other than the blackouts.

The stuff only clean knocked me out once or twice, the times I had black outs I didn't actually pass out until much later but I remember waking up to find everything a mess with no recollection of wtf happened other than vague disjointed un-organised memories of very stupid stuff I was doing.

At whatever dosage I was taking it was quite euphoric, not in the same way alcohol is for example but in a "nothing matters lay back and relax" kinda way, similar to opioids but more relaxing and less of that bubbly warmth.
indeed i love etizolam, it sucks when you take too much so that makes it much better suited to therapeutic uses. It also has some super interesting properties i mentioned earlier in this thread.
Hello folks, I live in Japan and I get Etizolam prescribed by my doctor (Depas brand, 0.5mg per pill).

I'd never taken any kind of tranquilizer before and I was expecting something that would really wipe me out, not so with these babies.

The feeling is like smoking weed, without the THC headfuck, just plain calm, peaceful, not unlike meditation. Very very nice.

And I'm talking about 0.5mg here. 2mg would send me right to sleep.

Redosing every 2-3 hours is an extremely pleasant way to spend the day, very cosy-warm and not a care in the world.

If I wake up with a bad alcohol hangover, the Eti sorts my head out within 30-odd minutes. I'd almost go so far as calling it near enough the ultimate hangover remedy. Often times, if I take the Etizolam for a hangover, then I don't need any aspirin to deal with the headache.

I like this drug, and it costs me next to nothing. I usually semi-binge on it for a couple of months then quit for a while. Never had any withdrawal issues at all.

Take it when I'm hanging around the house doing nothing, take it when the wife is bitching, kids are screaming, take it at work for boredom. It's all good. Totally calm, yet fully wide awake.

Does anybody know whether grapefruit juice causes more or less of etizolam to be metabolized into the longer lasting alpha-hydroxyetizolam with a half-life of about 8 hours. The Etilaam sheet says etizolam is metabolized by CYP2C19 and CYP3A4.
I took 3mg of etiz with two-three hours spacing yesterday. Relaxing. However, I then slept for about 12 hours.

Does etiz tend to increase the span of sleep? thanks
I took 3mg of etiz with two-three hours spacing yesterday. Relaxing. However, I then slept for about 12 hours.

Does etiz tend to increase the span of sleep? thanks

For me it shortens the sleep.
I take a knockout dose, fall asleep and cannot "sleep in"
always wake up earlier then i normally would, can't go back to sleep


who is using sublingual route and who is taking them orally?
and what press do you have?
I take a knockout dose, fall asleep and cannot "sleep in"
always wake up earlier then i normally would,

I can experience that with zopiclone. Sleep comes easy, then I wake after 4 hours and the rest is fitful. Plus, sometimes during Z sleep, there's awful nightmares that are impossible to wake from, or from which I only partially awake and remain paralysed.

who is using sublingual route and who is taking them orally?
and what press do you have?

With the etiz, I chew and allow to dissolve before swallowing the remaining mush.

My press is blue and blank except one side with a shallow line to break/cut in two.
big fan of etizolam :)

perfect for anxiety and reducing negative side effects of other chemicals.

I bought 100 once because its cheaper, well so don't remember much for about a month of my life, but i'm sure i had a fucking great time, other than that they are very useful.
Interesting. I've noticed that even 3mgs over the course of 6 hours made my memory of that evening slightly fuzzy.
^if your looking for sleep and staying asleep, get phenazepam. etizolam is more recreational, imo. i need 2.5 mg's to get a good buzz for 3 hours or so, i have a slight tolerance, but not much of one. i have cut back alot in the past month or two, but doing lower doses more often. ive almost made it 8 days without taking vicodin, so im thinking about going on opiates for 4 or 5 days and not using benzos, get my tolerance even lower. this alternating has been working well for me, although i have pretty good self control. even if it means sleeping Lol. good luck mate -aphex
I bought 100 once because its cheaper, well so don't remember much for about a month of my life, but i'm sure i had a fucking great time, other than that they are very useful.

XD It's funny because its true! Yeah even 1mg of of his stuff and everything seems hazey, 2mg and it's worse than 6 pints, can barely remember anything I've done.
Hello folks, I live in Japan and I get Etizolam prescribed by my doctor (Depas brand, 0.5mg per pill).

I'd never taken any kind of tranquilizer before and I was expecting something that would really wipe me out, not so with these babies.

The feeling is like smoking weed, without the THC headfuck, just plain calm, peaceful, not unlike meditation. Very very nice.

And I'm talking about 0.5mg here. 2mg would send me right to sleep.

Redosing every 2-3 hours is an extremely pleasant way to spend the day, very cosy-warm and not a care in the world.

If I wake up with a bad alcohol hangover, the Eti sorts my head out within 30-odd minutes. I'd almost go so far as calling it near enough the ultimate hangover remedy. Often times, if I take the Etizolam for a hangover, then I don't need any aspirin to deal with the headache.

I like this drug, and it costs me next to nothing. I usually semi-binge on it for a couple of months then quit for a while. Never had any withdrawal issues at all.

Take it when I'm hanging around the house doing nothing, take it when the wife is bitching, kids are screaming, take it at work for boredom. It's all good. Totally calm, yet fully wide awake.


Sounds good. Will try this Anti-Hangover-Diet next time ;) How much do you take to erase the Alcohol Hangover?

For me, 0,5mg is also enough, i mostly even take less like 0,25mgs because i've found a 0,5mg dose too much sometimes. I'm taking Etizolam not very often.
After suffering from a couple of weeks insomnia, I've just purchased 20 x 1mg...can't tell you how relieved I am :)
Sounds good. Will try this Anti-Hangover-Diet next time ;) How much do you take to erase the Alcohol Hangover?

For me, 0,5mg is also enough, i mostly even take less like 0,25mgs because i've found a 0,5mg dose too much sometimes. I'm taking Etizolam not very often.

0.5mg, then re-dose 3hrs later. I'm a working man, got to keep functioning. Any more would put me on my back. Gets rid of all the pain, still feel tired though. Everything has it's price.

I'm going to try and quit the booze totally this year, with the help of Etizolam.

I'm well into middle-age now. It's a good job I didn't discover this drug when I was a young blade. Could get very nasty.

Still, I'm interested in hearing other folk's opinions on all this nonsense. Especially the boys that are mail ordering it.
Lol, I tried Etiz on Thanksgiving. Admittedly, I did way too much (~20mg with no tolerance), but that's the pattern with me and benzos and I knew better. Purely my fault. Did some other shit as well, rc cannabinoids, alcohol...
Still, I ended up losing a couple days, my job, and alot of family trust.

That's not funny at all. If I could give advice to anyone it would be to not take high doses of benzos. It's going to make you not remember anything and potentially get in a lot of trouble. Eventually if this happens to much one of those times it might ruin your fun for good with them.
What is considered the appropriate amount of time, based on everyones experiences, to wait between the initial dose and a possible booster dose (if needed/desired) for etizolam? Method of administration is sublingual (pure powder not pills).

I want to avoid dosing too much by redosing too early. I don't like getting sloppy, passing out or blacking out. Sometimes the amount taken seems to be just slightly less than needed and when this happens I want to try redosing as safely as possible.
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