Epression, Bluelight vibe, yatta yatta...


Nov 3, 1999
Well, I'm still on my break from E... Holding out even tho it's been real hard. My bf was posta be on a break with me but he asked if he could roll this friday and I said go ahead... it was rough coz I hadda hang out at this house packed full of kids rolling and I was the only one who wasn't... They were buddas, really good pills. But I'm proud of myself for abstaining.. Just gave backrubs and seabreezes and stuff to help other kids blow up, kinda felt good just outta vicarious... shit, I don't know how to phrase it right. You know what I mean.

And then I was able to pick up some of those buddas just to hang onto for when I *do* roll again with Matt and loupy this upcoming Februrary 5th.. (February spelt wrong on purpose, it's an inside thing, don't worry bout it
). And after all the bullshit that happened Saturday, I was sooo tempted to split those pills with Matthew and roll with him but I hung onto them..
I think this weekend I felt real epression for the first time. I dunno, does epression also refer to being more 'down' than usual when you're trying to break from it? Or just like from the lack of seratonin after rolling hard? Coz what I'm feeling is the former. Maybe that's just regular sober depression. Either way it sucks.
Was seriously hard to pull myself out of the awful shit that went on this weekend, driving all that way to Cleveland (a 3.5 hour drive) only to find that Breakin Tha Ice had reached capacity and then some and there was no way we were gonna get in without the cop hovering over the door security shutting the whole venue down. And then we find out we locked the keys in the car so we're stranded in Cleveland.. Hadda wait downstairs in the freezing cold for triple A to come get my car open. Ugh. It was such a let down, I'd been so psyched for that party... Had me all kindsa melancholy the whole rest of the weekend. But I think I've finally pulled out of it. I've got a resiliant optimistic spirit, I can handle it. Without beans to pick me up.
Okay, nuff bout me.. Has anyone else noticed the vibe here on Bluelight has been a bit.. hrm. Tense lately? I dunno, it just seems that the discussion board is awful cluttered with flames, requests for help from epression or troubles, Bluelighters nitpicking at one another...
Maybe it has to do with the time of year. January is such a grey time of the year... And I'm not just talking weather, though that does apply some places (like where I'm at, Ohio.. god is it grey). But I'm also just talking about how it's a stretch between holidays, and everybody's got work or school usually, and there's just not a lot to look forward to.
Maybe it has to do with so many of us breaking from XTC, tho I doubt it coz a lot of the crankiest of us here are still rolling frequently.
Maybe it's just coincidence and circumstance.
But anyway, whatever it is, I just wanted to offer my virtual hug and my hope that everyone hang in their and hang onto their cheer as best they can, because sometimes it's all you can offer when the vibe around you feels empty or faded.
This song means a lot to me... It's been running thru my head. Take from it what you will. (Note: I don't mean to insult any older bluelighters with these lyrics.. The artist's point was not a slam in that sense; she's talking about how, with time, people tend to get jaded more easily.)

"Back back back in the back of your mind
Are you learning an angry language?
Tell me boy, boy, boy, are you tending to your joy
Or are you just letting it vanquish?
Back back back in the dark of your mind
Where the eyes of your demons are gleaming
Are you mad, mad, mad at the life you never had baby
Even when you were dreaming?
Who are these old old old people in these nursing homes
Just scowling away at nothing,
Like big rag doll just cursing at the walls
And pulling out all of their stuffing.
And everyday is a door leading back to the core
'Cause old age will distill you,
And if you're this this this full of bitterness now
Someday it will just fill you.
When you sit right down in the middle of yourself
You're gonna wanna have a comfortable chair.
So renovate your soul before you get too old
'Cause you're gonna be house-bound there.
Yeah when you're old you fold up like an envelope
And you mail yourself deep inside.
And there's nowhere to go except out real slow,
Are you ready, boy, for that ride?
Your arrogance is gaining on you
And so is eternity.
You better practice happiness;
You better practice humility.
You took the air, you took the time,
Yeah you were fed and you were free,
So you better put some beauty back boy
While you got the energy,
Yeah, you better put some beauty back
While you got the energy."
-- "Back back back", Ani DiFranco

Much luv,
~*~ Ashke ~*~
[This message has been edited by Ashke (edited 10 January 2000).]
hey ashke
i don't know you...we've never chatted, but i just wanted to say thanks for your effort on making people smile...
it very well may be the time of year, or the post-christmas, lotsa-bills no money-havin' blues...but i too have noticed some snippy-ness on the board as of late..
and from one candy-kid to annother...you were in good-form for trying to create some smiles
i too am in the middle of no-rollin'...it's a pain..and i'm gonna wait untill March before i try again...to many bad rolls recently and i want to get the paranoia of it happening again far out of my mind before i jump back in...
anyways...you go candy-girl...and to all my other brothers and sisters in PLUR..SMILE!
HUGGS!! and love too./...
3 tons of love
congratulations on abstaining this weekend
i managed to do the same as well, and i've had a couple beans aging in my closet for like two weeks....
i guess i'm just getting ready for the meetup this saturday night...plus i have monday off from work (!!) so i have time to recover
i think you may be dealing with Epression...but i think it's more likely just from hearing the things that are going on with you.. that you're just down
i personally consider Epression to be that utter sorrow, misery i feel the next day after a great night...uncontrollable sobbing
yeah...the next day is pretty rough on me
but i suffer from chronic depression anyways...so it's kinda tough to tell the difference during the week, you know?
i don't really notice the tension on the board lately though... but i have noticed a lot of 'lighters taking a break, which kinda makes me think about why
but then again... the winter just seems like kind of a down season for rolling/partying...
"I am more than a mathematical equation...i am more than a chemical combination... my existence cannot be reduced to a scientific theory!"
Thanks again to Ashke for making a great post during these seemingly troublesome times for many!
You are the greatest!
Dont know why but January is not the greatest of months for people. I personally am struggling with paying off Christmas and New Years, leaving me with a very tight rave budget.
We all just have to look forward to better times, hoping February will be a little more kind.
Looking forward to better days...
Yeah, I was just noticing the downturn in mood on this board and was wondering what the hell happened over the weekend that I missed. There was such an outburst of PLUR and happiness when the board bounced back finally on the 7th, but I turn my back a second and it's 'blah'ness left and right.
Not that I'm exactly in the happy minority right now, but still
Ashke, hon, the January Grey isn't the break from the pills. It's just Real Life. It's a pain in the ass, but has to be dealt with from time to time (to time to time to time, in my case). But don't break from your break. The pills shouldn't be used as an escape from reality, they should be there to accent some part of it that you really want to appreciate. Like couches or Februrary
'Sides, I got selfish reasons
It's been said before (many times, in many waaaaaays, Merr- err), but the whole magic of altered states is the change from the banal, the everyday. But if the magic becomes the everyday, then what's left to become the magic? You can't have couches every weekend. That's what makes couches so special.
Cliche as it may be, absence does make the heart grow fonder. And besides, imagine how nice it'll be to say, that day that the break's finally over and where you've balled all the bullshit from the sober days up into a wad to be tossed away, "this made it all worth it"?
This goes for everyone, really. Though I suspect that rollers know better than most people that there's too many beautiful things in life to keep spending all your time trying to escape them. I dunno, I sure as hell manage to lose sight of that beauty when I'm buried to the eyeballs in crap, but then I feel like a complete idiot when something little pops up and reminds me of exactly what I was missing.
It's too easy to get caught up in the January Grey. Just like Ashke said, the holidays are over, the bills are due, and (at least in the Northern Hemisphere), the weather sucks dong. For some of us, we're sad because families and loved ones are scattering again to the winds. For others, we're still raw from being raked over the coals by those we wished would just stay scattered to the winds. Maybe consciously or unconsciously, people are eating a couple more beans, doing a couple more rails, drinking a couple more shots to compensate. I know I did last time.
And I felt... jaded. It was a nice roll, don't get me wrong. But besides a moonlit wander through an abandoned tow yard with a flashlight that refused to work and a scribbled message in a dirty window (that I can't seem to remember, but I know it was fun to write with big, swooping letters), I don't remember much magic. Finances kinda had me leaning towards a break before that, but I definitely was set on one afterwards. 'Sides, I chewed my cheek ALL to hell
. Time to invest in a chew toy.
You know, I had a point somewhere when I began this, but, woo, it went bye-bye
. I guess it's just that breaks are good. A lot of people are taking 'em now cuz they know it's a good time for one. Time to recover, physically, mentally, emotionally, so that the next time has that magic again.
Mm, no, I think it was just me rambling to get my own shit out. And to offer big ol' hugs to everyone. Cuz, rolling or sober, a genuine hug really is one of the best things around. Along with a shoulder for you to rest your head on. Best way to tough out the January Grey: with someone else. And, grouchy or not, Bluelighters make awesome Someone Elses.
Loupy - Don't mind me. I'll just be on the couches.
Aw Loupy... I luv you so much, you've just got such heart.
I can't wait for Februrary and couches either. And believe me, when we're finally together again and rolling face for the first time after our breaks, there will be magic. The best, purest, most beautiful magic! Can't see how it'd be any other way.

~*~ Ashke ~*~