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Effects of vaping every single day.


Jun 26, 2008
I have a bad cough when I vape I dunno why. Had it for last four years. I've told my doctor's they check and say my lungs sound fine should I request a cat scan or something I'm worried about it. Also what's the effects of smoking weed every day. Like do I need to quit for a month? To reverse tolerance shouldn't it be possible to vape every day safe?
yup, lung x-rays, cat scans, whatever diagnostic tool they can offer - take it.

I smoke/vape every day and occasionally i’ll have a cough if I’ve overdone it on the smoking. but vaping legal cartridges has never caused me a problem. Last day w/o a cartridge hit was Feb 2020?

Vapeing seems to irritate throats more easily. can you pass your vapor through a bubbler?

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Yes to @Mr. Krinkle! That is what I’m suspecting more and more. It’s just too concentrated to be sustainable for long-term use.
Organs and fats more easily accumulate metabolites from higher concentrations of product.

Plus, even flower is so potent now, doubling since early 2000s, oils are on order of magnitude stronger and lead to more damage.

I find vaping dry flower ok, but also very drying. Recently I started putting an orange peel in with my stash, and the vaping is a bit less harsh.
my non-covid sore throat sent me to doctors (phone appointments only) and to Ear nose and throat specialists, then I shifted to water soluble emulsified oral thc products, and my throat cleared up.
one nite I tried my pipe again and had a sore throat the next day.
I'm just doing water soluble thc these days.
it is faster acting than OIL,
XMG drops or Emprise nano hypernova. or YAWN.
all great and no throat problem.
vaping can be hit and miss i've noticed. When I was vaping nicotine, I was buying juice, not carts and never had a problem and I never had a problem with the Blu disposables but Juul fucked up my throat so badly so quickly that I tossed it and all the refills I got before I even made it half way through the first cart and some of the delta 8 carts i've tried made my lungs sore and made it hard to breath. All in all I'd say it has to do with a combination of your body specifically and the maker of what your vaping.

And yeah, it freaks me out a bit because we really don't know what the long term consequences of vaping are. at least smoking is a known evil.
I need to ask.

Does everyone cough when you smoke, vape, hit a bong etc?

I dont cough from weed at all. Some friends think im weird because i can hit a bong full and never cough. Had a few try to follow suit thinking my weed was mellow or something but they coughed their lungs out after trying.

I can cough from most normal things but hitting weed just doesnt trigger a cough reflex in me.

I only smoke flower and vape flower, i dont use any carts or shatter or anything else.
sometimes my lungs just end up a little dirty and i end up with a cough from hitting the bong too much....but no i don't really cough after i blow out a rip

usually ill have the cough in the morning and it clears up after that ....weed is an expectorant too so it all comes right up and im hockin loogies left and right and then ill move to vaping flower instead and my lungs clear up almost immediately

i moved to vaping flower when we started to get the wildfire smoke here in July and i never switched back and my lungs are super clear now
My hypothesis is that the cough reflex diminishes over time (until the curve eventually rebounds, of course), as the cilia (tiny hair-like fibres) in the bronchus gradually flatten out and cease to function. I used to cough, but then got used to it (as my cilia became more damaged).

The act of coughing or sneezing can even flatten or kill the cilia, so these gentle filter-fibres are easily damaged, but can regrow some time after removing the pathogen/irritant/smoke.

You just have good lungs @Yourbaker ! Most everyone I know coughs at the start of their smoking or toking journey. Then you get used to it and it becomes fun to laugh at the greenhorns for hacking up a lung. Until they keel over with a collapsed one, hehe (not funny!). ;)
My hypothesis is that the cough reflex diminishes over time (until the curve eventually rebounds, of course), as the cilia (tiny hair-like fibres) in the bronchus gradually flatten out and cease to function. I used to cough, but then got used to it (as my cilia became more damaged).

The act of coughing or sneezing can even flatten or kill the cilia, so these gentle filter-fibres are easily damaged, but can regrow some time after removing the pathogen/irritant/smoke.

You just have good lungs @Yourbaker ! Most everyone I know coughs at the start of their smoking or toking journey. Then you get used to it and it becomes fun to laugh at the greenhorns for hacking up a lung. Until they keel over with a collapsed one, hehe (not funny!). ;)
I do suppose that's really all it is.

I've really just started smoking in the last month so I would be the greenhorn in this case. I've smoked occasionally over the last 12 years and vaped a bit more often but primarily used just oil orally. But the damage to the hairs would be the only physical reason so your answer would still be correct regardless of how I've damaged them.
I have a bad cough when I vape I dunno why. Had it for last four years. I've told my doctor's they check and say my lungs sound fine should I request a cat scan or something I'm worried about it. Also what's the effects of smoking weed every day. Like do I need to quit for a month? To reverse tolerance shouldn't it be possible to vape every day safe?

Beware of monsters next Halloween, then consider making a distinction between the consumption method and the substance, keeping in mind the FCTC/COP6 onusian event is turning 10 years in December (russian propaganda was imported by it actually and now developed countries pay the price), so...
Since vaping can mean using herb, using oils/carts/etc. I think it's pretty important to try to distinguish between these various forms. For me and some of the others I know, vaping dry herb has been a game changer, I mean, we're not using tobacco anymore, if additional nicotine is needed there are nicotine pouches or snus. Vaping dry herb feels like a different experience too; where as before (when mixing with tobacco) it was always about this hammer hitting first joint feeling, then now it's more like theraupeutic, medical use.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that overall my consumption patterns have greatly improved. Others here mention the effect on lungs specifically vaping has; my guess would be there are better long term health outcomes with vaping than with regular joints (with tobacco).
...it's pretty important to try to distinguish...

I'd never confuse the terms "vape" and "vaporizer" interchangeably but it's just too late to put the geany back into his bottle i guess.

...if additional nicotine is needed there are nicotine pouches or snus.

Sure, or one may still prefer the « Heat-not-Burn » (HnB) alternatives still emulating a cigarette.

...there are better long term health outcomes...

The cigarette/joint format eventually made me concerned about wasting costly material as bigot prohibitionism progressed, then i discovered vaporism after a 3 years pause: it was a revelation! The transition proved being an investment helping me to unlearn the former consumption model, save noble molecules because i wasn't destroying half of it by fire to heat the rest anymore, while cutting my cost by 3 as a bonus. So it pays for itself on the long run, for example in 2010 my HerbalAire required that i spend ~315 $Cdn initially but i used it 25 months, so it's been more like a rent-to-buy 12.60 $/month scenario, e.g. until i understood what i really liked best. This multiplied opportunities to experience rituals outside the typical dosing abuse spiral which used to always end with a same reflex: wanting to finish it, because if i extinguished a joint it still caused an irrecuperable (and even anxiogenic) loss... The trade-off being to abandon the characteristic smell of burnt cannabis, a small price to pay in exchange of getting a lot stealthier on top of allowing aroma/taste appreciation of which i only got some rare hints when trying the hot knives method. If only i had known! All those decades gone down the drain when just a little bit more education could have made a radical difference, no thanks to our successive politicians who always thought of their own survival 1st - not to mention the censorship that actually exists within our very own protected forums!! Apparently because the "medi¢alization" strategy fails us all, by replacing the natural right to personal emancipation free of 3rd-party $o¢io-toxi¢ predator$ with a « $i¢k 'n $ad » substitute governed by propaganda as that imported via the FCTC/COP6 report exactly.

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Since vaping can mean using herb, using oils/carts/etc. I think it's pretty important to try to distinguish between these various forms. For me and some of the others I know, vaping dry herb has been a game changer, I mean, we're not using tobacco anymore, if additional nicotine is needed there are nicotine pouches or snus. Vaping dry herb feels like a different experience too; where as before (when mixing with tobacco) it was always about this hammer hitting first joint feeling, then now it's more like theraupeutic, medical use.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that overall my consumption patterns have greatly improved. Others here mention the effect on lungs specifically vaping has; my guess would be there are better long term health outcomes with vaping than with regular joints (with tobacco).
Been Vaping and for that smoking Herb pure at most 4 times a day. And since i left out tobacco.
The pipe lung effect seems less not gone, vaping herb at 170/ 180 celcius don t have me coughing like smoke w/ could.

But neither even with Tobacco affected to my observers feeling hurt my lungs.
Only overdoing the last Weed smoked little Tobacco on the end, that produced mucus.
Not the greenish kind, good its over Tobacco. Now just switching from smoke to vapor to nothing and i am clean.
Best case scenario. ;)

btw once had a disp vape with HHC ao oil, so with pg or vg. That did give some cough reflex i remember.
It's called cast iron lungs for the fella who doesn't cough whatsoever no matter how fat the bong rip, 6footer might give you a little ughum...but yeah some folks are like that others become this...I honestly know how deep the inhale has to feel in order to cough my ass off soo I can sort of decide how high I want to get.

Similar to these vapes. You can switch the battery setting to hit harder and if you're like me, you probably let off the button before the "blinker" and press down for a double or triple blink.

I have noticed after smoking pens daily that it doesn't really get me high when I casually hit it throughout the day but puts my head in a weird place some days.. and I noticed the raspy throat..I'm not really smoker coughing throughout the day (and I also smoke cigarettes like a pack a day for decade or more) so I'M not really worried about it but I really do think that these are not the safest route but they sure are fucking nice...especially if it's real deal and not d8!!
It's called cast iron lungs for the fella who doesn't cough whatsoever no matter how fat the bong rip, 6footer might give you a little ughum...but yeah some folks are like that others become this...I honestly know how deep the inhale has to feel in order to cough my ass off soo I can sort of decide how high I want to get.

Similar to these vapes. You can switch the battery setting to hit harder and if you're like me, you probably let off the button before the "blinker" and press down for a double or triple blink.

I have noticed after smoking pens daily that it doesn't really get me high when I casually hit it throughout the day but puts my head in a weird place some days.. and I noticed the raspy throat..I'm not really smoker coughing throughout the day (and I also smoke cigarettes like a pack a day for decade or more) so I'M not really worried about it but I really do think that these are not the safest route but they sure are fucking nice...especially if it's real deal and not d8!!
Iron lungs maybe, 110 % capacity they measured after discovering I almost died of Pneumonia.
Though the measure was done during allergy test, before i started first hand smoking att just lived in it.

But the bong rip you describe took that once in my yout, also had a Deattmen s hole in it, allowing a super toke.
After that a counghing attack started, meanwhile you feel the incredible overload of THC creeping up during.
Spent that day coughing, puking and recovering. Pure Weed at that doese was not match for our Tobacco lace joints.

A Oxygen mask would have been usefull, or not taking that rip. Peer pressure you know, don t let it get you.
Instict first, if people are desperatley watching take it there is probably a reason. They had a good laugh.

:sick:= me :sick: = my friend
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Yeah I was never a fan of mixing tobacco in my joint or blunts pipe bong whatever ain't happening for me, I need a cigarette and do not want to waste the amazing beauty that goes naturally with some good tasty buds by mixing in tobacco... yuck. No offense but yeah, that would not be good for your lungs at all. In fact no smoke or vapor is..a bong rip is probably purest next to krinkles idea of raping a straight nug(I used to make my own vaporizer with a light-bulb back in the day day but only fid a couple times.)

However a blunt, the wrap itself has a bit of tobacco in itself alone. About as close as I'll ever get to THC and Tobacco-ing.

Anyhow back to these vapes..I prefer the carts over the disposable any day hands down and I love them whether it's delta 8, THC-A, HHC or others whichever, count me in..BUT they are for sure HARSH hits and that's ok but I prefer finding a saliva, indica, and/or hybrid strain that's earthy and doesn't make my throat scratchy. The real deal THC carts are not as harsh on the lungs while hitting it or even after compared to these others IMO.
Yeah I was never a fan of mixing tobacco in my joint or blunts pipe bong whatever ain't happening for me, I need a cigarette and do not want to waste the amazing beauty that goes naturally with some good tasty buds by mixing in tobacco... yuck. No offense but yeah, that would not be good for your lungs at all. In fact no smoke or vapor is..a bong rip is probably purest next to krinkles idea of raping a straight nug(I used to make my own vaporizer with a light-bulb back in the day day but only fid a couple times.)

However a blunt, the wrap itself has a bit of tobacco in itself alone. About as close as I'll ever get to THC and Tobacco-ing.

Anyhow back to these vapes..I prefer the carts over the disposable any day hands down and I love them whether it's delta 8, THC-A, HHC or others whichever, count me in..BUT they are for sure HARSH hits and that's ok but I prefer finding a saliva, indica, and/or hybrid strain that's earthy and doesn't make my throat scratchy. The real deal THC carts are not as harsh on the lungs while hitting it or even after compared to these others IMO.
But when used to the degrading influennce of Nicotin on THC taking at once. Small hits.

That bong rip pure Weed, psyhedelic high, though sick to so not really enjoyable.
Had just as much Weed as in joint mixed with Tobacco. Whole diffrent drug.

A blunt is ime like smokin pure in a Rizzla. The Tobacco leaf mere dis guise, but not noticeably active this way.
Smoking pure is anyway a diff drug then when combo d, while smoing before or after is fine, i hear.
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i think oil is bad for your lungs no matter how you smoke it

vaping flower would be the way to go to clean up your lungs if smoking is still you're preferable route
Seconded vaping flower. Carts and certain concentrates fuck my lungs up without fail. They feel super harsh. Dry herb vaping (daily user) makes me almost feel like I'm not a smoker at all until I overdo it with the torch.
I have a bad cough when I vape I dunno why. Had it for last four years. I've told my doctor's they check and say my lungs sound fine should I request a cat scan or something I'm worried about it. Also what's the effects of smoking weed every day. Like do I need to quit for a month? To reverse tolerance shouldn't it be possible to vape every day safe?
Once bought a disposable HHC+HHC-p+Terpenes vape.
The cartridge kind, it irritated my throat/ lungs.

My Herb smoke chamber vape doesn t.
I posted a bit crooked science report about vapes just as smoke.
Releasing high and low density particles, PAHs ed,
And both producing secondary vape/ smoke harmful to others.