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    European & African
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EADD Heroin thread v.XXV -- a quarter centuary of threads if not yet a full decade since the 'drought'...

Well - in maybe 5 or 6 years, THEN their might be a H shortage in Europe. The 20 years the US controlled Afghanistan were the 'golden years' of opium production. Every year a new record. But the price of H didn't COLLAPSE. Why? Because the large dealers on the supply route to Europe all keep very large (multiple years worth) of H in storage.

As others have said, these people have been in the heroin trade for generations. Nature alone will see good years and bad years in terms of harvest so long ago they learnt to buy ALL the H and just ensure that the market is supplied but not oversupplied - as any mature business would operate.

The EMCDDA estimated that the H on UK streets was, on average, 7 years old. Keep it dry, keep it cool, it lasts a long, long time.

And if you think The Taliban cares about non-Muslim users then you are crazy. It's the fact that opium and heroin use has become a huge problem WITHIN Afghanistan that they banned poppy growing. That was a function of overproduction - some growers could find no external market.

It's hard to predict the H market years in the future but the Shan State is growing increasing amounts of opium to fund their civil war. Opium was previously grown on absolutely huge scales in India (think British East India Company) to exchange for tea with the Chinese for 200+ years and more recently Turkey and Pakistan are also sizable growers.

The poppy isn't THAT choosey. I mean, it's legally grown on a huge scale in Tazmania of all places. So look at a political map. Zambia and other African nations have proven physically suited to growing opium. So look for civil wars.
Well - in maybe 5 or 6 years, THEN their might be a H shortage in Europe. The 20 years the US controlled Afghanistan were the 'golden years' of opium production. Every year a new record. But the price of H didn't COLLAPSE. Why? Because the large dealers on the supply route to Europe all keep very large (multiple years worth) of H in storage.

As others have said, these people have been in the heroin trade for generations. Nature alone will see good years and bad years in terms of harvest so long ago they learnt to buy ALL the H and just ensure that the market is supplied but not oversupplied - as any mature business would operate.

The EMCDDA estimated that the H on UK streets was, on average, 7 years old. Keep it dry, keep it cool, it lasts a long, long time.

And if you think The Taliban cares about non-Muslim users then you are crazy. It's the fact that opium and heroin use has become a huge problem WITHIN Afghanistan that they banned poppy growing. That was a function of overproduction - some growers could find no external market.

It's hard to predict the H market years in the future but the Shan State is growing increasing amounts of opium to fund their civil war. Opium was previously grown on absolutely huge scales in India (think British East India Company) to exchange for tea with the Chinese for 200+ years and more recently Turkey and Pakistan are also sizable growers.

The poppy isn't THAT choosey. I mean, it's legally grown on a huge scale in Tazmania of all places. So look at a political map. Zambia and other African nations have proven physically suited to growing opium. So look for civil wars.
Muslims are cracking down on opiods because of the high rates of use in the shitholes they live in.( Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran ect....). Fuck the infidels, that is how they feel.
Opium in a plastic bag, in a cool dry place will last a long time.
But after the supplies run out, here comes the fent. The Europeans are good at making synthetic drugs.
Ndrangheta controls 90% of the drug trade in Europe. Most people here never heard of them. They are secretive and smart.
Once the supply runs out, they will need a place with high elevation, cheap labor and no real legit government.
Khun Sa is gone, the Shan people need a leader. Khun Sa disappeared but he was a puppet for the triads. Golden Triangle?
Columbia? No, cocaine is too profitable.
Mexican smack is gone. Fent too profitable.
Opium only grows at a high altitude, something like 1000 meters above sea level. Labor intensive
1 hectare produces 15-20 kilos of raw opium.
10 percent morphine, then it needs it needs to be processed to #3 or #4 smack. Not as cheap and a lot harder to make and smuggle.

You are right about the cocaine, smack is labor intensive and there needs to a place at high altitude and a narco state.
Once the supply runs out of junk, here comes the fent. It is simple economics and Afghanistan opium was used to produce 95% of of Europe's smack. They are under pressure from Muslim countries and opium production is down 80%+. Supply runs out, then what.
Same as North America. China and North Korea wanna fuck over NATO countries.

Junkies in Canada and US are mostly of European decent. They have adapted. Fent users prefer it over heroin. It is a novelty too some occasionally but fent is the drug of choice once heroin addicts get a taste for it.

As the population grows, there will be a larger demand and no supply. Here comes fent. But Russia has a major issue with NATO and can get fent into NATO countries to fuck them.

What do you mean in a previous post that coke is socially acceptable?

Supplies are getting low in Europe from what I have read, then a replacement will be needed.
Cocaine is generally socially acceptable in the sense that non users will still hang out, party, socialise with active users. Say at a party people doing lines in corner or in club toilets. Nobody really cares as long as they're not making havoc
Cocaine is generally socially acceptable in the sense that non users will still hang out, party, socialise with active users. Say at a party people doing lines in corner or in club toilets. Nobody really cares as long as they're not making havoc
Oh, I didn't know that. Sounds like America in the later 1970's to mid 1980's in many major US cities. Til the crack epidemic. Also with the adjustment for inflation, coke has become relatively inexpensive in Europe. Also Tapered explained that the routes of smuggling are much different. Is crack also tolerated or does it have a similar social stigma as here in America?
Nah, crack is not tolerated except in certain circles.

People smoking crack - can lead to violence and bad behaviour
People having a few lines - generally not bat an eyelid unless very anti drugs. Only really an issue with extreme use combined with heavy alcohol consumption...

"Just don’t mix your Browns and your whites with your wine
And don’t sit on your cigarettes
You’ll feel like shit soon enough and deserve’s got no say in a story’s past"

Drive By Truckers

@AlsoTapered is thaaaa Man. What he doesn't know ain't worth knowing. Respect and love to you, mate. Hope you're doing ok.
Yeah - nobody much bothers about people taking cocaine. OK at the more polite gatherings such as a dinner party people may go to the bathroom to use - but they are going every 30-40 minutes, bruxism, lack of appetite (excused by the 'I'm on a diet' lie) and the very OBVIOUS coked-up approach to conversation make it pretty obvious.

I don't like coke or being around people ON coke. So I stay clear.

As for Europe - well Afghanistan only became a European supplier in the late 80s and guess what? Fentanyl was in the US by then, but not in Europe. Why, because it almost all came from the Shan State and conveniently (possibly even suspiciously so) their is now a civil war in Myanmar. An opium production their is going through the roof.

But as I said, the poppy will grown in many places, it's merely a matter of looking at a political map of the world. If it grows just fine in Tazmania, and that's the coldest part of Australia with a climate similar to the UK. So growing the poppy isn't like growing the coca leaf - it isn't too picky.

So NO, fentanyl is unlikely ever to replace H in Europe. About a decade ago we had a short period in which it appeared, killed about 60 people and rapidly disappeared. Right not the nitazenes (which being more potent and longer acting is much more attractive to Baltic chemists) is doing the rounds. But it's hardly like the huge H producers are in favour of it - they have entire smuggling networks run by generations of 'clans' who will adapt, whatever the ultimate source of the H.

Why are people so fixated on saying specifically fentanyl will replace H in Europe? It isn't even as if fentanyl or the far more potent nitazenes are accepted. If their is a choice, people will choose H or at least a synthetic that is subjectively like H. U-47700 was vastly more successful in Europe because it's much more like H and it's duration of action is actually a bit longer.

But I just don't see the H running out.

If it somehow did - plant 1 acre of oriental poppies somewhere, it's legal to do so since they produce no morphine or codeine. But they DO yield oripavine and thebaine. From there it's possible (depending on skill level to produce 1Kg oxymorphone to dihydroetorphine. But actually you can produce thousands of different semi-synthetics as it is by far the most studied class of opioid.
Hey, also tapered you are probably like me, old enough that going to the bathroom( sorry I do not know how to spell the British slang version of the can it begins with the letter L) that going to the can every 30-40 minutes wouldn't seem that odd. Lol.
What are the legs like?
Twitching, you could see the muscle going tight & slack.
I've just had some more of this stuff, I finished it at 10;30am & I am still going 100 MPH off it.

The guy I go to for the last few months is VERY selective in who he sells to so I have to go shopping for a god friend & he gives me a bit for fetching it. His asked me to get him 35 bags on Friday to last over Xmas but his doing 4-5 a day!!!!

I told him to buy a weight as I can get them but he still wants it as ALL bags which is mad imho, he would be better off getting an 1/8th in my view but it's upto him. He had smoked 4 bags each day of this strong stuff & when he got to my flat this morning at 9;17am he was so ill, he was white in the face & had to run to the toilet, his moaning about his belly as it seems the moment you get sick off this stuff you are dope sick equal to being 36-48 hours off normal gear.

BE CAREFUL FOLKS, Mixing this with strong booze will kill you, I NEVER warn others on here about gear as we are all old-time junkies & can crank a 1/2 gram with no issues, you crank half a gram of this stuff you'll be dead.
I don't wanna start off 2024 with half the people on this thread dead.

I see us all who post on this part as brothers, I care for you all in a odd way, you build a connection in a way with people who use a forum for years in a odd way, I was worried about @blondin a few days ago & i think I posted about it, I'd actually cry if he died.

Have a brown Xmas folks, I'm not that fussed about a white Xmas ;) ;) ;)
BUT BE CAREFUL FOLKS, this strong stuff seems to be all over the place, it's flooded out of Birmingham to this town in less than 3 days, so if people don't have it in their area now it will be there soon & it is STRONG.

I DON'T want to start 2024 with people I care about being dead.
Hey, also tapered you are probably like me, old enough that going to the bathroom( sorry I do not know how to spell the British slang version of the can it begins with the letter L) that going to the can every 30-40 minutes wouldn't seem that odd. Lol.
I don't like coke or being around people ON coke. So I stay clear.

Same here, pal. I actually like to have a conversation as opposed to being with someone who isn't listening to me and is just waiting for me to finish so they can start speaking again.

That and the whole manufacturing process and importation has blood all over it. There's no fairtrade coke. Bad karma buying into that shit.
Not into illegal drugs, pills prescribed for damage I did as a drunk.
Not sure what cokeheads are like, crackheads I have known. They are really annoying.
Twitching, you could see the muscle going tight & slack.
I've just had some more of this stuff, I finished it at 10;30am & I am still going 100 MPH off it.

The guy I go to for the last few months is VERY selective in who he sells to so I have to go shopping for a god friend & he gives me a bit for fetching it. His asked me to get him 35 bags on Friday to last over Xmas but his doing 4-5 a day!!!!

I told him to buy a weight as I can get them but he still wants it as ALL bags which is mad imho, he would be better off getting an 1/8th in my view but it's upto him. He had smoked 4 bags each day of this strong stuff & when he got to my flat this morning at 9;17am he was so ill, he was white in the face & had to run to the toilet, his moaning about his belly as it seems the moment you get sick off this stuff you are dope sick equal to being 36-48 hours off normal gear.

BE CAREFUL FOLKS, Mixing this with strong booze will kill you, I NEVER warn others on here about gear as we are all old-time junkies & can crank a 1/2 gram with no issues, you crank half a gram of this stuff you'll be dead.
I don't wanna start off 2024 with half the people on this thread dead.

I see us all who post on this part as brothers, I care for you all in a odd way, you build a connection in a way with people who use a forum for years in a odd way, I was worried about @blondin a few days ago & i think I posted about it, I'd actually cry if he died.

Have a brown Xmas folks, I'm not that fussed about a white Xmas ;) ;) ;)
BUT BE CAREFUL FOLKS, this strong stuff seems to be all over the place, it's flooded out of Birmingham to this town in less than 3 days, so if people don't have it in their area now it will be there soon & it is STRONG.

I DON'T want to start 2024 with people I care about being dead.
Can't all those bags get you into more trouble, intent to distribute as opposed to I've got a bad problem?
Twitching, you could see the muscle going tight & slack.
I've just had some more of this stuff, I finished it at 10;30am & I am still going 100 MPH off it.

So the duration of these nitazenes (or whatever it ACTUALLY is) are actually longer than H?

Well, I think I can guess which nitazene it's LIKELY to be. I had wondered why certain homologues of etonitazene that are known to be less potent seemed to be turning up. Evidently someone has looked into the QSAR and has figured out how to produce something that more closely mimics H.

I think I've posted this but etonitazene (at least) is a superagonist. It's also selective to the MOR which likely explains the subjective differences.

It's likely that no dose of methadone, however large, would be capable of totally stopping physical withdrawal. In Canada someone is producing carfentanil with it also a MOR selective superagonist. It seems to me like a 1 way street. Yes, you can just cold turkey but I seriously doubt any medicines could help.

I'm not tying to scare people. I'm just making people aware that it's a whole different game.

@blondin yep. Someone posted an article which itself is based on EMCDDA data. With 4-6 years to find an alternative source, no sudden expansion in market-size and a totally different view of the drug-trade, they have time to adapt.

Syria is another nation that has traditionally produced opium and is currently a huge market for Captagon. Swapping one drug for another is as old as the drug trade...
Not sure of UK laws, but maybe he doesn't trust you?
In the Junk game on the street I Trust NOBODY.

I am Polite & show Respect to "the man" & speak to him with NONE of the typical Chav / Roadman rubbish but would I want him in my flat / around the dog / feel 100% sure if we were pulled over by the Cops he wouldn't toss his Knife & Gun into my lap & make me get my prints on it FUCK NO!!!!!!!!

On the street I Trust me, myself & I ;)