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EADD Benzo Discussion V. Waking up in a Wakefield skip

Yeah just to reflect on what Bleaney said, planning to taper and even get dosage down/have tolerance breaks is hard just due to the nature of benzos ('I feel like shit, I'm gonna have one.' - two hours later you've had another). I came off a pretty heavy habit cold turkey and the only way I got through it was being alone for a few weeks, having a safe place to stay and having no responsibilities etc. Just putting this out there as life gets in the way of trying to clean up, especially benzos due to what we use them for and how effective they are.
Yeah absolutely "life gets in the way" does pretty well sum up the difficulties with trying to abstain from benzos.

It would be so easy if you didn't have to leave the home environment or see anyone etc.
i was talking about dropping to zero ofcourse, prolly never gonna happen again :)
Anhone tried these new Irqnian clonaz that are replacing all the galenikas in the drought?
Anhone tried these new Irqnian clonaz that are replacing all the galenikas in the drought?
What Galenkia Rivotril clonazepam drought?

That's the first I've heard of it.

All Wedinos results up to the most recent (Jan 30th) are continuing to show the same brand available and testing good.

Whether these are being purchased online or on the street it doesn't seem to be making any difference, although ofcouse you cant tell that from the wedinos page.
Anhone tried these new Irqnian clonaz that are replacing all the galenikas in the drought?

loughmans, everything by them meant to be good. look funny tho

anyone ever tried promethazine. im on it from doctors now had 50mg and feel fuck all. frustrating
There isnt a result in a while like 1year plus of the light blue dows in strips i posted being anything but diazepam.

Bensedin, nitazene analogues. Too much for me.

The dows are underdosed but at 24 a nox are you really caring if its 30 x 5mg clean pills even? I actually reckon its above 5, below 10. 5 at once makes me feel like i've had say 30-40mg actual diaz.

Like you say and i respect this. Every benzo user or opiate user. User of scripts. Get your stuff tested by wedinos first. Man its free ffs. We are all aware drug users. I wont take stims even that dont test clean.

also, after slagging bensedins. my mate found some that wedinos test clean. i had some and they were stronger than the dows it felt like. so i reckon although preferable not to mess with brands that have batches tested with nitzines, there are batches of old bensedin still knocking about that are good. And my theory about the Martin Dows roche being underdosed is probably true.
anyone ever tried promethazine. im on it from doctors now had 50mg and feel fuck all. frustrating
I've used effectively to protect against the dreaded hot red codeine rash. And it also works in a pinch for sleep, but tolerance seems to double daily!

On it's own it's not recreational at all afaik. It's just a slightly drowsy anti-histamine and nothing more.
I've used effectively to protect against the dreaded hot red codeine rash. And it also works in a pinch for sleep, but tolerance seems to double daily!

On it's own it's not recreational at all afaik. It's just a slightly drowsy anti-histamine and nothing more.

yeah its absolutely shit. i feel like shit. and angry
yeah its absolutely shit. i feel like shit. and angry
It is merely an anti-histamine with mild sedative properties. It is combined with codeine to make the famous "lean" or "purple drank" that was big in the US. Could still be, not sure but you could get OTC codeine and promethazine syrup and then add it to grape juice and put jolly ranchers in it. Probably 70% of hip hop/trap lyrics a few years back were about "purple drank", "lean" and they love their xanax too (probs no alprazolam in those bars anymore. A lot of them will contain fentanyl if not a different benzo).

On its own it is not recreational but can possibly help you sleep. I have enjoyed it with codeine though - gets rid of the itches and adds a bit of sedation to the high.

I got some "street valium" today - swapped with someone I know who gave me 12 for 6 Martin Dows I had on me. They are white, scored on one side and a "10" on the other. Tasted sweet, almost like that diazepam sweetness although that could just be a sweetener added in the press lol. Got chalky after a while. My man was staggering about though and that's the only reason I recognised him. He was all over the place and couldn't remember how many he'd taken. I took one under the tongue and it was strong as fuck. Dunno what was in it. I would like to get them tested but I'm running low. Likely bromazelam given that most "street valium" seem to contain that at the moment, or etizolam even though there seems to be less of that. I was surprised at how it hit me though. Reminds me of etizolam tablets back after the NPA when all the stocked up etizolam was pressed into "valium" and sold on the street. Very potent and I have quite a big habit. I've had bromazolam but this seemed far stronger. Could just be a higher dose I guess. Or these happened to be the only "street valium" tablets that actually contain 10mg of diazepam as per the "10" pressed onto the tablet lol.
The situation UK wide with diaz atm is terrible imo. I just got 2 boxes of martin dows. I thought because I have other drugs codeine, weed, ket, there, i'm going to dose strictly sensibly.

Well i ate 20mg over half an hour ago. Hot tea and honestly almost zero effect. I can feel the codiene i've taken but absolutely nadda from the diaz. Which i remember bitching about the same thing with them last time.

It was me who exposed the bensedins labtest with nitazene analogues initially. But i had some bensedin that were tested clean the other week, and they were definitely stronger than these. I still choose the dows because the very thought of Zene's in benzos is enough i wont personally buy in that brand.

I am curious does anyone else find the dows to be massively underdosed? For me to have had none at all for say 1-2 weeks and zero glow off 20mg i'm struggling to imagine they're more than 5mg each. Which is a rip off at £22 per 30 tabs.
You sure inside is diazepam not bromazolam?

Everything i buy is always wedinos tested. I posted the link to same batch back in this thread. Slight glow now. But they are not as strong as the original batches, in my opinion.

I believe @Tranced was thinking the same.
Finland is experiencing drought also. Generally speaking, there are only occasional deals of benzos available.

See in the UK. I dunno how much i can say but mates a big steroid benzo supplier etc. Bensedin went from £6.50 a box when buying 100, to £9.50 for him. And they are not available in the same quantities.

The likes of the Loughmans appearing shows how desperate the situation is. When you know the bulk price of them! It's hardly worth the dealers bother. Even these Martin Dows my mate says the best he can find is a sleeve for £150 atm, which considering i'd estimate 5mg not 10mg. Is not a good price.

This is to be taken as a rumor as it is how i was told. But i heard the bensedin were being counterfeited by some other huge operation. So much so it ruined their rep and they stopped producing for a while to consider a rebrand. Which could explain why the bulk just isn't there atm?

Like for me 20mg of genuine diaz. Would always do more than 30mg codeine. As it is now i popped another codiene (bare in mind i am in genuine pain with broken cheek bones chipped teeth etc and been unable to sleep cos of nasty dreams about the incident)... now me being me, were the dows any good. I would have 100% gravitated towards more of those over the codeine first.

It is very clear to me they're like 5mg. Still i reckon safer and better actual diazepam than whats in the latest bensedins which seems messy and makes me more moody.
Just received from clear net Clonazepam and it’s sound like always, as I mention before, most safe benzo to buy now IMO
Just received from clear net Clonazepam and it’s sound like always, as I mention before, most safe benzo to buy now IMO
Agreed. Plus when you've sent off a few batches for testing to confirm, you can then for all practical purposes do you own taste tests etc from then on . As you'll then know exactly what the real article should taste, smell, look, and crush, and feel like etc..

I've sent off maybe 3 or 4 different batches, all been fine, and I dont see any point any more, at least not right now.

But I do check other peoples recent results on Wedinos whenever it's time to re-order.

I'd be interested if anyone knows or has any theories as to why clonazepam is generally so reliable.

At the same time I feel like it is tempting fate, and bad supersitition, for several of us to keep mentioning this.

It's bound to go tits up at some point.

The clearnet vendors don't seem to be in on it, this is happening above them. Although obviously they can't advertise certain products as genuine, or charge more for them, as that would be admitting that some of their other products may not be so kosher.
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The martin dows ive had 4 with weed today which i assume is 20-30mg of actual clean diazepam. No more. Got a stash for when i need them.