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EADD Benzo Discussion v. Finally remembered to start a new thread.

I'd say the Big Bad West's troubled relationship with drugs is a factor, but don't forget that a lot of east Asian / SE Asian countries ain't too hot on human rights in general.

It's all too easy to fall for the 'land of smiles' - style tourist propaganda and ignore the fact that a lot of these places routinely treat a large section of their populace like shit.

Not to say 'The West' is much better, but it's generally a little less flagrant in matters of the oppression of its own citizens, and life is just that little bit less cheap. Only just.
Ed Miliband was interviewed last night/sometime yesterday, blathering on about the first thing he thinks upon waking 'each morning he wakes and thinks how can i make Britain a better place for the Everyman'.:eek:

Yeah right, ofcourse you do Ed, I believe you.:sus:
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He's a strange cringeworthy fucker

Indeed, it baffles me why they dont demote him, his popularity rating is as low as any Labour Leaders has ever been. Somone like Andy Burnham would be much better, far more engaging, one of those few politicians that actually make you want to listen to what he has to say.
Freaky robotic mong. i'd lose my rag if i had to interview a cunt like that, end up giving some MP a well deserved smack
far more engaging, one of those few politicians that actually make you want to listen to what he has to say.

Be careful what you wish for:

Just looked it up on Wiki.. sounds like the king of benzos.. i take it from the drooling by some it is..

7 years jail time in Japan just for possesion for consumption.. trafficking can carry a $5 mil fine and life inprisonment.. thats some draconian shit right there. I wonder why they're so heavy with the drug laws out east??
They're not known as "Happy 5's" for nothing - SERIOUSLY EUPHORIC and that's coming from a cunt who gets 20mg Temazziez for bedtime.

I think, during the big UN / USA drug classification ting in the mid 70's, the very Eastern countries (except for China that's now done a U-Turn) realised how much influence and power and corruption the gangs - Yakuza, Triads etc. - had on "law enforcement". It's akin to how now that the UK have pulled out of Afghanistan that the amount of cops being bribed to get the good gear that's in the UK now is - All about the money cash dollah dollah bills y'all...
Hello! Is anyone here tonight? I'm pretty new to the EADD and benzos are my DoC. Just had some lorazepam and zopiclone, and am settling down for a night of chill with the odd bit of euphoria. These days I only have access to what I'm scripted, what I have left over from better days (Libriums and diazepam 2s... only for avoiding withdrawal, if that), and what I can afford from RC vendors (not much.. unemployed student, waiting for disability benefits). Lately I've become increasingly paranoid about having things shipped to my house - indeed, I only order things to my house when I'm very benzed, and freak out later - so I'm p much down on my luck at the moment. Just scraping by on meagre scripts (my loraz script used to be 100 1mgs a month, now it's 40, and I get it in weekly instalments as ordered by my psych so that I don't attempt suicide with them - I've told them several times that a fatal benzo overdose is near impossible, but they don't listen...). I wish I knew more people in this town.

Sorry for rambling.
RC benzos in the UK are uncontrolled. That means even if in the extremely unlikely event of a postal worker thinking your package looked suspicious, and handed it to his manger, to get the police down, they couldn't charge you with anything. Not even sure if they could seize the benzos either given that they aren't illegal. This issue really isnt anything worth getting paranoid about imo.

Quite recently i had a package of kratom (it must have been a free sample as i hadnt ordered anything) get ripped open by the automated machinery. At least that's what it looks like must have happened. It didn't look like the work of a human thief the way the jiffy seal had come aprt. Again though kratom is uncontrolled in the UK.

Not wishing to add fuel to your paranoia but apparently every package gets photographed as it goes through the conveyor, someone may or may not have gone to the trouble of finding out where my kratom was destined for or mabe not. I can imagine a big cloud of powder clogging the machinery as my now empty jiffy back went on its way through the machinery and must have snagged up somehow. An empty jiffy bag arrived on my doorstep. I didnt even get one of those Royal Mail "We're sorry" plastic bags.

Essentially i think most postal workers are probably too busy just doing the basic essentials of their job, rather than chosing to go out of their way to tamper with mail/report every suspicious package to their managers. They'd be making a pain in the arse of themslves as i bet thousands of packages could look suspicious, if you were specifically looking out for that sort of thing. The vendors post everything so discreetly that unless someone examined and felt for the contents exteremely carefully they'd never guess what was in there. It could be vitamin pills/herbal suppliments/ legit prescriptions for all they know. I hope that has helped put your mind at rest a bit, rather than making things even worse. (Maybe i shouldn't have told you about the photographing thing, but i think its better to know these things than not know them, even if it does make you feel unconfortable.)
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They're not known as "Happy 5's" for nothing - SERIOUSLY EUPHORIC and that's coming from a cunt who gets 20mg Temazziez for bedtime

You've tried those "happy 5s"? Could you detail what they were like? I'm really interested.
I miss temaz. I used to get 20mg/night, but when I went into a psych ward a couple years ago they changed me to zopiclone because "temaz is too strong for someone your age". The zopiclone is a very strange experience. Crazy body load at only moderate doses - I once scarfed 15 7.5s and felt barely any euphoria, and fell over several times trying to walk. Like being drunk, basically. Just a fucked-up effect. Not euphoric, shit as an anxiolytic. That try left me depressive and maudlin. It is good in the middle of the night when my routine 10pm loraz is wearing off and I need something to get rid of the rebound effects apart from getting up and getting another loraz (I'm trying to ration my loraz as I have 5 to last me until Wednesday... stupid NHS)...

I'm banging on a bit. What I meant was that I miss temazepam and prefer it to zopiclone. I will ramble a lot tonight, as I'm loose-tongued on our GABA-agonist friends.
I managed to source some a while ago, only a strip of 10, a very very nice benzo but not too dissimilar to other IMO (i.e overrated due to legend status), though i seem to be almost unique in this opinion. I'm pretty sure they were legit
RC benzos in the UK are uncontrolled. That means even if in the extremely unlikely event of a postal worker thinking your package looked suspicious, and handed it to his manger, to get the police down, they couldn't charge you with anything. Not even sure if they could seize the benzos either given that they aren't illegal. This issue really isnt anything worth getting paranoid about imo.

Quite recently i had a package of kratom (it must have been a free sample as i hadnt ordered anything) get ripped open by the automated machinery. At least that's what it looks like must have happened. It didn't look like the work of a human thief the way the jiffy seal had come aprt. Again though kratom is uncontrolled in the UK.

Not wishing to add fuel to your paranoia but apparently every package gets photographed as it goes through the conveyor, someone may or may not have gone to the trouble of finding out where my kratom was destined for or mabe not. I can imagine a big cloud of powder clogging the machinery as my now empty jiffy back went on its way through the machinery and must have snagged up somehow. An empty jiffy bag arrived on my doorstep. I didnt even get one of those Royal Mail "We're sorry" plastic bags.

Essentially i think most postal workers are probably too busy just doing the basic essentials of their job, rather than chosing to go out of their way to tamper with mail/report every suspicious package to their managers. They'd be making a pain in the arse of themslves as i bet thousands of packages could look suspicious, if you were specifically looking out for that sort of thing. The vendors post everything so discreetly that unless someone examined and felt for the contents exteremely carefully they'd never guess what was in there. It could be vitamin pills/herbal suppliments/ legit prescriptions for all they know. I hope that has helped put your mind at rest a bit, rather than making things even worse. (Maybe i shouldn't have told you about the photographing thing, but i think its better to know these things than not know them, even if it does make you feel unconfortable.)

Thank you! that definitely calmed me down. I'll pick some up once i have some money. :)
'Ello, all :)

What's general opinion on lorazepam? Recently scripted it and not one I'm overly familiar with. "Instruction" leaflet seems considerably more alarmist (and/or actually scary) compared with any benzo leaflets I've read previously. Is there any particular reason for this or is it just catching up on scaremongering given the relatively new anti-benzo, government-enforced hysteria?
'Ello, all :)

What's general opinion on lorazepam? Recently scripted it and not one I'm overly familiar with. "Instruction" leaflet seems considerably more alarmist (and/or actually scary) compared with any benzo leaflets I've read previously. Is there any particular reason for this or is it just catching up on scaremongering given the relatively new anti-benzo, government-enforced hysteria?
'Ello, all :)

What's general opinion on lorazepam? Recently scripted it and not one I'm overly familiar with. "Instruction" leaflet seems considerably more alarmist (and/or actually scary) compared with any benzo leaflets I've read previously. Is there any particular reason for this or is it just catching up on scaremongering given the relatively new anti-benzo, government-enforced hysteria?

I like lorazepam. A lot of people get nothing out of it, but I enjoy it a lot. I've been scripted it for quite a long time. What other benzo info leaflets have you seen? What sort of alarmism does loraz's have? It's probably just the UK war on benzos. I don't get why Z-drugs are considered so much safer - they're really rough drugs to be on. I was scripted temaz for a long time, then switched to zop, and the zop has pushed up my GABAergic tolly like nothing else. If I miss a dose, I don't sleep and shake and feel like utter shit. The withdraws kick in crazy quickly. It's not even fun. The UK war on benzos goes back to hysterical 80s BBC programmes like Temazepam Wars and that one Esther Rantzen special on lorazepam. It's ingrained in UK medical culture that benzos are bad. I hate the NHS's policies.

Sorry for the ramble.
I was scripted temaz and diaz for many years. Also been scripted and/or acquired (from NHS sources so complete with "instructions" if required) more or less every benzo prescribed in the UK. Other benzos not widely scripted here obviously came with no leaflets. In the case of loraz it's mainly the list of interactions and - specfically - the extreme warnings about quitting CT. All benzos warn about this effect but never seen any with such a lengthy list of potential symptoms. Seems especially heavy on the seizure risks as well as a list of possible physical Badnesses as long as yer arm,

To be clear, am not overly concerned about any of em cos I don't abuse benzos these days. Still interesting to try to separate fact from fantasy all the same.

FWIW, I find 'em mild but surprisingly euphoric. Bear in mind I get zero euphoria from most benzos - temaz (obviously) and alpraz (obviously) with perhaps clonaz as a leftfield kicker are the only ones that do. These also happen to be the ones I find most effective for their supposed reasonable uses as it happens. But I still don't abuse 'em. I find this mildly fascinating. I'm sure others won't.
^ i found lorazepam considerably more "wobbely" than other benzos. i suppose wobbely could be considered dangerous! higher risk of falling down!! :D
temaz (obviously)

I've probably said this five hundred times in this thread, but, boy, do I miss being scripted temaz. I loved it. I didn't even use it recreationally that often, apart from one stupid, long teenage binge - I'd just stay up late on my nightly dose feeling great.