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E better than LSD?

Which do you feel is superior? E or LSD?

  • Ecstasy.

    Votes: 41 42.3%
  • LSD.

    Votes: 25 25.8%
  • Can't decide. (Apples and oranges!)

    Votes: 19 19.6%
  • Both at once!

    Votes: 12 12.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
but its impossible to have a bad trip on ecstasy.

Do not agree with this, its far less likely than LSD, but its not impossible. I was with 3 people and one of them had a seizure, and then woke up with amnesia not knowing who we were. They snapped out of it after 10minutes and we were all incredibly relived but we all basically had an anxiety attack when it happened and didn't feel normal for days.

So I think its based on the scenario and situation a lot, if its a happy fun environment (which it usually is) then it enhances this, if its a scary anxious environment, then it also enhances that.
Both will fuck you up.

Depends how you use them, if its sparingly every 4+ months and you don't suffer from a mental illness, then I think you would be fine. If you use weekly then yes I think it would fuck with you, but same goes for really any drug.
What's better?

Well MDMA is better for empathy while LSD is better for hallucinations.;)

I don't really agree with this. I guess in simple terms.. yes. But i tend to see the hallucinations of LSD as merely a side-effect too the psychological alteration that takes place.
Ive done a lot more E than acid and I cant choose but I THINK I like acid more though ACID+MDMA has brought me more euphoria that any other drug I can think of. I like LSD a lot more for sitting at home and getting all introspective and spiritual while id rather take MDMA with friends or at an event. Its too hard to choose and where both drugs could be of use or would be fun id choose both of them at once.
never done LSD, but done simular hbw seeds (LSA), and it's a totally different feeling to mdma.
both are euphoric in different ways tho.

also i don't like doing trippy drugs in a rave, i prefer to do trippy things in a safe enviroment like my house with a friend on them as well.
as i freak out when i've tried them at raves and get panic attacks and paranoia.

slightly trippy things i can handle at a rave, such as brighter colorful lights.

but don't like proper trips at raves when faces start appearing in objects and the walls start moving around and cartoons appear in imagination on the wall like i experienced.
when i candyflipped a Funk Escape pill(contains the trippy PFPP piperazine,BZP,MEOPP), 100mg methylone, 100mg of charlie, with a batch of 2 quality HBW seeds, as some batches aint as good.
and surpised that combo hit me so hard, was all OEV's too.

then again i'm not that experienced in tripping.
xtc makes you so happy that you just dont give a fuck, and you wanna hug people...

lsd makes you so happy, you just dont give a fuck, but cant help looking at all the crazy shit going on.
Wow all this talk of euphoria, I got zero euphoria when I did LSD both times. Lots of hallucinations and cool things going on, but not that.
I prefer LSD personally , I love the rich visuals and the concepts and idea's I form on the drug . I find it much more complex then ecstacy .
For me it depends on setting, if I was at a rave I would prefer mdma, the people the music the dancing all fits perfect for me and mdma.

Although probably my most memorable times have been on acid at a friends house watching the grass and the trees and whatever else catches my eye, sitting outside on a sunny day on acid though is amazing, having some friends around to talk to and discuss life and fucked up things is good. Music isn't really my thing on acid/shrooms but to each their own.
I tried acid first time last night,

Acid let me think about anything,
MDMA brainwashes me into being a hippy (not me).

Same reason I like Methylone better.

Can't wait to try them together!
acid with either MDMA or methylone, that is.
Maybe acid would be too intense for me... I can see that LSD is a mind-expanding drug. Idk if I'm prepared for that yet!
Im a big fan of LSD, don't get me wrong, but nothing can compare to the sheer joy and, well, ecstasy that MDMA provides.

I've done both at the same time once before, and in epic doses, and while it was a blast, I think that to fully appreciate both substances, they should be done separately.
LSD is 100 times more powerful than MDMA, imo. And i have been beyond fucked up on MDMA in the past. When i did LSD, i remember thinking "wow i never been more fuckep up in my entire life, i am out of my mind", but at the same time, i was so clear headed. I could talk, walk, type, i wasnt stumbling, and my eyes were wide open. LSD (when u r in the zone) is the only drug where u can be fucked up peaking and u look normal.
That's another thing, LSD feels less chemical, less "im taking a drug just to get fucked up". I loved how i could look at my bf and he looked normal, no grining jaw and eyes rolling back.
LSD is more intense, more powerful, more beautiful, maybe not so euphoric all the time, but way more rewarding everytime u turn a difficult moment into an enjoyable one, it's just blissful.
MDMA it's still great in its own aspects. It's great for partying, dancing, being around people, going crazy. But that's it. People that say MDMA is "spiritual, insightful, bla bla" have never tried LSD. Once u come down from MDMA, it's over, those feelings are gone and u realize it was just the drug giving u those feelings. Maybe u have a few days of afterglow, but that's it. I am not saying that's bad, but it's a great "instant gratification, living in the moment" type of drug.
Each LSD experience stays with u forever, al lthe feeling u have during a trip are real and pure. If u dont like someone, u r not gonna like them on a trip. If you love someone, you are not gonna love them more during a trip. You might be more aware of certain emotions, but they are for sure ur TRUE feelings. The day after u feel inspired.
Ive done MDMA countless times and never felt inspired to write a trip report. Ive done LSD once, and since then, everytime i talk about it, i feel soo inspired and nice, as u can tell lol.

So, i guess if i want to party until 10am and be around people and not have to work my mind at all, ill take the MDMA. IT's an easier drug. The euphoria is given to u. Everything is just given to u.
If i want a mind blowing, beautiful, intense and rewarding experience, and im ready to put my mind to work, cause it can be quite exausting, ill take LSD anyday.