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E and Alcohol

Remember, some people need alcohol, just to feel normal, or at ease. And even more people, just have high tolerances to alcohol.

So if i were you i would really go with the majority on this question.
LoveToRoll713 said:
If anything the alcohol probably serves to slow you down a bit so when you're coming up it doesn't hit so hard. Do you not enjoy coming up very hard?

A drink or two has a slight mood elevating effect, but then it rapidly dips into its "depressant" (it depresses your CNS, not your mood) stage after about 5 or so units of alcohol (for the average male, everyones different). So a drink or two can relax you and make you feel just that bit better and would aid you in coming up I'd say.

Cleaner Futures said:
Remember, some people need alcohol, just to feel normal, or at ease. And even more people, just have high tolerances to alcohol.

I don't understand what you mean by those 2 sentences WRT this thread. You mean some of us drink to feel normal, so we'll have a few drinks with E or do you mean something else?
I'm all for drinking, but I wouldnt suggest mixing them when you are rolling. Just enjoy the roll and dont mess it up with a drunken stupor
AlphaNumeric said:
I got very drunk on NYE this year then for some unfathomable reason ended up dropping a total of 3 pills over the night. Cue me sitting on a chair immobile gurning my face off. Needless to say I don't remember any of it till we walked outside. 10pm - 3am is a complete blank to me.
Never again.


i did the same thing i completely forgot about NYE this year, i was quite drunk, as well as stoned, i think i drank and smoked for a total of 4 straight hours, once the ball dropped we headed over to the club, and i proceeded to eat two pills, i remember nothing after that. alll i know is that i couldnt dance, couldnt communicate with my friends, and i felt immobile as well as lost, i literally didnt move for the entire time we were there.

as you said, never again hehe
i honestly dont understand everyone and their alcohol use....depressant vs stimulant..right there should tell you its a sucky mix. alcohol always fucks everything up.
My experience with E and Alcohol has been somewhat limited. I have never had any adverse reactions taking both at the same time; but I have also not had more than 3 or 4 drinks while on E.

The only effect it had on me what a faster come-up...and a faster comedown.

That said, I no longer combine the two and would not recommend it. I have read too much information lately regarding bad reactions between the two....scientifically, and medically, most make sense.
Everyone i know that drinks on a daily basis, never have more than 1-3 beers when there rolling, they'll use beer to come down, but don't like too much of it during there roll.
I never drink alcohol during a roll, it would just mess it up, especially if i threw up for some reason.
lovetoroll713 -- i do enjoy coming up hard, and don't have the impression that 1 or 2 drinks temper that, but have the impression that 1 or 2 drinks speed up the coming up a bit. maybe it's just all in my mind, cuz it helps me to relax. again, i'm talking about 1 or 2 drinks, not about getting real drunk. also, i do like to drink a few glasses of wine when coming down.
As long as you're use to alcohol you should be sweet. The first time i tried eccy i was pretty drunk and had no problems, in fact i've never pilled sober. Just remember to drink some water if you're dancing so you stay hydrated.
Cleaner Futures said:
never have more than 1-3 beers when there rolling, they'll use beer to come down, but don't like too much of it during there roll.

Thats the best way I've found. A drink or two before hand just to pass the time or to be sociable, then stick to water/non-alcoholic stuff during the peak. On comedown a bottle or two of beer is just enough to help "dull" any slightly unwanted after effects. Can help you get a bit of sleep too, without having to get roaring drunk afterwards, should you not have access to any Benzos.
I've found that drinking a few beers before a roll helps me to relax a little and help the come up. After I've started, I usually don't want any more alcohol and I switch to water.
They are two different drugs. Alcohol affects your blood and E affects your brain chemisty. Drink your water. The E still works. Sometimes the alcohol tastes good. A beer during the roll might be wonderful. Drink your water. Drink your water. Drink your water. Be careful. Did I say drink your water. Have fun.
i dont know what to say cuz im not an experienced roller.. but i know i wasnt gettin jack outta the pill i took until i downed 3 shots of vodka, then i was str8=D