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E and Alcohol


Jul 23, 2003
can someone please tell me how dangerous this mix is as i only ever take e when im sober but all my mates always take it when there pissed.
i really don't know how dangerous the mix is...but I feel that its one of the biggest down falls of the rolling era...I don't understand the mix first off, And around where I'm from rollers and drinkers never interacted well....

Usually drinkers were out to look for ladies or get fucked up....but rollers are there to share the love and experence the drug and what it can do for you....when in the same room...Drinkers give "hard" dominate looks at people who want nothing more than to spread the joy they feel to everybody,,,this hurts, scares, and normally makes the roller leave the party or club...

I find birds of a feather should flock together ... you know.. but as to your question...I know tons of people who do it...Doesn't make it safe. I knew people who drank on GHB...but again not safe.. I would keep it pure, or mix with Lsd, or GHB,or ohh xanax...just a nip of xanax with beans puts me into the upper atmostphere..


p.s. just M/O...please no flaming by people who drink and roll...Pick your posion...Be Safe Rave Hard
I have done both before, Ive had a few drinks earlier in the evening and then taken some mdma, and I had a fine time, if anything i made sure to hydrate myself better because they both dehydrate you...It isnt the wisest of choices though to combine them. I no longer do.


E. Alcohol
Mixing MDMA with any depressant is dangerous. The increased stress placed on the cardiovascular system can lead to immediate medical problems. The dehydration and nausea that alcohol induces can accelerate the onset of hyperthermia or hyponatremia.

Also, consuming more drugs than you intend to is a particular concern when depressants are mixed with stimulants. The seemingly antagonistic effects that one drug has on the other can lead a user to consume far more than they otherwise would. This can be especially problematic because the drugs will often have different dose/response correlations and different response timetables.

On Erowid it says "Can cloud the desired effects of MDMA. Same danger as opiates, also can dangerously exacerbate the dehydration that MDMA normally causes. Not recommended."

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its just where i live there is no club scene whatsoever and this seems to be the trend
The last time I rolled on 2 pills of E. I was taking shots of Vodka, so I wouldnt worrie about it to much. However, like dreamgirlie stated; hydrate yourself well.
The first few times I rolled, I ranged anywhere from slightly tipsy to out and out drunk. After three times I had the courage to try E without alcohol.......

......for me there is absolutely no comparison to the roll. It wasn't until I left alcohol out of the equation that I really had my first "real" E experience and experienced what coming up, peaking and the legendary boundless energy associated with E is all about.

It might be different for you, but why take a depressant with a stimulant?
Alcohol doesnt act as a depressent for me. I am more depressed with out the alcohol. Alcohol for me is a real upper, I will go off and do my own little thing talking to people I have never met before. It just makes me feel better.
I've mixed alcohol with E countless times. Sometimes I've been stupidly drunk, others just catching a buzz. Never really had a problem, sometimes you can feel a little ill though. I tend to keep my self hydrated and so should anyone taking ecstasy. It can be a fun mix but it creates a new type of fucked ness that not everyone might enjoy, it's one for getting really fucked up and nothing else really.

I find an E + a "few" drinks can be quiet a nice combination. Just don't over do it. Keep yourself well Hydrated and take it easy. It's a niceee feeling :)

Keep in mind though, Mixing ecstasy with alcohol or other drugs increases the risk of adverse reactions.


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I agree, E+few drinks is great. I always tell myself that im not going to drink more then 3 beers or something. Sometimes I drink a couple more then I want to but I just try to get alittle buzzed from drinkin. Come downs are really bad if you drink to much while on E, well for me at least.
Most places or people will tell you not to drink while rolling but I've been really drunk,eaten rolls,and had a good time.
I got very drunk on NYE this year then for some unfathomable reason ended up dropping a total of 3 pills over the night. Cue me sitting on a chair immobile gurning my face off. Needless to say I don't remember any of it till we walked outside. 10pm - 3am is a complete blank to me.
Never again.

I'll drink something like 2 or 3 bottles of some crappy alcopop (they are never very strong) before I drop. Usually just to settle my nerves, but I've become a lot more comfortable with taking E, less paranoia about "do they know?" kind of thing so I don't even need those drinks really. Now its just to sit around before hand talking before we go to the club.

I've friends who'll drink 8 pints, get smashed and then drop 10+ pills. I haven't a clue how they are able to function come 3am!
i've done it before with some friends and i was fine, but like dreamgirlie said.. just be careful, and moniter yourself.

if you're prone to throwing up, probably not such a good idea, because a couple of my friends ended up spending most of the night with their heads in a toilet. :\
Frothyliquid; just because booze doesnt depress you noticeably it is a depressant so its still potentialy dangerous
Just do both of them in complete moderation and you'll be fine. Just remember to throw some water into the equation aswell. Play it by ear, just listen to your body!
I'll usually have a couple of beers when I have pills... no more because I find it blunts the mdma somewhat, but 2 or 3 for me seems to imrpove things somewhat.
You do need to bear in mind, though, that you'll need to drink more water... nothing stupid, but maybe a pint or so extra over a couple of hours.
i usually have some alcohol too. just 1 or 2 glasses of beer or wine. i actually have the impression that it helps the pill to come up.
haku said:
i usually have some alcohol too. just 1 or 2 glasses of beer or wine. i actually have the impression that it helps the pill to come up.

If anything the alcohol probably serves to slow you down a bit so when you're coming up it doesn't hit so hard. Do you not enjoy coming up very hard?
Although it messed up the rest of my roll and made it so much less clean and pure, there was one advantage when I used to drink before I would roll: Comeups were easier.

I love to roll, but coming up is about enough to keep me from rolling very much. It doesn't last long, but no matter how relaxed I am, when E hits me it is with a vengeance. I have a few minutes of almost overwhelming uncontrollable anxiety and panic. As one user so aptly put it, I also feel like I'm strapped to the front of a high speed train. They don't call it getting "high" for nothing.