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Dumbest you've done to get high

LOL since when have the adrenal glands been located anywhere other than just above the kidneys? or was it an alien? if it was, how did you know they HAD adrenal glands:\
made my step-bro look beat. this prodess consisted of sucking on his face to give him bruises a.k.a hickies. one right on his right eye and one on his cheek and then we cut his arm at the top with a razor and rubbed the face on his face. then we drove him to our dealers house. to get a front. at three a clock in the morn. that the main problem. crack dealer sleep. unlike tweek dealers. his( the dealers) g/f anwsered the door in a really long shirt and ask him what the fuck happened to him. she seemed like she cares. she gave him a 20 rock he was askin for a 40 cause" he owed some motherfucker". he was just fiending. he dont give us fronts anymore after that.
I ate a massive amount of nutmeg.
How embarassing.

I also ripped apart my I.D. card for traces of cocaine that were stuck inbetween the lamination layers. :\ .
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* I tried to rail a Zoloft once - couldn't stop sneezing for an hour and kept getting the chills one minute then was really hot the next

*me and my friend snuck out of my house while my parents were alseep... we forgot to bring water to put in our ghetto bong so we used the bacardi that we had. Even though we were already wasted, we were out of weed and alc and decided to drink the bong bacardi... gross.. it def. worked though since I don't remember comming back inside the house lol

*I kno some ppl like DXM but I felt so sick when I tried

*I was high one night and out of weed so I decided to inhale an empty moussee can bottle- it got me a lil light headed but was a really dumb idea

*I had a contest w. my friend awhile ago who could inhale all of their cig in one hit... I suggest trying this if you wan't to quit smoking lol bc i had no desire for nicotine for a few days lol
Lol did exactly the same thing with a cig , funny the way cigz are basically poison
My friend and I smoked tea once... like a whole tea bag each. Tasted nice but to our dissapointment we didn't get high (obviously).
Snoted Dramamine
Huffed Gasoline, White out, Glue, Duster, Nail Polish Remover, etc...
Ate 3 tablespoon of nutmeg and all I got was the shits for a day and a half
Got sick as shit from Heavenly Blue morning glory because I didn't wash off the chemical coating, fuck K-Mart seeds
Took 10 xanax, 6 wellbutrin, and 3 effexor
Took 8 celexa
Took 10 ambien, 5 zoloft, and 2 percocet.............in school
Thats about it for me although I did have a friend who I saw take 100 mg adderall, smoke 2 bong loads of dank, drink a couple colt .45's , and then inhale duster for about 20 seconds go into as seizure, and I was so drunk/stoned all I said was "Dude, your spilling your beer."

All in all, everyone was a very, very, very, very shitty experience.
Snorted Adderall XR
Snorted coke that was cut to fucking hell
I've smoked really nasty bong resin a bunch of times
Taken 750-800 mg of Tramadol
In a time of desperation I even tried smoking some stems I'd saved
once when i was really desperate for some coke, i like found all my old straws, and scraped the inside of the straw for whatever residue of coke was lining it with this hook thing and yeah....it's really gross. i collected a really really small bump and snorted that. it wasn't even enough but yeah...it made me feel really pathetic.
my dumbest wasn't even illegal!!!

it was mixing my xanax with guiness and jagermiester....that really got me into some dark places:eek:

i dont consider all the resin and crushed stem bong hits i did stupid...damn they got me way baked and i love a good cough buzz too

nutmeg...it was an unpleasant experience

whippets....good clean fun

it is dumb

I fix a/c's for a living. Freon is extremely stupid, half of one of my front teeth is fake. Five or six diffrent' varieties reside in my shop. One of them will actually eat its way through one of those baloons that hold whippets. scary8(
Taking an obscene amount of painkillers then drinking a bottle or so of wine. It was all well and good, albeit slightly fuzzy memory-wise.

Until my mother started on me. The last thing I remember is me shouting, then her punching me. I woke up with writing all over my wall, blood all over my bed, vague memories of a ten minute long, crying, rambling, shouting phone call to my gf and a very very deep cut on my arm.

Never again.
I know my bro. said to mix 1 part bleach with 1 part weedkiller and it gives you a wicked buzz. They use it in the jails aparently
ok... i have a few:
age 14:
took 26 triple c's, I thought i was in a painting and felt like throwing up for hours not to mention i couldnt walk straight, then after a few hours i started convulsing (that lasted for about an hour) I was blacked out the whole time and dont remember anything but my friends told me about it afterward. never touched the stuff again.
age 15:
my friend had this obsession with passing people out so she convinced me to let her do it to me. She passed me out and i guess i started talking to her and told her that it wasnt working so she stopped (in reality i was already out) so she let go of me and my body crashed. I slammed my head on the hardwood floor cause she didnt catch me in time and i woke up like ten seconds later with the worst headache of my life. never let her pass me out again.

these ones arent exactly stupid shit i did to get high but more like stupid shit ive done:
age 16:
1. smoked 19 bowls of weed in a single sitting in a car with the windows all up. I had no idea where the hell i was or how to get myself home. that was an interesting night.
2. smoked coke ALL night long. and no i dont mean crack... i mean coke foilies... all night long that the next day I couldnt talk (lost my voice) and my fucking lungs hurt when i would breathe.
3. rolled for three days (everytime i felt it wearing off i popped another pill) and yeah the roll was like fucking amazing since me and my friends were out and about doing random shit to make sure we were having the time of our lives.... but the come down was another story.... i cried for six hours STRAIGHT!!!!
age 17:
smoked/snorted meth every day, multiple times a day (at the time, i will admit, i was an addict). one time i had gone three weeks with no sleep. i realized that eventhough my mind was going a million miles an hour that my body definitly wasnt so i made myself go to bed. i couldnt sleep but i was like fucking hallucinating... i saw people that werent there and heard voices when no one was in my house and shit... that was definitly scary, after that i never let myself stay up longer then a week at a time.
A friend and I were trying to crush up the little balls from a 30 mg capsule of Adderall and we couldn't manage to do it. We ended up dumping it on a bowl of weed and smoking it. I did get kinda tweaked out but my throat hurt for a few days after.
I used to go on 3-4 day speedball binges. Many times I'd have trouble finding and staying in a vein, and having blood clot, jamming the rig, because it was taking so long. Well I'd wind up with a bunch of syringes with varying ratios of drugs to blood. Then hours, days, or weeks later when I was out of opiates I'd pour the blood/drug mix into a new rig and hit it up (or add water to the dried blood/drugs in spoons). Yes, I would get blood poisoning from time to time, but there was a period where I considered that to be less unpleasant than dope sickness, or I just wanted the coke component too bad to care.
I've smoked tea at some point: either green tea or earl grey, can't seem to remember... either way, it didn't help me out at all at the time.
somone on here said that they snorted a hydroxycut... whats it like? my friend wants to try it cause shes attemping to cut back on her coke addiction and thinks that snorting a hydroxycut instead of yay will help her cut back... i think shes an idiot... so i had to ask...