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Dumbest you've done to get high

Asked my mom if I she could hook me up. No lie. I recently found out my mom smokes pot and i've been joking with her about somking together, and one night I was desperate for some grass, so I flat out asked her if she could get me some. I got some, but the look of shock on her face was priceless.
TJ said:
Well that's a trip. I read page one of the replies, and frankly that was the only reply that could be even neighbors to my dumb universe of what I did, which no way in hell I can admit to doing. However, funny this dude should say that about the urine cause a few dudes on my web site that are gay say that they do "booty bumps." I never even heard of those, but apparently that means taking one's piss and instead of drinking it, fill a syringe full of it, break off the needle, and squirt it where the sun don't shine. They swear it's next best thing to IVing. The things people do to get high...:)

You actually get quite a lot E in your urine after rolling. Therefore this would be quite effective. I don't understand what the big deal is, as it's not as if you have to drink it or anything.
Smoked inside of bananas.
Smoked poppy seeds.
inhaled parrafin.
smoked tea.
chewed the same lot of salvia for feckin ages.
taken caffeine until i pucked.
Smoked hemp seeds.
Bought coke from a shifty lookin bloke in a bus station.
Codeine I guess...Haven't done anything really stupid in order to get high. Codeine tasted real bad and the effect was weak.
i have done some things desperate to get high, not in order that ive done them.

i inhaled 3 cans of computer duster(not in one night but throughout my life) its kind of like a ringing in your head and theres a lot of spots in your vision really crazy.
i smoked catnip out of the blank page at the back of the bible because i had no papers. kind of euphoric.
i huffed gas but never got high.
huffed marker hoping to get high but never did.
i huffed nail polish remover things just are kind of different with that.
smoke resin when i dont have any weed kind of desperate but not dumb because it works and just tastes kind of bad.
yea i think thats it.
Walked to the drug store to pick up 8 oz of cough syrup, and chugged it. I know I'm not the only one here who has been there, but its a pretty terrible way to get high, and its as desperate as I try to get.
snorted wellbutrin, took 4 zoloft pills, huffed ether, huffed paint...i'm sure there's more.

but the worst one was when i snorted a few xanax and klonopins. later on i believe i ate some more of them, and then in my very fucked frame of mind, i ate over 600mg of diphenhydramine. i don't really remember two days of my life... although i do remember being at the doctor's office the next day pissing in a cup and not having a care in the world =). and oh yeah, my parents told me they took me to pizza hut and i was typing on my plate like it was a keyboard.
smoked dried chilli......

we diced up the dried chilli with a blade to a fine power and sprinkled it on top of cones.

there was3 of us doing it.... my freind vomited.... myself and my other freind held it in......the smoke/pain is soooo harsh you go red and want to die....but if you make it past the burning you would be suprised at the stimulative effect it has.....we had maybe 1/4 or less of a dried chilli each and it got us buzzing for hours....very speedy like...... but none the less stupid
i took 4 of my dad's venlafaxine anti-depressants.

let me tell you, if you don't want to sleep for a day or two, do that. you're tired, but you physically can't sleep. everytime I yawned a crazy rush went through my body, ending with my mind going blank and my teeth chattering like hell.
Used a dirty cig butt to use as a but for another cig i was going to roll. Hehehe i've drunken cough syrup before but i dont consider that a stupid thing to do. Oh and i smoked resin that smelled like monkey shit.
Done the usual banana peel/peanut shit.

Snorted speed off the dirty floor at around 4 AM after a mad night of sex.

Huffed dichloromethane as a kid, which DID get me high as fuck, used to do it several times a day, every day, I was lucky not to come out of it seriously damaged:(

Huffed methyl isobutyl ketone (did fuck all)


Finding a scally that ripped me off on bunk shit and yanking him off his bike, beating him with a metal spiked collar round my fist, cracking the bone in my wrist and repeatedly kicking the side of his face through a phone box and stamping on his shoulders and knees (had to go to hospital and get my wrist splinted, bastard never crossed me again though)
i took an entire box of coricidin cough and cold (16 pills) for the dxm in them to try and trip...i was so fucked up and sick it was hell...felt like herion meets alcohol poisoning meets lsd.
Computer duster. I can still remembe the feeling of my brain frying. :::shudders::::