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FORSRS guys. i have been listening to this stuff way too much. my life has a bassline now. i'm always on edge, waiting for it to drop. i was in guitar center today and someone dropped a bass guitar while it was amped up and it made a big BWONG sound i was like SIIIIICCCKKKKKK

I lol'd!
OK - that one was allright but I'm not believing in these ambient-type "dubstep" tunes. It's all far too refined and clinical. Where's the energy, the urban filth?

nukka, have you heard of balance? From the sound of the kinda dubstep you're into, you haven't found it yet.

if i want to go party and get fucked up on party drugs and booze, grind on random chicks and mosh hard ill go to a brostep show (datsik was ROWDY AS FUCK)

but if i want to trip and enjoy the music.. no thanks
Bass cannon for #1?

Personly I don't like this song, but I hear that everyone else I know likes this song. What are your thoughts?
Did somebody say DUBSTEP?!?


ThAt'S ThE SeCrEt WoRd oF ThE DaY!!!


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