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Drug tests for People trying to get the dole

Yeah i enjoyed some of my time on the dole I guess, but some of it sucked and was hard 'work' lol.. Job network agencies and then work for the dole and meeting a bunch of people I didn't want to be with, especially since we shared it with people on community service who (some of them anyway) told me how they broke into someones house or car or did this or that, it really just made me wont to get a job that made it so I wasn't there anymore, which happened after trying and applying myself etc.
Director rules out drug testing all teachers

The Department of Education says drug testing teachers is unnecessary, despite a staff member being stood down from a South West school for a drug offence.

The department says Adrian Granger, who's a teacher at Northcliffe District High, has been asked to step down after receiving a spent conviction for possessing a smoking implement.

His wife Kathleen Granger, who is the principal at the school, has also been stood down while the department conducts an investigation.

The Director General of Education, Sharyn O'Neill, has told the ABC there is no need to drug test all teachers.

"For the most part they are exemplary, they are extraordinarily professional and are well behaved," she said.

"We've got a couple of people here who in my view have made a grave professional judgement error.

"I don't think that means we should get excited and introduce drug testing for teachers, I think that would be an over-reaction."

Ms O'Neill says the penalty has been paid.

"Drugs are an issue for the community, I expect our teachers to behave appropriately, I think they do," she said.

"In this case we've got some people, one only one of whom is an employee of this department, have done the wrong thing and have paid the penalty."

Awesome Lush billy graf! Where are those from?
The thing about the dole is that you never know when you might need it.
Unemployment is pretty low in most Australian cities at the moment, so "get a job" is an instruction that's quite possible for most who apply themselves a little.
Economic times aren't always so good. Younger people reading this may not have ever experienced a time where you couldn't get a job even if you really want one. This can make us complacent.
I'd really like to see a cost/benefit on this. It's an idea that was proposed in America, as has been mentioned. I remember the reason it didn't go through is because people kicked up a stink and suggested that all government positions require mandatory testing as well, when that became an issue - the proposal was dropped.

I agree with a lot that's been said, and disagree vehemently with some low post count douche bags too.

And the story about addiction being a disease fuck that it was that junkies decision to use drugs knowing quite well what would happen in the long run.
Yeah mate, I think you made a wrong turn somewhere. Go back to wherever it was you came from.

You never know when you'll need to go on the dole. I have never been on the dole myself, but I'm about to become bankrupt after selling my house, so I'd imagine a short stint with the dole will become a reality and I'm certainly not looking forward to it.

I think it's simple, proven and easy to implement. IF you want mandatory drug testing for the people in society doing it the toughest, make it mandatory for EVERYONE in the country who is given money by the government in ANY FORM. Be it contract work, family benefit, direct work, whatever. See what kind of reaction that gets and I'm pretty sure this will all just blow over, like it did in America.
Drug testing is far too common in america - and their "welfare"'system (if you could call it that) is completely different to ours, but I agree with what you're saying.
This "bludger" bandwagon people love jumping on is all about people saying "I'm better than welfare recipients" but is simply a spin tactic used by conservative politicians and right wing media to attempt to put more public funds into the pockets of the wealthy and middle classes and take more away from those who actually need it to put food on the table or keep a roof above their heads.
People that slag on the dole either have no idea or no compassion IMO.
it's been proven to be practically impossible to survive on newstart alone nowadays, so this offensive "dole bludger" label is more redundant than ever. Unless you are still paying under $100/week rent or something, the dole is struggle-street. Not even enough to help you get that "new start".
Dole in 2012 = poverty. Nothing more. It might have been different in the 70s or 80s, but I doubt any genuine "dole bludger" would even be able to afford a stick of weed a fortnight.
No doubt you still hear it on today tonight and a current affair though -which only goes to show that it is manipulating the people who have the most to lose from cuts or restrictions on the dole; working class, less educated Australians.
People need help at times. That's what it amounts to.

And the get a job rhetoric is insane anyway. Get a job, any job, not matter how much it makes you hate your life. Capitalism: the people that adore it, really need to do some reading.
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spacejunk said:
it's been proven to be practically impossible to survive on newstart alone nowadays, so this offensive "dole bludger" label is more redundant than ever. Unless you are still paying under $100/week rent or something, the dole is struggle-street. Not even enough to help you get that "new start".
Dole in 2012 = poverty. Nothing more. It might have been different in the 70s or 80s, but I doubt any genuine "dole bludger" would even be able to afford a stick of weed a fortnight.

Completely agree.

The crackdown would involve up to 13,000 beneficiaries a year getting treatment for drug dependency.

I have no doubt there is nowhere near that extra capacity for drug treatment in NZ (or Aus for that matter). It can be dressed up as 'helping' these people, but it's completely unrealistic to think that any significant number of people will actually get worthwhile 'treatment' from this. I just find it amazing that anyone thinks this wont be a disaster, let alone effective. Surely we're past the days of drug addiction being seen as simply a moral failing which someone can be shamed out of. Making life harder for some of the most vulnerable people in society will only increase strain on the family and friends who'll end up supporting them, or lead to increases in crime, as has been said before.

But hey, maybe drug testing being introduced for a larger and larger segment of society will be what turns the drug war around. Surely it'll get harder to dismiss drug users as simply dole bludging junkies when more and more people who are succesful, hardworking, and identifiable to the average aussie are exposed as drug users.
In my experience from being on the dole and friends who have been, they can still afford small amounts of weed. e.g it makes more sense to get a qtr of weed then a slab because you will get more nights use out of the weed.

But more importantly, most of the time that I smoked weed whilst on the dole was given to me from friends when I would smoke with them, I imagine most regular smokers would be in the same boat as me. More importantly drug use had NO impact on my ability to search for and be adequate for a job, so I see NO reason for people to be tested in the 'hope' that they may stay clean.

People need allowance to get a job, for haircuts, clothes, rent, car expenses, without being able to afford these things which are crucial when looking for new work. If we strip them of these things, then they will have nothing left, lose motivation because it is simply too difficult and most likely take more drugs or start dealing drugs to survive.
Surely we're past the days of drug addiction being seen as simply a moral failing which someone can be shamed out of.

I wish I could believe this, maybe it's because we are so used to hearing from bluelighters who have the same views as we do.
But when I hear my friends or my father try to have a reasonable discussion about drugs it is nearly impossible.

And I am continually reminded that our bluelighter thoughts whilst I whole heartadly believe to be based on experience/compassion and evidence. We are the Vast minority and most people do not see drug issues the way that we do.

I find it ironic when people try to tell me that I shouldn't do drugs, I try to explain and say to them, " this is something I am passionate about, how can you possibly believe that you have a better idea and understanding of an extremely complex issue that I read about nearly every day and have lots of first hand experience."

To which the most common reply being "but you're bias because you take drugs" when in fact, no, I am not at all bias and they are being prejudice.
Director rules out drug testing all teachers

The Department of Education says drug testing teachers is unnecessary, despite a staff member being stood down from a South West school for a drug offence.

The department says Adrian Granger, who's a teacher at Northcliffe District High, has been asked to step down after receiving a spent conviction for possessing a smoking implement.

His wife Kathleen Granger, who is the principal at the school, has also been stood down while the department conducts an investigation.

The Director General of Education, Sharyn O'Neill, has told the ABC there is no need to drug test all teachers.

"For the most part they are exemplary, they are extraordinarily professional and are well behaved," she said.

"We've got a couple of people here who in my view have made a grave professional judgement error.

"I don't think that means we should get excited and introduce drug testing for teachers, I think that would be an over-reaction."

Ms O'Neill says the penalty has been paid.

"Drugs are an issue for the community, I expect our teachers to behave appropriately, I think they do," she said.

"In this case we've got some people, one only one of whom is an employee of this department, have done the wrong thing and have paid the penalty."


This is fucking stupid.

One of my friends, a high school teacher, and his mates (about 20 of them, all teachers) used to grow and synth their own drugs, green, shrooms, meth. They were high 80% of the time.

If they're going to discriminate against users, do it across the board. Don't just target those already facing hardship.

And for those that support this and still get high, what happens if you get laid off? I hope you'll have enough squirrelled away to support your habit when you're refused help from centrelink because of a failed piss test.
Personally I believe that the number of true dole bludging drug users is probably low. That's not to say 80% would probably fail a drug test, but most aren't on the dole willingly. Removing the safety net of welfare will only create another class of criminals. People will still need to eat and will still get high. Testing does have merit when you are talking about some people who refuse to look for work or turn down work. The original call came from a FNQ politician who lives in a region where they are crying out for workers in the mines. Obviously if you really wanted to work these jobs you would have to have to have a clean test.

If your are wanting to put restrictions on welfare recipients why stop at drug use? Why not take it away if their kids are truant from school or if they owe thousands of dollars in fines? The dole isn't much of a reward for not working, it stops society from descending into a dog eat dog class war.
I'm actually for the drug testing because the dole isn't meant to support your drug habit it's to support you to buy food etc until you get another job (as low as the payment is).

I don't like the idea of someone using my money to do nothing all day except get stoned etc...

Having said that I would like to know what happens if you test positive as cutting off welfare payments would only bring about more crime.
"Your money" isn't doing shit. What percentage of the tax that you pay goes on welfare? Then how much of that goes on legal drugs, alcohol and tobacco? This is a pointless argument because you are either too young or too dumb to understand anything.
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this idea that taxpayer's funds is 'my money' is bogus. it's our money, we all contribute it - even people on the dole pay taxes in one way or another.
i don't like the idea of the taxes taken out of my paycheck contributing to army cunts blowing up innocent kids in afghanistan. it's something you deal with or become a fucking good tax evading criminal. and then who's the real scumbag?

i like the idea of people spending all day getting stoned. happy to contribute. seriously.
just because i'm not doing that at the moment, doesn't mean it doesn't warm my heart to think of those all-day-every-day stoners and drug freaks. fuckin' do it for your country. doing us proud.
pack one for me!
What's next? Making sure dole money isn't spent on maccas or hungry jacks? The idea is complete bullshit - put forward by cretins with nothing better to do than pick on the defenseless.

I couldn't really give a fuck what they spend their dole money on. I'm not even bothered that some people choose the dole as a 'way of life' - it doesn't seem to me to be a very satisfying one.

And I still think the dole is a rite of passage between finishing school and starting a 'career'. go for it... happy people makes a well rounded society.