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Drug tests for People trying to get the dole

I disagree strongly with this proposal for all the reasons given above. luckily it will never happen.

BTW, how much is the dole? I've only ever been on AUSSTUDY, and fortunately havent been unemployment for a long enough time to need the dole.
I have no problem with my taxes being spent on welfare, education, healthcare, infrastructure or anything except the military.
Im happy to pay for people to be helped out if that means they don't have to steal/rob/scam out of necessity. That is just one of the benefits of the welfare state. The dole is impossible for most people to survive off these days, so these sorts of restrictive measures are ridiculous anyway.
The more people you force off the dole, the more property crime results. The more property crime, the more these conservative nutjob politicians are able to sell their visions of a repressive police state to the population.
Fuck them, don't fall for it. The dole is an institution, part of Australian life and it needs to be dramatically increased.


try getting yourself up out of the welfare hole with a disability (ha, try it without a disability)...no fucking way...how can one survive on $86 odd dollars a fortnight? thats is supposed to cover rent, elec., gas.,water., medication, how the fuck do you eat with whats left over because their is nothing...where are the jobs to get the fuck up and out ha ha ha?

a major problem is in our society is what do we do with all these imbeciles that can't live harmoniously, all the police that need to impose their ideals on others, all the idiots in the armed forces that need to run around shooting at shit and killing things? Where do these people go in a peaceful society, where do they go if there is no war, what the hell do we do with them...we need another dimension for theses people to play their cops and robbers / cow boys and indians...out of sight out of mind.

fuck scandinavia, lets follow the us of a down the drain...america a society to emulate :)
psytaco -

I think from what I just read it is $249 a week (or approx $35 a day) for new start (dole). Disability support pension is a bit more than that and you dont have to report once a fortnight or (obviously) go to job recruitment or job network meetings and such. The carers payment (and or allowance) is more than the disability support pension and again you don't have to goto centrelink once you are on it. Afaik anyway.

In New Zealand -

Drug testing of beneficiaries set to come into force from July


Beneficiaries with work expectations will face sanctions if they refuse to apply for drug-tested jobs. Photo / APN

Drug testing of beneficiaries will come into force next year, with penalties for those who fail tests - including having to reimburse the cost of the test and having welfare payments stopped.

Social Development Minister Paula Bennett yesterday announced pre-employment drug testing will take effect from next July and beneficiaries with work expectations will face sanctions if they refuse to apply for drug-tested jobs.

Around 40 per cent of the jobs listed with Work and Income require drug tests and the policy will apply only to those with a work expectation attached to their benefit and only for available work opportunities requiring drug tests.

Currently an unemployment beneficiary can decline to apply for an available drug-tested job, because they won't pass the test, without consequence.

Work and Income has announced it will reimburse employers for test failures but beneficiaries who fail a test will have the cost of the drug test deducted from their benefit.

"Where people fail a drug test or refuse to apply for a drug-tested job, they must agree to stop using drugs or their benefit will be cut by 50 per cent. They will be given 30 days to allow any drugs they have taken to leave their system.

"Where they fail a test or refuse a second time, they will have their benefit suspended until they agree that they will provide a 'clean' drug test within 30 days. If they do not do this their benefit will be cancelled.

"People will be given a warning and reasonable period of time to stop using drugs before having to take another drug test. But further failures will result in benefit reduction and possible cancellation," said Ms Bennett.

She said estimates at the high end put the cost of enforcing the policy at $10 million. "We really think the real cost is around $3 million for those that will be known as dependent, once this testing comes in. The savings are estimated to be around $10.5 million."

The crackdown would involve up to 13,000 beneficiaries a year getting treatment for drug dependency.

Ms Bennett said a Ministry of Health report from 2007/2008 said beneficiaries were three times more likely to be cannabis users. "That would put them at around 20 per cent of beneficiaries, if you went by that number. The UN says that New Zealand and Australia have the highest use of cannabis anywhere in the world," she said.

Up to 41 per cent of all jobs that go through Work and Income's books require a drug test.

Ms Bennett said there was 100 per cent drug testing on anyone working on the Christchurch rebuild.

Labour leader David Shearer said the announcement was a cynical distraction from the expert panels' advice on solutions to child poverty.

"It's hugely cynical that the very date the Children's Commissioner is coming out with a report on children, Paula Bennett has chosen to re-announce this policy. It's moving the debate away from the real issues about poverty and on to something she's already talked about before," said Mr Shearer.

if your on the dole and you test positive, then what? cut off the dole and out onto the street, or just locked up? how about hard physical labor as a deterrent?
Yeah I heard some guy on the news last night I think it was saying something like, if people fail (drug tests) and get cut off then it could possibly increase crime as people need to get money from some place.
newstart allowance is about $480 a fortnight

Yep, bloke I know gets this much. Not sure if rent assistance gets tied in with that too.

Fuck, I only get around $200 more and I work over 40 hours a week.

Damn I need a pay rise.
Yeah I heard some guy on the news last night I think it was saying something like, if people fail (drug tests) and get cut off then it could possibly increase crime as people need to get money from some place.

This is obviously the outcome. These ideas are sickening, it's a real shame to see it become reality so close to home.
Yep, bloke I know gets this much. Not sure if rent assistance gets tied in with that too.

Fuck, I only get around $200 more and I work over 40 hours a week.

Damn I need a pay rise.

I'll probably fuck this up, but here goes - say we round up a bit.. $500 a fortnight for dole, + $200 more you say, = $700 a fortnight, = $350 /wk. divide by 40 hrs/wk = $ 8.75 p/hr? :(

None of my business of course, but i think that's below the minimum rate of pay these days mate. And i probably fucked it up anyway, damn dyslexia :)

Actually if you are under 17 then it is possible. My mistake, as far as I just found -

For junior employees, the minimum rates are:
Under 16 years of age $5.87
At 16 years of age $7.55
At 17 years of age $9.22
At 18 years of age $10.90
At 19 years of age $13.17
At 20 years of age $15.59.

Australia's minimum wage is $15.96 per hour or $606.40 per week. Generally, employees in the national system shouldn't get less than this.

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^ whoops, I fucked up, I'm getting paid weekly, not fortnightly.
That's after tax too.

I still need a pay rise.
In New Zealand -

Drug testing of beneficiaries set to come into force from July


Drug testing of beneficiaries will come into force next year, with penalties for those who fail tests - including having to reimburse the cost of the test and having welfare payments stopped.

Social Development Minister Paula Bennett yesterday announced pre-employment drug testing will take effect from next July and beneficiaries with work expectations will face sanctions if they refuse to apply for drug-tested jobs.

Around 40 per cent of the jobs listed with Work and Income require drug tests and the policy will apply only to those with a work expectation attached to their benefit and only for available work opportunities requiring drug tests.

Currently an unemployment beneficiary can decline to apply for an available drug-tested job, because they won't pass the test, without consequence.

Work and Income has announced it will reimburse employers for test failures but beneficiaries who fail a test will have the cost of the drug test deducted from their benefit.

"Where people fail a drug test or refuse to apply for a drug-tested job, they must agree to stop using drugs or their benefit will be cut by 50 per cent. They will be given 30 days to allow any drugs they have taken to leave their system.

"Where they fail a test or refuse a second time, they will have their benefit suspended until they agree that they will provide a 'clean' drug test within 30 days. If they do not do this their benefit will be cancelled.

"People will be given a warning and reasonable period of time to stop using drugs before having to take another drug test. But further failures will result in benefit reduction and possible cancellation," said Ms Bennett.

She said estimates at the high end put the cost of enforcing the policy at $10 million. "We really think the real cost is around $3 million for those that will be known as dependent, once this testing comes in. The savings are estimated to be around $10.5 million."

The crackdown would involve up to 13,000 beneficiaries a year getting treatment for drug dependency.

Ms Bennett said a Ministry of Health report from 2007/2008 said beneficiaries were three times more likely to be cannabis users. "That would put them at around 20 per cent of beneficiaries, if you went by that number. The UN says that New Zealand and Australia have the highest use of cannabis anywhere in the world," she said.

Up to 41 per cent of all jobs that go through Work and Income's books require a drug test.

Ms Bennett said there was 100 per cent drug testing on anyone working on the Christchurch rebuild.

Labour leader David Shearer said the announcement was a cynical distraction from the expert panels' advice on solutions to child poverty.

"It's hugely cynical that the very date the Children's Commissioner is coming out with a report on children, Paula Bennett has chosen to re-announce this policy. It's moving the debate away from the real issues about poverty and on to something she's already talked about before," said Mr Shearer.


Seriously, this is totally ridiculous! It's obvious that these laws will merely target pot smokers. Why else would you get "30 days" to become clean?

I AM FUCKING SICK OF THESE IGNORANT OPINIONS ABOUT POT. I work and study, and uh yeah - I smoke everyday. I also get up at 6am everyday to work and then, after work, go to uni the days I have class. Pot is the only drug you can use everyday without screwing yourself over.

Once again, anything with a short half-life will be much easier to hide.
^ totally agree. Prohibition always causes drug "escalation".
People are more likely to use meth or other drugs than what is (to many) a beneficial herb.
Total drug discrimination. Ignorance indeed. A great way to turn a bunch of stoners into people with much more serious drug habits.
I think if it's thought through well enough then yes it's a bloody good idea. Long term dole bludgers (not people studying or people that can't work because of disability) should have to take a piss test. I think it's pretty lame that people sit on their asses all day every day smoking bongs and doin whatever other drugs they do getting money for free with no plan to get a job. There is fuckin heaps of them too. My
Old house mate was one of them and I kicked the free loading cunt out. Even tho it's illegal using drugs should be a priveledge if you can't earn your own money to get high then don't get high. And the story about addiction being a disease fuck that it was that junkies decision to use drugs knowing quite well what would happen in the long run. Drug use nearly always starts out recreationally and snowballs there when people don't know when to take a break. How many of you people will give a junky money for a hit on the street? I know I fuckin won't. If you want to use drugs get a fuckin job and support your own habit. New start allowance and austudy is meant I be a temporary fix, not a fuckin career. When I can't afford to get high I don't so these cunts should all do the same and I work full time.
It's deffinately the bludgers that Sould be looked at not the legit people although if your a student trying to excell your education and succeed with a career your not gonna be high all the time. You would want to stay focused. Using drugs rarely
Means your chances of failing a piss test are extremely low.
You dont have to be high all the time to fail a piss test.
Going to uni and getting stoned is a rite of passage for many of us.
I reckon "dole bludgers" are a thing of the past anyway. Or a figment of the tabloid media's imagination.
If the dole gives people a chance to work on their art, their music or their tan makes little difference to me.
It's a part of Aussie culture confined to history, post Howard era.
Call me nostalgic, but as a full time worker, I'm happy for my tax dollars to pay for welfare.
How much you reckon these fucking tests will cost taxpayers.
Difference is only in the social cost. I'm not fooled by these "dole bludger" dog whistles.
Yeah I dont mind that the tax I pay can be going towards welfare, or fixing roads, or whatever the hell it goes to. I think we are a lucky country and we are lucky that we have the welfare system we do, some people, especially in rural and regional areas often find it hard to find jobs (i've been in that position after moving away from a city to a far away place, not knowing anyone and there being a real shortage of jobs), and as people get older it gets harder too I imagine.

Some places like the USA (i think?) don't have such a welfare system for the unemployed, and yeah some people here might abuse our system in some ways, same with things like some people having lots of kids to get more of the baby bonus or whatever, it doesn't really faze me, we are a lucky country in alot of ways. If people cant find work they are lucky to get the dole whilst they (hopefully, seriously) look for work, but if they, or you or I are able to get full time work then they are even more lucky, you get more money, you can get loans easier, you can buy more shit etc, including drugs if you wont, meet more people, get a higher self esteem.
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I just think that being on the dole is a pretty shit place to be anyway. If anyone is entitled to get stoned once in a while, it should be the unemployed.
Even if you are looking for work, that can be a pretty soul-crushing experience.
I enjoyed my time on the dole. I had a job, but didn't get enough hours to live off.
If it had been threatened by a bit of marijuana enjoyment, I'd have been in a pinch.
Fuck quitting weed to get welfare payments!