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Drug Fucked Kiddies

I think underage raves whould be made 16+ raves.
Theres not many 15 yr olds at raves anyway so not much business is lost.
Then again, if i was 15 and wanted to go to a rave I'd get in....somehow. I was and still am very devious

Maybe we just have to live with it. Hell I can't really talk about this, I must look like a drug fucked kiddie to some people...
I was 14 at my first rave.
I didn't know much about the drug side of raves. I did my usual thing I was doing most w/es, and had a bit of acid. I got interested in raves because I saw a flyer that someone had, and it had all these names on it of the guys I had been listening to and loving for the past 6 months.
Sure I didn't know fuck all about the scene and the culture. I didn't know sod all about safe drug use.
But you know what? And don't fucken laugh! I was there for the music. I did no more drugs than usual, was not exposed to anything that harmed me or caused me to get into drugs in a different way than I was already, and I had a great time with good friends, enjoying the tunes.
And if I hadn't been able to go, I think I'd be less passionate now about the scene and the culture and the music.
This in mind, I know that making all ages rave 15/16+ would detriment some responsible young ppl, who really are genuinely into the music. But its a loss worth losing.
If it happens tho... the under 18 scene may suffer. If 18+ people aren't more encouraged to go, then there will be too few people left to support it. 12 year olds buy tickets and water too, and promoters need to be making $ to continue in an enterprise.
Hmmmm government funded raves perhaps? heehee
I dunno, I don't care much to be brutally, bastardly honest. I just distance myself from things I don't want to be around, and unless I feel really strongly about them I can ignore. And I've fuced around by too many kiddies to try to help them all.
I got asked by my best friends 15yo sister last w/e to sort some pills out for her and friends. I told her we were off to get some and would be back... Needless to say I didn't go back, but distubing all the same.
If she wasn't a trouble maker who'd recently tried to commit suicide I would have considered whether I deemed her responsible enuf. (My friend was too drunk to ask - his 21st
My point is (very loosely and vaguely) that I judge someone's readiness to take semi-hard drugs on their personal character and past, and not their age. And seeing as tho this is not practical in the admission to raves department, I don't know what to do
I think though if the government and the media were more aware of the actual existence of under-age all night raves, where drug use is definitely likely to occur, they'd be shut down in 5 secs.
I think the slightest bit of footage or similar showing parents what and where their kids are actually doing and going would basically wipe these events out, and could even be detrimental to the 18+ non-club parties.
Maybe the 12yr olds can supply much needed money but i feel if the mainstream public knew that such a 12 yr old was within 50m of such a joint, the pressure and controversy would mean there might not be anything to supply money too.
Oh hell yeah. I'm not saying its a good thing that they bring in $$. I meant that if parties are cut down to over 15s only then less money will be made from the nights... unless over 18s are more encouraged to go.
And if this happens then they will die out as no money can be made from them.
I like the sound of the situation AJ described in Holland. Hell yeah, makes me wish I had a little brother to go supervise at a rave. (No, he wouldn't be on drugs)
I am a great friend of a girl who started taking pot at 12 and acid when she was 14. It kind of shocked me and now I see that while she isn't completely fucked, she does have a bit of a problem with drugs. She can't go to an event straight. She feels that if she goes out she has to have something. It's something I am trying to help her out of (BTW: I'm 24) with little success. I think that she will learn in time that she doesn't need these things for a good tiem, but for now she is going to do what she has done for the past 5 years. She is a great person with a good understanding of life (she has had to grow up very quickly) and can deal with these things. It's just sad to see someone you care about in a near permanently altered state of mind.
I don't support or go to all age events (raves) at all. Lets not beat around the bush, they are full of drugs and people selling drugs and kids (under the age of about 16) should not be there. It's just not the type of place for kids to be going to. Kids look up to older people and want to be like them, so can you imagine what is going through there heads. Lets try to make the kids be kids for as long as they can. There is no rush for them to be going to raves, they are are gona be here for a long time, and the drugs, well they are just gona take over the world soon.
I went to my first rave (Every Pic 9) when i was 15 and I had no idea at all about drugs back then ('cept alcohol, but who doesn't know about alcohol?)
It wasn't until the end of high school that drugs entered the picture.
If i'd started taking drugs at that age, I'm sure I'd be a lot worse off than I am now. The lifestyle which includes drug use and experimentation is not a lifestyle suited to kids. If I lead the life I do now 6 years ago, I know I still would have been ok, and made it through school, but it would have been a lot harder. These days I can afford the time off uni and work to go out and party (and take drugs) but it just wouldn't work if I was in high school.
tibahdab: You're pattern of drug use is like mine was when I started, when I was 18, just every few weeks, though it was closer to every 4-5 weeks for me, no shrooms, and acid a few times. I'd say you're going fine the way you are, but hold out for as long as you can, 'cos you never know how much it's affecting you, and you'll be able to deal with any changes much better when you're more mature (but if other people consider you mature already, then you prolly are mature enough already)
Drugs have changed the way I think, for the better, but I doubt it would have had the same effect when I was a lot less mature
If you're skating on thin ice, then you might as well dance...
Theres not that many people under 15 at raves.
Maybe 10-20 people 14 and younger. So if they didn't go it's not a huge loss of money, and maybe some older people might not feel so old if there aren't 13-14 yr olds running around

Personally i think underage raves aren't the greatest idea (BTW I'm 17). I have a friend with 2 weeks of highskool left and shes dropped out because she can't be fucked. HONESTLY! Shit like this is happening to alot of underage people i know.
It's shocking to me what happens at these events( underage people running around on there whipper or pill ). If the media saw them, they'd be shut down in a second and the promoters would be labeled satan
fact is if it was 15-16+ there would be alot more 18+ ppl go, i mean how many events do you look at and go "that'd be cool, but it's gonna be such a kiddie rave", and so you don't go.
I've noticed that under 18 events r gettin less & less, maybe for this exact reason, when raves first began most kiddies didn't even hear about them, they weren't well advertised, and so very few had any idea what they were and what they were about. Now though the gigs r well advertised, and unfortuanately they are one of the very few things for under 18's to do, no wonder they go to them!
Unfortuanately all we can do is either make raves 15-16+, put up with it, or somehow make the F***head dealers who sell to these kids grow some morals, and i can't see that happenin
Addicted to the Atmosphere........
A lot of us 16-24 yr olds r talking about our drug experimenting history and there is a clear pattern with most of it.
However the times are undoubtedly changing and the 14yr olds of today unlike us are in a world where ecstasy and amphetamines rule the party drug scene and the playground (its raining dexies at my brothers school).
Never before has it been this big and widespread (that is unfortunately y we have to put up with so much crap) and cover stories on magazines such as Ministry: "Ecstasy: the new beer?" is certainly alarming; instead of 12 yr olds thinking they r cool by nicking a few beers to share, they are having pills.
I know how it can effect me, god knows what it can do to a young adolescent dealing with all those issues they must go through, changes in their mind and body and at the same time dealing with the massive challenge of even making it through high school which is getting harder all the time.
well, for those few who read down this far, here is something to think about. THE PARENTS DONT KNOW that their kids are out at raves and taking mind bending substances and trippin out of their young minds. someone mentioned earlier that they should be havin sleepovers, well folks, thats what they tell their mums and dads. A is staying at B's house and visa versa. then they happily trundle off and get high. hell i did it when i was younger, and who the hell are we to stop the younger ones now from doing the same!!!
lets just hope that the young ones are getting clean and "safe" drugs, because the story of the 14 yr old dying in their bed the next day is pure sadness, and my heart goes out to their family and friends. but there is something to be learned from this tradgedy. that is, that there are younger and younger people getting into "harder" drugs and nothing we do or say can stop the eger youngnz from grabbin their slice of the pie.
i have two younger brothers who unfortunately fell in with the wrong crowd and were dealing speed at the ages of 15 and 16 yrs old. now this came as a shock to me, but how the fuck am i supposed to get them to stop when they are involved with very powerful (names shall be withheld) gangs. the younger one has managed to exit the gang scene by secretly moving interstate so that the other members could not find him, but the other, to my knowledge, is still dealing.
all we can hope for is that the substances they are getting their litte paws on are clean and the backyard chemists realise that they are not only dealing to a population who understand the risks of taking illicit drugs, but also to a small group of underage kids who may not know what they are getting themselves in for when they think of "drugs"
dont know if this made any sence......
ahhhh...natural light, get it off me...get it off me!
Although I don't see 14/15 yearolds on 'drugs' as a positive thing i'm still interested in the arguments against them and why we see them as bad- the anthem of 'protect the kids' and 'they are so young lets not let them grow up too quick' etc etc is pretty similar to the same idea informing the paternalism that makes some drugs illigal anyways...
flame away, but i was curious to see at what point people want to stop 'protecting the kiddies from themselves' and how they justify thier own use (in light of the critisms of some older people saying they are nuts doing it! -"but back in my days the weed wasn't so strong rah rah rah")...
I just think that at age 13 or 14 you are not able to make an appropriate decision. You don't have the life experience and although by age 18 you still don't have heaps, i think you're over those initial growing pains. I've chatted to some younger kids that are taking pills and the like and they have no clue about general responsibility. I know not all 15 or 16 year olds are irresponsible about it but there are a lot that are. In my mind it's not appropriate for anyone to be taking mind altering drugs during a period when they're developing...
[This message has been edited by Peedy (edited 21 September 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Peedy (edited 21 September 2000).]
Sympathies Lilly,
My little cuz also new this 14 yo boy. Aparently, his friends still go to underage Viper and still drop.
What the fuck is wrong with kids today???
"Naa, Don't worry about it man, it's like bridge under the water!"
I agree with what most people have said so far. People have to acknowledge that ecstacy has become alot more available and somewhat mainstream.
The thing that ALOT of people (regardless of age) don't realise is that the quality of ecstacy differs from batch to batch and what they *think* is ecstacy is actually speed, etc, etc. You just have to go to a club in perth and have a chat to a few people who r off their tits to realise this. One of the funniest comments i heard was "I can tell it's MDMA cos medic works with MDMA not MDEA" but i'm digressing.
The media has blown it up and dance music and the club/rave culture involved with it is seen by many as "cool". I remember when i was listening to Jungle, d+b and hiphop when i was in high school and getting dissed for liking that sort of music with comments like "techno fag" etc etc. Now i see half the dudes who used to diss me going to clubs n listening to the same sort of music. irony
Magazines like Ministry have to be more responsible, I've only ever read one Ministry which was the drugs issue. The cover was bright n shiny with the word "DRUGS" on it. After reading the magazine, it seemed that the cover was just to get peoples attention and what was actually IN the magazine was fairly responsible. My point is don't judge the magazine by the cover, actually have a read of what's in it before commenting.
Most 13/14 year olds arent physically and emotionally mature enough to handle biccies n speed. Most DD's do not have any ethics at all (why would people get ripped off if they did??) and some of them would deal to 6 year olds if they had the $$. Through schools, drug education and changing community attitudes in general, kids have to be taught to be responsible for their actions and their drug use. Prohibitions on drugs don't work, history and the present have shown us that, maybe making MDMA legal would work.
I don't know what the best solution is and i guess it's up to the individual to make up their mind.
Play safe
Ahhh...the youth of today....it wasn't like that in my day...what a load of hypocritical shite! Sure kids start younger these days, and fuck yeah maybe it is not a good thing, but what can constructively be done about it.....???
Educate da masses man...da kids of today need to be taught about respect and tings....aaaaiiiiii.....listen to my main man Ali G for his advice.
Hey now... c'mon....lighten up a lil. im 14 years old, and been in the rave scene for about 6 months now. I started smoking weed when I was 13 and I've tried Ecstasy twice. i am completly responsible about it. And i respect it, not to mention love it- lol. But you have to give the younger partykids a break. I agree with you about the 8 year olds... that seems.. well..uh.. extreme? should i say. but anyhow, you have to look at things from our point of view also. just because most of you who are bitchin about it are older doesnt mean you should diss on the younger kidz. A lot of us are responsible too.
thanks for hearin me out
**dance like no one is watching**
k... yossarian... the reason I don't like seeing 14/15 year olds on drugs is that for the most part (and yes this is a generalization) they are doing is cos it's COOL... so they are HARDCORE... so they can be a RAVVVAH! How many other posts have there been concerning going to events for the music and not the drugs etc. Whereas these kids are there to be seen... I'm not saying that being a place and being seen is bad... just that when mind altering and possibly mind fucking drugs are being used it seems a little imprudent to be doing it just to be COOL. "Adults" (I put that in quotes cos some of us are far from adults but still) have the mental capabilities to decide "yes I want to risk the possibility of unknown or unforseen damage in the near to far future due to my consumption of this supposed MDMA" whereas a possible teen/child thought process "will Mum find out..."
I don't care if there are kids at raves... and like alot of people have said they have been attending raves for ages and only just got into the drugs side of things... that's the way it should be... I love seeing someone having a great time and some of these kandy kids really know how to dance... they can put the majority of us older people to shame... but do it without the drugs and the attitude... so the lets summarize the points of this rant. (broad and nasty genralizations)
a) 14/15 year olds have not the mental capacity to make drug related disicions
b) 14/15 year olds have as much right to be at a rave as us older crew
c) drugs are bad, m'kay?
The Strange Guy with the Bright Girly Pink Strange Hair
Sproing....(and all of you who feel the same way he does.)
you dont know thatr 14/15 year olds dont have the mental capacity to make rational decinsions about their drug intake. I don't always do drugs at parties. I go cuz i love th muzik i love the atmosphere, i love the good vibe and the PLUR attitude. I have been to parties sober and i have just as much fun, i still dance my lil ass off wif muh glowstix weather ive taken drugs or not. It may be a matter to take drugs to be cool for SOME, but no ALL. When i do take E i take it because i love to roll. it makes me more outgoing, i have more fun, and i kant eva sit down i just wanna dance. I could care less who thinks im cool or not. So please don't sterotype all the younger generation of pawty kidz
Just quickly, might i say that i dont really agree with all ages events..... they could go on i guess with closer supervision over the kiddies. Didnt like the last Utopia much.
I started rolling when i was bout 20. I was old enuf to understand the dangers i was putting myself up to. How to manage the night (eg water) and what to do if an unplanned issue came up eg. friend colapses.
I was very cautious. I looked up the internet for all the info i could find on the good and bad effects of xtc.
There are a number of under 18's who belong to this BBoard, and i think i can exclude the majority of those U18's, interaction with BBS satisfies me in knowing that they are gaining knowledge and 'learning from others experiences' and they seem to be in control.
In my opinion, the older you are, the more responsibly you will act. For some reason, I think it's sad that kids get into drugs so early in their lives.
my 2c worth.