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driving while rollin

well ya noe wht i love drivin when i rollin
and i drive fine bumpin music in ya car is the best
ill pop a cople beans and drive around the city all night
btw New Orleans aka da city
also has the best clubs apersand utopia ect.
I got pulled over for speeding while rolling. The cop came up to my car by the time she got me over and started yelling at me. I'm an older lady, so I just said, "well, you scared me." Being older has it's advantages, friends, especially if you can keep your head down and your record clean. You can get away with a lot more if you keep your record clean. She did write me a ticket for speeding, but seeing as I was rolling, and I had weed and beans in the car, I was really lucky... I still have fun.
Having lost one friend to a DUI driver, and having had another reduced to the mental capacity of a four year old, the idea that some of you are intentionally driving while fucked up pisses me off no end. I hope you only take yourself out when the time comes.

If driving is necessary, have a driver who is sober. Promise them whatever it takes to do this for you, because anything else is a callous disregard for others.

I wonder how many of the posters here have their own listing in Bluelight Shrine now?
I have driven many times in the past from many parties, never had a problem. I had a scare once when I passed a cop that had someone pulled over and his lights were giving me mad tracers and made me see a feria wheels in the middle of the freeway. I have done it usually in the day light and I was fine, but if it is your first time, don't do it at night unless you have too.
just remember to concentrate, no music!!!! Also, when you are, don't be alone and have your passengers keep you in check, even if their fucked up, if their not, then have one of them drive, that was never an option for me, I was always the one driving, I was the only one who could get a sober mind set when it came too it.
I have driven well over 20 times and I did it as safe as I could, but I don't condone it at all, it is stupid, so if you can't, don't!!!!
Sometimes when your bumping Deadmau5 doing 110mph on the Freeway is FUCKING AWESOME. lots of ecstasy heads drive while rolling after raves.

But on the streets...lots of pigs

i was driving and was so excited I forgot that red means stop and means go.

I ran 3 red lights before my friend noticed.
I didnt read every post, but you are referring to just driving cause you want to cause you're rollin'? then I would definately have to say "Why?" if you are talking about driving because you have to, then wait as log as possible for you to come down ..its not worth it ..you may think you're ok to drive but it only takes a split second to kil some innocent person, or even to go to jail for driving under the influence" just drive when you're are for certain you can drive ..i've had to drive home from a few clubs back in the day bcause by then public transportation was closes .and do this day i wonder how I didn't kill someone or myself ..I remember driving and my head would do this uncrollable split sec nod, like I was passing out but I wasn't and no matter how hard i tried to keep by head from bobbing while i was driving i couldn't even i was talking and was making my eyes open as wide as possible ..my head would bob down and I had zero control over it ..even though I wasn't tured ..and im really surprised I made it home that night ..was thinking the next day ..that was stupid to drive ..so again it may seem like a fun thing at the time, but just remember tomorrow when you come down you're gonna be like fuck I can't believe i drove that was stupid of me ..

Sorry Long post

Rollin Balls~
Used to do it when I first started rolling. Almost crashed my car and killed myself and I realized that it was one of the stupidest things I have ever done. Even when I am in a car now with a sober driver rolling I get extreme anxiety.
I would never drive while peaking, my eyes would be all of the place lol. As far as the come down, why not? I feel shitty but otherwise I feel normal physically, so by the time it wears off I'm good to go. That's why if I have to drive I'll drop my last one like 3-4 hours before I have to leave the club.
for a start it depends on lots of things like if i was peaking i couldnt get in my car and drive like i can drunk and stoned. i find when im drunk i am a much better driver then stoned but ive always had manuals. changing gears all the time is long ive never even drivin an automatic car but rekon it would be much more fun cruzing around high in one..
I've found that as long as the car is a manual I can drive fairly well on any substance i've tried so far, including lsd and shrooms.

But i won't ever touch an automatic... if i'm not holding onto the shifter knob and concentrating on RPMs and speed then for some reason I can't concentrate on the road either.

I don't really like driving under the influence, but it has been necessary on occasion.

MDMA has never really affected my driving ability, although MDA definitely has.
so many intoxicated drivers....I'mma watch my back from the sidewalks, now. ;)
I have no problems driving while rolling. In fact, I think it improves my driving slightly.
i have been in a car twice with somebody driving wired. the last time was last week, it was funny at the time, but thinking about it we nearly died a few times. depends how wired you are doesnt it.
Wow this is so irronic, I drive BETTER when I'm on E because it makes me concentrate. HAHA.
Also it makes me a more aggressive driver. ahah
Shit never drove on E before probably won't unless I have to. I have/been with people driving stoned before and it seems to me it doesn't effect him/her or my driving ability. I have been with people drinking and driving and have almost been in some serious car wrecks, (not advised).
After having experienced some pretty real-seeming and long lasting visual hallucinations while coming off e once I would never recommend this to anybody. When I saw things in my room I knew couldn't possibly be there it was okay and fun, but on the road it may not be so easy to discern what really isn't there in terms of a visual. As a previous poster commented, sometimes you don't know what all is in your "e" and what it could do to you.

I haven't been rolling for a long time and I've only had visuals once, but it is very clear to me that driving and hallucinating simply don't mix, and even without any visuals I can only imagine trying to maintain adequate attentiveness while peaking - seesh lol.

Please be safe people :)
I was with some guy who said driving on ecstasy was bad. This was his logic,

"When you are rolling, all you can think about is the pretty looking lights"

I'm like, "not really." "Everything is out of focus, pretty much everything is zoning out".

Tried driving once while rolling balls, didn't work out at all. Made it about 4 blocks. HAHA =D
Driving on E is just a bad idea. Some of our return trips were rather sketchy. The drivers were having difficulty concentrating.

One person pointed out that a lot of people drive while sleep deprived and thus should not be so judgmental of people who drive on e. This doesn't make sense. BOth are a bad idea. I have sleep issues and as a result have driven in states of sleep deprivation that were probably worse than driving with a .20 BAC.

I have fallen asleep at the wheel many tiems and it is scary and dangerous. I am very lucky I have never hurt myself or others. On numerous occasions I ahve awakened in a different lane with my foot on the gas and the car going 15 MPH faster than when I was last aware.

Recently a doctor prescribed provigil for long trips and it seems to have helped.

The bottom line is, if you are NOT able to drive for WHATEVER reason (alcohol, fatigue, ecstasy), you probably know yourself well enough to know when this is the case and therefore SHOULD NOT DRIVE!

Imagine if you caused someone's death? Then what?? You have permanently and dramatically affected numerous lives, and for what?
while peaking, it's a stupid idea.

during the come down/plateau, it's ok.

i usually give 5-6 hours from dropping, then i drive.