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driving while rollin

heres my take. i do fine driving while im rolling, so do my friends. the only thing is i get distracted by peoples headlights because they look so cool8o you'll be fine as long as you concentrate. I drive in the beginning of my roll like on the way to a party, or on the way home after, but mostly just at like 6am home from a rave. that ones the worst because your so tired. but heres a trick to try. you gota do it when your roll is still kicked in tho. turn off all the music and when your going fast listen to the sound of the car going through the air. (if you have a loud exhaust, you cant be pressing the gas. its wicked cool to just listen to the quiet (in my opionin).. be careful! and remember everyone reacts differently to different things, so when the time comes, if you dont think you can drive, dont! :)
oops, sorrry i forgot one more thing. if your experiencing eye wiggles its probably not a good idea to be driving! just enjoy those without haveing to worry about the road because theyre pretty cool.
Driving under the influence of MDMA or when coming down is insane, and extremely dangerous to those around you.

One of the main arguments for MDMA legalisation centres around the concept of "self-harm" -- you might hurt yourself from drug use, but unlike all other crimes, it doesn't create third-party victims (such as rape, violent crime, fraud, larceny, etc). If you drive on drugs, you're negativing this argument, and merely giving fodder to the anti-drug populace (which substantially outnumber you, i might add).

How would you feel if you killed someone? What about if you went to gaol for a decade or more because of it?

El Tim -- there are multiple studies which confirm that MDMA users are indeed impaired drivers during the high and for a significant time after. Though MDMA-influenced drivers may have marginally faster reaction times, they tend to severely misjudge distances and speeds, and driving simulations demonstrate that MDMA users are substantially more likely to have a crash.

Don't say "oh but I'm not like that", because intoxicating drugs give you EXACTLY that misleading belief. You misjudge your abilities because of the drug.

Please don't drive under the influence of MDMA. There have been fatalities from this.

Jebusjoe -- I agree that there's a lot of people suggesting DUI is ok, but closing threads merely inflames people and makes them feel that they've been vindicated.

If anyone cares, I can provide studies about MDMA/driving. Pubmed has several
VelocideX said:

El Tim -- there are multiple studies which confirm that MDMA users are indeed impaired drivers during the high and for a significant time after. Though MDMA-influenced drivers may have marginally faster reaction times, they tend to severely misjudge distances and speeds, and driving simulations demonstrate that MDMA users are substantially more likely to have a crash.

Don't say "oh but I'm not like that", because intoxicating drugs give you EXACTLY that misleading belief. You misjudge your abilities because of the drug.
Yeah, I get the whole misjudging speed and distance. But less than when sober. I tend to second-guess myself all the time when driving, and generally suck at it. Maybe if you're good at driving to start out it worsens it, but I seriously get slightly better when I roll.
A guy I used to date was actually a better driver when he was rolling... what the hell does that say... heh.
I can drive while rolling when I have no other choice. I just have to pay extra attention to what I'm doing. As long as I'm not trying to navigate a lot of turns and busy streets, I'm usually okay. Open highways and freeways are a piece of cake. It's irresponsible to drive while intoxicated, I'm well aware of it, but if need be I can drive reasonably well. There are times, however, when I have said to myself, "I honestly cannot drive right now," and I do pull off to the side of the road and wait to sober up. I know where to draw the line in situations where I will be a danger to others on the road.

[editor's note: I made this post when I was a stupid newb. Please don't drive and roll, guys. Yes, I won't lie, I used to do it all the time. I drove from Hollywood to Ventura County on two MDA pills. Beyond ecstasy, I've driven on LSD, mushrooms, and ketamine too. I survived each incident. I should have been fucking killed.

I actually nearly flipped my car while driving on ecstasy once. This is what prompted me to rethink my supposedly rock-hard philosophy. It was raining, and I was on the Pacific Coast Highway in Los Angeles, driving home, completely blowing up on good pills. Yeah, if anyone knows the area here, this was just insanely stupid. I hit a big rock from a landslide and my car popped up into the air. I managed to barely regain control after spinning my car completely around horizontally (thankfully not vertically). I only suffered a flat tire, thank GOD.

Don't fucking do it! --if]
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I'd be interested in those studies :)

I think I'd be fine driving, but no way on earth would I ever do it. I become a bit of a "fixer" when I'm not in a club on E, I go around fixing things - electronice, DIY(!) - usually successfully. This leads me to think I'd be fine.

But I'd definitely never do it.
Cizzla said:
ive driven a couple blocks rolling and i didnt like doing it . i plan on not doing it again because i just cant concentrate on everything. i was kinda zoning out on the road and just thinking .

hahaha. yeahhhhh me too. the first time I rolled I started driving down this 5 (one way) lane hwy at midnite so there wasn't anyone on the road really. I was jammin the starting line and started peaking witht he music. I swear I thought I talked to god for a minute and felt like I was glowing and thought "this is the best I can possibly feel my entire life". I start commin down a little and realized I was about seven miles past my house exit (i was gonna stop on the way to another friends house) and I really had NO clue I had gone that far. I mean I was drivin and doin a pretty good job (cruise control set, passin carsetc etc) I was just totally zoned out. Smilin be the happiest motherfucker you'd ever met I'm sure.

although i'm sure when i had to start/stop @ lights etc I was a horrible driver. drivin while rollin is me driving at my worst (and i'm a bad driver anyway). i'm adhd anyway and it's hard to pay attention to things. when I drove/drive rollin i swear for the entire duration of the trip i'm fucking with my cd player/cds/songs always lookin "for that song" not really knowing which one it is. just waiting to find something that suites me. it's realllllll distracting.

when i kept getting lost/goin the wrong way/ghetto areas I wasn't even sure how I got to (i was alone) i felt really down and shitty. When i busted back on the highway my shit kicked back in and i was flyin
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jebusjoe2003 said:
I've done it and I'd never willingly do it again. I've also driven while on acid. Driving on any substance is one of the dumbest and most selfish things a person can ever do.

That roll isn't going to feel so nice after you slam into a car carrying a woman and her children home from the store, killing them all.

In Houston a while back a woman was driving home from the club and was still rolling and she hit a guy that was out walking. He got stuck in her windshield and she drove home without ever acknowledging him being there. She parked in her garage, went inside, and went to bed. She didn't get him any medical help. He was found dead later on. Not only that, but the coroner found that the guy would have survived had she only gotten him medical care. Drugs fuck with your mind and NO ONE is in any position to get behind the wheel of a vehicle while on them.

- Jeebes

this happened in dallas. and I never heard mention of drugs. not saying it isn't true, but the fact she iknew he was out there for week+ afterwards kinda makes me not believe this.

and as far as this impairment bullshit. i'm not saying it's right to drive fucked up, you're all right, but how many of you have driven ridiculously tired? or even kinda tired? your level of impairment then is on par with being "fucked up" but I'm sure I won't see anyone getting totally up in arms about it. there have even been "studies" (i know we all ike to throw that around) that equate driving with no sleep for 24 hours (or something similiar) to drivin on X amount of beers.

"man fuck you for driving after not sleeping for 16 hours. you were impaired and hit a woman and her kids blahblah"
I can't believe so many of you are so irresponsible. Do you have no sense?
me personally drive fine when coming down from a roll. i never drive while peaking, my consentration is not there. there have been times where i just say i cant do it and will not take the chance.

you know the funny thing is that on 2 different occasions my friends had gotten pulled over for speeding about 10 over and the CHP knew that the group of people were on something, my friend had replied that earlier that night they had done E and they were on their way home from a social, the CHP did tests like alcohol judgement and let them go both times and told them to drive safe.

i know i drive stoned all the time, no problems there. i dont think its like alcohol where someone says they can drive but they really cant drive, i think you may think a little more clearer about the way you are feeling and know if you can drive or not, at least it is like that for me.
yepyepwoah said:
this happened in dallas. and I never heard mention of drugs. not saying it isn't true, but the fact she iknew he was out there for week+ afterwards kinda makes me not believe this.

and as far as this impairment bullshit. i'm not saying it's right to drive fucked up, you're all right, but how many of you have driven ridiculously tired? or even kinda tired? your level of impairment then is on par with being "fucked up" but I'm sure I won't see anyone getting totally up in arms about it. there have even been "studies" (i know we all ike to throw that around) that equate driving with no sleep for 24 hours (or something similiar) to drivin on X amount of beers.

"man fuck you for driving after not sleeping for 16 hours. you were impaired and hit a woman and her kids blahblah"

Here you go bro: http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/06/26/windshield.death/

- Jeebes
I've had a couple of bad experiences from driving while rolling.

The first one was when I was leaving a party, I backed into another car. Luckily all the kids in the car were so off of their faces that they didn't care and there was very little damage.

The second one was when I almost rear-ended a semi truck going 65 mph. Somehow I managed to hit my breaks on time.

Wouldn't do it again and would never recommend it.
I tried it once and it was only a 2 block drive... I took residential streets and drove slow as fuck but I would never do it again it was a little too confusing/intense for me... the best part was when I left my homies house after the roll forgetting how I got there :eek:. but really you shouldn't try it even if you think you are good at driving fucked up... just get a friend to drive and pack him bowls or something as payment for a safe trip. Why waste part of your roll trying to drive and not be fucked up, just kick back in the passenger seat and enjoy, the hallucinations you see on the road are godly..
it was me, the driver and my friend in the car.. our house was at least 20miles away. we didn't get far becuase we stopped at a *flashing yellow* light.. all of us were rolling. eventually I asked why we wern't moving.. and the driver was like ... oh .. right ... I need to turn down the bass speakers! That was the warning we got while at the party but blew it off. just lucky we are alive after that!
one time i was driving, i decided to drop one e since the party wasn't far away (20 min)
once i got there, i began to lose sense of direction and i was coming up on e
i was unable to focus where i am going and i start to panic
i decided to stop and let my "much sober" friend to drive

not really a good idea to drive after dropping e
also i hate the sketchy driving after coming down
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I personally don't drive on E. I personally don't drive, period.

Back when I was 16 or 17, my ex fiance and myself were following my best friend and another good friend to a roll/trip party. Well, we were coming up on to a stop sign, and my best friend noticed it and stopped. Well, my ex had a little bit of a blackout, and rear-ended him. It didn't really do much damage, seeing as we were in a residential area and only going 15-20mph. We all laughed it off and had a wonderful night, but things could have been so much worse under different circumstances.

I've also been pulled over countless times with friends while rolling.

So, the conclusion?

A friend of mine was seriously hurt in a car accident by someone who was on MDMA :(

It madeher doubt drug use even more (I know I know alcohol related accidents happen every day, but hey when you are in an accident yourself its differen't). She spent a long time for physical recovery and really loathed the person who caused the accident (she knew her). Anyway shes fine now and she accepts it and is open minded about MDMA once again.

I think driving on any substance is a silly idea. :\

By all means, if you crash while off your face bad luck to you...But if you crash with others who are innocent :( :( :eek: :!
Heh, wow, there's my post from way back when in '05.

My philosophy is a bit more mature nowadays. I wouldn't dare put myself in front of the wheel whilst rolling. Yeah, I probably could drive in an emergency situation, but that's just not going to happen with proper planning. Driving while intoxicated is one of the few drug related things that I feel should remain illegal, even if drugs were one day legalized.
You're right, it's a silly thing to do. The only time that i've done it was after a night at the hardrock. I was coming down from it and they were weak pills anyway, but that was the only time.