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Driving on Ectsasy. Safe or stupid?

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I just want to say that I think its really stupid to even think about driving on E. I don’t care if you can do it, or that you’re amazing driver and that you know your way around a care sober or high. It’s just stupid, something can always go wrong... Your judgement is impaired because you are high, your reaction may seem faster, but is it really?

Driving well high on anything IMO is just stupid, and its something that I would not do just because it will in danger others and myself. You can tell me till your blue in the face that you can drive on E, and that you have done it and your still alive... But I will just laugh at you and call you stupid, and when you wrap yourself around that telephone pole because you thought the turn was sooner I’ll just laugh at you.

Another thing, if you were to die you would just give the media more ammo for the war on drugs.

Its about drug information, harm prevention/minimisation! Which doesn't esactly go with driving on drugs :)

HA HA HA.. That was a good one
In reality, as ecstasy is a stimulant, if you are "up" on a nice dose of MDMA and concentrate on your driving, you will be very aware of everything going on and find it relitively easy.

Stimulants of all kinds make you THINK you're performing at normal or even elevated levels, when in fact, you aren't.

Your skills are diminished. Your awareness is diminished. Your perceptions of these things is usually wrong.
I dont know about yall, but whenever im on a good dose of X, I can barely walk... Driving would be out of control... Even lower doses can be dangerous... Remember, MDMA lowers inhibitions just like alcohol.. In short, you think you are alot less fucked up than you really are... Who are you to judge whether you can drive or not.. You are the one on drugs, remember??? (Im guilty of it too, for the record).

The only substance I would say it could be ok to drive on is amphetamine... Even then you may be taking risks, but no more than someone driving and talking on a phone...

Thanks guys,

The past few posts have been really insightful, giving an opinion and expressing some thought to an opposing arguement. In particular cyber raver - recognising different drugs do have different effects while behind the wheel. Be assured I have considered every thought, in forming my own opinion.

Can I point out, that in NO way did i or do i suggest driving if you are having eye-wiggles, balance problems or generally feeling fucked. If u feel u can't drive, then quite obviously, DONT!

I never believed driving on E was possible, only a path to inevitable trouble. Then one day, being all loved up and nice (urrghh...) i offered a person a lift home before i realized
driving on E would be a problem.

As i got behind the wheel, i was anxious and thinking "Fuck, Will.. what are ya doin". i was being a bit sloppy, forgetting to indicate and things.. then the guy said "Relax man, driving on pills is easy". I relaxed, and ya know how E immerses you into music
and thought? Well the same applied to my driving. I was one with the road, appreciating every vehicle, every change in speed.. every road sign. It was very profound...and easy.

Unlike alcohol or weed, the pills _increased_ my concentration on the road, which more than compensated for any slight lack in co-ordination/reaction. This significance is what possessed me to bring up the topic.

Since then i have been driving directly under the influence since... but cautionsly. Your comments have honestly made me aware of other issues, such as how i would cope if an accident arose, or a tricky situation. How my mind could wonder.. etc

I believe the answer is, for _some_ people (including myself) there is a state of mind within ecstasy, where driving on roads you know is easy, relaxing and enjoyable. However, with all the other issues considered it is ultimately unsafe, and you won't really realize this until the day you actually fuck up and injure someone or yourself.

Ironically, i don't take pills anymore (due to mental problems) so it doesn't really apply to me anymore lol

anyway, thanks for the input

No, it does not increase your conentration. You think it does, but it does not. You are probably going to tell me, how can I possibly know the inside of your head. Well, it's because any intoxicant of any kind diminishes the kind of active attention and quick reflexes that are needed to safely drive. What you are talking about, "relaxing into it", sounds like a kind of "road hypnosis" similar to what you get when driving long distances, and this is not safe either. You said it yourself, even: "Granted, your co-ordination will be reduced" - that's plenty. Reduced coordination means unsafe to drive. Full stop.

Now given that this is a harm reduction board, I do not think that discussing how hey, it actually can be safe to drive under the influence of ecstasy! (or any other intoxicant) really has a place here, so I am closing this thread.
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