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Driving on Ectsasy. Safe or stupid?

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And ya wonder why Hot_cap is banned...

To whomever said "even cold medicine says do not drive"... I applaud you!

Hey Raas...and everyone else who is saying its ok to drive fucked up...can I ask how old you are? And do you personally know someone that's been killed in an accident that could have been prevented? Do you have a child or neice/nephew that just started driving?

And the final question...would you feel safe in the passenger seat of my car after I drank 7 or 8 beers? Because X fucks me up harder than beer...but I won't drive after having even 1 beer.
A. Because I've seen people killed...in front of my eyes!
B. Because I've been in trouble before
and C. Becaused at my young age of 23, I've lost a total of 6 friends to accidents while under the influence.
BTW...the worst one was 4 kids in a car getting stoned, they flipped the car becasue they were going too fast and implanted themselves into a telephone pole! 3 dead...the driver survived...only to face 15+ years in jail!

Now tell me again why you think its ok to drive under the influence...because my 6 dead friends think otherwise!:(

And btw...when it comes to being under the influence, they don't call them "accidents"...they call it wreckless driving.
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trancesetter: I'm sorry for your losses, as I'm sure everyone else in...
but I think that last post by Raas was filled with sarcasm, so try to relax ;)

or at least i'd hope it is, and I have a feeling it is.

everyone needs to try and relax, bluelight has been so tense lately =\ maybe it's the perrywinkle colour of the new board?
driving on ecstacy is definetely a bad idea.. never do it.... im not saying its not possible... buts its just not safe... ive driven while peaking and coming down... drove 2 blocks while peaking. and it wasnt very hard... but i would never do it again... i drove to kroger while coming down.. and it just didnt feel right.. i couldnt figure out how far the cars were and wasnt confident enough to leave the parkinglot.. well.. my thoughts are to not drive on ecstacy..
It's just a really bad idea to drive on E. There are many things in life that we "can do", but we don't...there are reasons. Even if you haven't had a bed experience while driving on E, whats is to say that you won't. I have to admit I drove once on E and it sure as hell was the last. I was coming down and trying to get home before the sun came up. While on the interstate, my car drifted onto the grass and my car was almost uncontrollable. I couldn't stay alert or even awake for that matter. I could have been seriously hurt. Luckly there weren't any other cars on the road but what if... I have a problem with this issue, but especially while peeking. Just understand that there are risks involved. E and driving increases that. Shouldn't your life be work more that just a thrill...

Even assuming Raas is exactly right (which i don't personally beleive) and driving on MDMA is fine and safe, you are still as capable of having an accident as you are when sober.

Hypothetically someone could hit your car and it could be all his fault (there was nothing you could have done). This would be very bad!


Because when it goes to court you will be done for driving under the influence, and since MDMA is illegal you will end up with a much worse sentance than otherwise would be the case.

If you drive under the influence of MDMA often enough, sooner or latter something like this is likely to happen.

Think about it.

Sorry bout getting a little overworked there...:) I realize Raas's last statement was sarcastic. But its not exactly fun to lose 6 people in your life due to their own or someone else's choice to drive intoxicated.
Perception is not reality guys. No matter how well you think you're driving, there's probably quite a few out there who think otherwise.

On a sidenote here...and I'll make myself the example:) The night I got my DUI I thought I was fine, had not been drinking in the past 3 hours, felt a little intoxicated, but alright enough to drive...so I thought! Got pulled over for going 75mph in a 65mph zone...immediately pulled out of the car to take the drunk tests...and blew 2 1/2 times over the legal limit! Sure I was drinking, not rolling...but the point here is I thought I was fine, shows what I knew back then:p
I find it quite easy to drive after using extacy.
I of course never drive while peaking.

I guess I have driven about 8-10 times home from clubbing (it's about 10km) always when i'm coming down.
I feel a bit tired, but definitely not drowsy of sleepy.
Nothing even remotely simular as driving under the influence of alcahol.

Not that I'm recommending that people drive under the influence of anything stronger then applejuice.
I agree.. you have every right to be upset. And if I were in the same situation, I'd be all over anyone even considering it. I know it's irresponsible of me to have driven, and possibly drive in the future with anything in my system. I know people will argue they know what their limits are, and other people will say that what may seem okay isn't.. but I do know I won't risk my life or anyone else's if my driving skills are in question whatsoever. Just the thought of damaging my car at all makes me very self-critical.. let alone the idea of what it would do to my family if I died doing something drug related, and, there's always the possibility of injuring innocents.. which, if I were to ever do, I could never live down.
Anyway, this is gettin a lil off topic..
if you're thinking about doing it, also think about all the other things that COULD happen. Just stay home, hitch a ride, or sleep it off if you can.. if you can't you probably shouldn't have been puttin yourself in that situation.
Bigcat and Trancesetter,

No actually, i wasn't being sarcastic. I am genuinely interested to hear other peoples opinions.

Trance, in regards to your questions.

I am 18, and have been driving for a year. A lack in huge experience, is one of the reasons i am interested to hear the views of others who have... such as yourself.

It's also worth noting, that i am not suggesting I or ANYONE should drive while "fucked up" or after 7or 8 beers. That is only asking for trouble. I drive while pleasantly high..

Contrary to what others do, i try not to drive back on the come-down... for the simple reason the tiredness and fatigue can effect my driving.

I've driven under alcohol, weed, speed, pills and coke. I avoid alcohol and weed now, coz i know they've effected my concentration. However i still maintain when "nicely high" on MDMA, driving has never been a problem.... a lot of my friends also drive directly under the influence as well, between visiting pubs/clubs and don't consider it a problem.

I'm sorry to read your story, and i'm sure many people empaphise with it... you obviously feel strongly on the subject...but i still think you've blown what i said out of proportion, i tried to make it clear that i'm aware of the potential dangers and try to avoid them..
Raas: I know you're genuinely interested in people's input ;)

I am hoping you were being sarcastic when you said

To whoever started saying "hope your stupid ass gets caught and fined and put in jail....assholes"... please grow up, else next time i'll start driving in ur area!..and on something alot stronger than a few pills! *Ahem*
Raas: I know you're genuinely interested in people's input ;)

I am hoping you were being sarcastic when you said

Oh lol...

Yes, i really was being sarcastic there

*wink wink* bwuahahahahaha
Keep this thread under control... this is a good discussion...

I will not tolerate anymore name calling or assraping of other poeple's opinions in which they can easily be replaced with: "it's not a smart idea."

I think it is incredibly naive to argue the following
In reality, as ecstasy is a stimulant, if you are "up" on a nice dose of MDMA and concentrate on your driving, you will be very aware of everything going on and find it relitively easy.
Amphetamine use by truck drivers has been linked with increased rates of accidents in my country. MDMA is not only a stimulant, it has properties that effect judgement, coordination and behaviour. While no-one has studied how much these properties effect driving specifically, I think it is fair to assume they will mean reduced concentration and reaction time.

In addition, a common feature of the MDMA peak is nystagmus or eye wiggles. There is no way a person can drive safely whilst experiencing nystagmus, as you can not focus.
even sober, drive the less possible.
driving is like playing with a loaded gun. everything goes without a problem until suddenly someone is dead.
people don't realize how dangerous it is until something bad happens.
Sorry for my choice of words and coming off harsh, its just that I have people close to me dead because of people driving under the influence. I will never see them again, all because someone decided that they were able to drive when they were not. If they would have just let someone completely sober drive, those people in my life would probably be here today.

BTW, they guy that killed them is facing 20+ years in jail....just a thought for all you people out there who are under the influence next time and feel your ok to drive....think of the consequences.
My thoughts regarding this subject are plain and simple : If you have to contemplate whether or not to commit an action then you probably shouldn't do it. In this case if you have to ask whether or not it's a good idea to drive while under the influence, it's most definately not a wise choice. Keep this in mind, everytime you drive, inebriated or sober, you are handling a 2,000+ pound machine capable of killing yourself and innocent others. For this reason, driving in general, shouldn't be taken lightly.
When Im peaking I cant even keep focused on my phone. It would be absolutely stupid to drive in this state.

Taking anything and driving is stupid. If you were to have an accident, wouldn't you just be always thinking "what if I hadn't been high?"

Also what if someone causes an accident you are in?? Even if it was not your fault, you will get done for it.

And like other people said, its just mean. If someone wants to endanger their own lives, then fine I fully support their right to do that, but to go driving where other sober people could get killed through no fault of thier own is plain selfish. :p
Yea you might be able to convince yourself that your driving skill is excellent, but if you are put into a position where accident is inevitable, are you sure you want to be in an altered state when that happens? Like said above, what if it isnt your fault? I guarantee it will leave pleanty of mental scars let alone physical.
Raas said:
I read the post, and the incident clearly happened in their tired/fatigue drugs induced. Not even i would touch the steering wheel then.

I'm more than aware of the potential dangers driving on drugs can cause... BUT, i have noticed, when directly under the stimulant influence of MDMA.. driving safely is not difficult.
things like drunk driving or driving while fatigued are not the only problems. it is ignorant and irresponsible to underestimate how a chemical can affect your driving. the last accident i was in was caused by a driver on ecstasy running a red light and slamming into the side of our car. something as simple as not seeing a stoplight could cause a world of problems.

please, be responsible. dont take substances if you know you have to drive. and if you do want to partake in consuming those substances, only do so if you have a ride. its not that difficult. perhaps the links in this post may help you to see differently about how you can effect the lives of others from the irresponsiblity of driving on substances.

this is a serious issue, to treat any less than such is quite disheartening. *be safe* *be responsible*
iv only had to drive a couple of times in the morning, but if im driving i make sure im not peaking from my last pill, and make sure most of the effects are past. I dont think its like drink driving becos drink driving gives u faulse confidence, but i do think people are abit to cocky wen there pilling and driving after cos they think just cos its pills its safe. U still have to be careful, make sure u get some coffee down u and make sure u have atleast a half hour break outside the club b 4 the drive home. make sure u get some cold air blowing in the car, and some people talking or some music going otherwise ur mind might start going elsewhere (its happened to me b 4 and it can be scary)
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