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Drinking on SSRI's and Antipsychotics

thizzin' since 98

Feb 22, 2011
Im currently 4 months sober from MDMA/Piperazine along with alcohol and weed, which triggered psycosis :\

I'm on 10mgs of Celexa, .25 Risperidone, and .5 xanax.

would I be able to drink, maybe just a few beers, get the buzz and feel happy, maybe take just .25 of xanax in case it makes my anxiety jump up? or do you think it would just make my psycosis worse and make me feel down.
I took 10mg celexa for a couple years..its a small dose, but I got really sensitive to alcohol, and 3 beers would have me vomiting, when I could previously have close to 10 drinks without that happening. I usually skip my antipsychotic dose if I'm drinking (when I was taking it), and unless you're tolerance I would only take .25mg xanax (I know I do before I go out, or .5-1mg ativan, just so I can get to the event without freaking out). If you're feeling sorta down in the first place, alcohol is a depressant and can make it worse. Take it slow, after each beer maybe have some water and evaluate how you feel. That would be my best harm reduction advice here.
alcohol is pretty famous for causing anxiety in GAD sufferers the day after drinking. sure does in me. not so much that i will never drink though. just take it easy. and as i am sure you know, xanax and alcohol potentiate each other, so be careful.

i'm not your source for risperidone + alcohol. google or another BLer.

sounds like you have moderation in mind, and i think that's a good idea.
So I just took .25 xanax, about to go out, possibly drink 1 beer and see if I feel it. My last dose of Celexa and Resperidone was last night around 2am, so I hope I am in the clear.

If not, please post within the next hour or two. I just want to have a good time for once :/
So I just took .25 xanax, about to go out, possibly drink 1 beer and see if I feel it. My last dose of Celexa and Resperidone was last night around 2am, so I hope I am in the clear.

If not, please post within the next hour or two. I just want to have a good time for once :/

I'd say you're in the clear, just see how you feel after each drink, and take it easy.
i take 40 mg celexa and 3 mg xanax a day, and the day after drinking my depression is absolutely horrible. i've heard from various friends and sources that the day after drinking if you're on SSRIs, your depression is out of control. i can't say this will be the case for you, just personal experience.
I take 40 mg of citalopram(aka celexa), and 2 mg of risperidone a day and I'm an alcoholic and drink every day, sometimes up to 25 beers... I don't think those meds have a dangerous interaction with alcohol. The Xanax might potentiate alcohol dangerously, though.
Risperidone + alcohol + Xanax = oversedation and other potentially serious adverse effects.

Tread carefully.
When I first started drinking heavily, I was on 60mg Citalopram, and 30mg buspirone qd. I had almost no tolerance to alcohol, 2 or 3 beers had be pretty drunk, or 1-2 cocktails/shots. Obviously, drinking heavily, even with the meds I built up a tolerance, plus I am a huge guy, so my body mass also had an effect on tolerance, but yes... SSRIs and alcohol can basically have the effect of not only nullifying the positive side to the SSRI, but can have the opposite, and result in deeper (in my experience, temporary) depression.
Risperdone is a horrid drug.... Drinking on Xanax caused me to black out get into fights and generally act stupid.. The downfall is you don't see it coming. It got so bad I had to stop drinking for 2 years or so. If you drink, do so in moderation and always gauge your feelings you dont wanna Od or wind up in jail. Good luck.