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Dried opium powder

man, fuck this thread....


i can get heroin anytime i want, as i imagine others can too, so why so much shit on poppy pod tea and poppy sead tea?
well, the main plus is that poppy pods and poppy seeds are legal. another plus is there is no way possible to shoot up poppy seed tea or pods and for people like me, who are already addicted enough as it is, thats a good thing. and the euphoria is long lasting and 'good enough'. unless you want to walk with the gods, then you pay the price when you start shooting heroin and messing with all that other hard shit.

since i'm addicted to this crap anyway, i might was well keep it natural and relatively safe... that is, i know exactly whats in a poppy pods as opposed to some of this H going around that has fent in it and people are OD'ing left and right. and thats another plus... you have to WANT to OD on poppy pods or poppy seed tea, otherwise its just too much 'matter' to ingest all at once... unlike H which can take a very small amount to send you to never never land for ever, never to return.

edit: oh yeah. i don't know how much heroin costs because i've never personally bought any. but for about 500 bucks I can buy enough GOOD pods to keep me high for... oh, about 3 to 4 months if I don't go apeshit with them. thats about... 5 bucks a day, give or take. pretty good price ratio if you ask me.

edit again:
mulberryman said:
Well as far as I'm concerned, the seeds are best for growing ;)

i WISH i could get seeds to grow, they always die after the zillion sprout stage. no matter how i try to take care of them. admittedly i'm no gardner but i at least tried to keep the humidity, soil nutrients, and light correct. oh well i hear they're very hard to grow.
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^ ive always wanted to try pod tea, i smoked rela opium one time ( yea it was real, i knew the ppl that grew it) and it seemed like if taken in really high does, it would be quite euphoric.

alas my tolerance is so high now i dont know if i could get off on pod tea...

im interested to hear from some other IV junkballs that have tried pod tea. how high is your tolerance and did the pod tea do anything to you?

i can see how them being legal, or at least semi legal makes it easy to use, but where i live, there is enough heroin to go around.
well, there is that problem with them in my experience... the higher your tolerance goes, the less you get off on the pod tea, even if you increase your dose. it seems like a no brainer, except that seed tea doesn't affect me that way... my tolerance goes up and i just increase the dose of the seed tea and i will get high. not so with pods. its baffling to me

so, yeah if you're used to shooting H then you probably won't get off on pod tea that well.

edit: also, for people like me who just don't know any drug dealers at all (except for weed and the occassional xanax and hydrocodone), its nice to be able to at least get some good drugs now and then, thats whats nice about pods
Malfunkshun: Qualifications: I hold a B of Science from Ithaca in Ethno-Botany and am indeed less than 2 semesters from a Masters should I ever actually complete it. In addition. I am 40 years old and was first addicted to opiates at age 16 in Lebanon. I first used opiates however at my circumcision at 8 days. Indeed, should you study either Scripture or Jewish History you will see my people have used it since before went into Egypt. Israel/Jacob even sent it down in the caravan as a gift for Joseph on the 2nd caravan.

Now, I have NEVER,EVER,EVER claimed seeds contain a single alkaloid. I have said, and will tell you authoritatively, seeds do often contain residual coatings of alkaloids when harvested from technically ripe and unincised pods. Not only do I know this from subjective AND clinical knowledge, it is simply very common sense. Have you even seen a ripe unscored pod? If you shake it, open a pinhole, and drain you will find a cinammon colored powder. Know what that is? Powdered opium. Most intelligent people use gradient screens to remove this commodity before sending on seeds. However, it is clear you rely on internet nonsense to secure whatever you use so I am not suprised in the least that you are ignorant of this.

See, most people, when gently nudged, would take the time to trail back and review a thread. I always do, even when challenged by such a mundane character as Ombladon,etc. Why? Because if you are not open minded you will never learn. I am not infallible , but if you notice, I only post on threads related to three things here, with an occaisonal 4th. In order they are, natural opiates,methadone/bupe, fentanyls, and Kratom. Why? Because instead of trying to be an arrogant know it all prick I stick to what I know. You might try it sometime, it can do wonders for your integrity.
Malfunkshun: My computer is acting up and I am losing many posts because of it so though it better to post that most important message to you before continuing...

You say unemotional robot but something escapes you. This is not a blog, it is an intelligent forum devoted to Harm Reduction. Some people, like myself take this concept very seriously.Indeed, any long term addict cannot help but appreciate it. Personality not only wastes bandwith, it deflects attention away from the real goal which is to save and better human lives. I have taken pain to relate just why I hold it dear, perhaps if you finally ACTUALLY DO review things you will see why. All you are doing is wasting time and nonsense with this crap. If you are truly convinced of your belief, live long, but if you are about learning you will shut up and backtrack. I do not need you to admit I am right. I only hope you learn.

I could be here 20 years and it means nothing. I can be an IDU of 100 percent pure heroin hcl. but that also means nothing. My credibility, and you can ask your mods, lies in the fact that in my 5 years not a single person has been able to prove stated facts by me to be incorrect. This is not because I am superhuman, but because I limit my posts to things I truly know about. I would like to add, although the moderator Fast does not realise it, he did prove me wrong long before he became a mod on the subject of hydrolysis. It is what this forum is aimed for, learning. If you try to provide facts and prove me wrong, I think I could say I achieved exactly my aim. I hope all challenge them with FACTS, not limited subjective reasoning as you are doing.
I want to hijack the thread for a sec in relation to some troll who is questioning the validity of Jews as Israelis, moron, since you will not study botanical science, perhaps you might study a little thing called genetic science. See, there is a little thing known as Y Chromosomal Modality, as well as a compendium of more than 4700 genetic conditions that only affect Jews. All Jews are related by blood save converts, who then, if raising Jewish children, are reabsorbed entirely back into the line within 4 generations, most often within 3. We are the indigenous people of that land. Arabs are native only to Hejaz, a tiny area of what is now Saudi Arabia. They spread in expansionism but only emerged as a people about 400 yeears before the Christain Era, at which time we were already existing in Israel for more than 2200 years. You might try to stop looking like a fool on at least this thread before trying to engage me in the history of my own people.

I do apologise to people but I do not think that this is the place for anything like that. However, in the interest of dispelling innocent reader's ignorance I though it neccessary, unfortunately, to engage that kid.
malfunkshun said:
i WISH i could get seeds to grow, they always die after the zillion sprout stage. no matter how i try to take care of them. admittedly i'm no gardner but i at least tried to keep the humidity, soil nutrients, and light correct. oh well i hear they're very hard to grow.

Yeah they are hard to grow, but you just gotta keep trying.. Pesticide helps and they can surprise you, when all those little sprouts die then a week or 2 later after you forgot all about them, theres 2 or 3 left that flower and turn into the best pods... I think commercial growers must plant a whole lot of seeds or something.. The strange thing is, they seed themselves weeks or even months later too. I'll admit my poppy growing has really been limited to a few flowers here and there in the garden, but if anyone knows any growing tips I'd love to hear them.
Mulberry, seeds do not contain alkaloids between seed and shell. Sometimes the shell has a trace coating from coming into contact with the dried latex that shares the pod walls. In handling, most of that coating comes off but trace amounts may remainl. If you grow your own, dry them without scoring, and then carefully puncture and drain the pod ofseeds, your seeds will be coated with it all over in most cases. Seeds though contain lots of fats and acids and on their own are worthless. Acids and fats cause GI irritation so smart people remove the valuable powderised opium via sceens and make tea from the powder and powderised pods sans seeds.

As for the thread, it might be because I made the mistake of asking moderators pointedly not to close it because I had hoped to prove a point. From pms it seems alot got it but evidently some did not. For this, if it is so, I apologise because I consider this to be a wasted enterprise. Luckily I am retired with time to BS or I would be depressed.
And then Malfunkshun explains my previous post to Mulberry. Clearly Malfunkshun you are just trying to ride me . It is cool though. As this thread is a waste anyway, might as well go all out.

Mulberry, there is no such thing as a breadseed poppy. There are Somniferum bred to have other alakloidal balances and Tasmania's poppy consortium has bred one with practically no morphine but those seeds, Norman Strain, are only for Tasmanian trade. Seeds found in spice shops, etc., are actual Somniferum seeds.
No, seeds do not contain morphine content from mechanical harvesting. They get because both latex and seeds are encased within the inner pod wall. When pods are dry there is nothing to prevent both from falling from this wall and mixing on the inside base. When shaken/agitated, the latex which powderises rapidly with age is spread over evey inside surafce. It is like this, take a pile of dust, a pile of birseed, then blow. See how many of the birdseeds do not have dust on them. It is really oh so simple.

I will not post on that facet anymore because I amrue people, who resort to even bringing my nationality/religion into debate will ride this subject thinking it will antagonise me. In truth it does not, I just aim for facts. Enough on that though, as people have all the info they need and can make up their own minds.

As for poppy being hard to grow...WHAT? They are like friggin weeds. The problem in the labor involved. After sprouting...anyway, I am not going to turn this into botany 101. Anyone interested though, look for the UNDOC Soviet Propagation techniques paper. That should keep you busy and allow anyone in a temparate climate to grow them as much as they want. Skip the mecurocram parts because that is just standard commercial agriculture and does not really relate to poppy per se.

"There is no way to shoot up poppy tea..." More ignorance. Ever hear of Blackwater? Come to Asia sometime, you would be amazed. It is not healthy but in places like Viet Nam it is the rage. Niot tea per se but it is water extracted and is exactly the same component wise. NOTE: INXPERIENCED people should NOT even try it.
Look all you doubters, just because you went and bought some McCormick bottles and didn't get high means jackshit.

The point might be moot anyway as I can tell you there are no potent seeds being sold right now in my area and others, so it looks like the problem has been solved anyway.
Medicine: You already know tolerance is subjective, and you also already know my usage history so I will just proceed to the subjective...I drank 11 full glasses of perfect tea and merely had my stomach clamed. I also had pain in my jaw from a wound at age 16 so this should give an idea of its worth to harcore addicts. For inexpereinced users though it is great for its safety margin and overall effect.

My mood was great though but that might just be placebo over knwoing I am ingesting actual morhine and codeine again after so many years without. I could not even close my eyes and got absolutely no sedation.
I prefer opium over pharmaceuticals, pharms are too subtle and too sedating.
I love the combo of sedation and stimulation and overall richer effect from opium.

But if your tolerance is such that you couldn't feel under 100mg of oral morphine there is no point in trying pod or seed tea.
As for poppy being hard to grow...WHAT? They are like friggin weeds

Well people I know in Detroit that grow them probably agree with you, and from all I've heard and read you are correct, but I was only talking from my own experience. I've grown many different plants over the years, everything from carrots to cannabis, but I always seem to have trouble growing more than a few poppies at a time. They do seem to grow more like a weed, I mean they show up where and when I'm not expecting them..
Poppies like somewhat cold weather to sprout, its easy to grow them in temperate areas. More tropical areas or where its intensely hot and humid most of the year it is hard to get them to grow.
good GRIEF this rachmin dude is a windbag. i could waste some bandwidth, as you put it (now thats what i call a hypocrite, he wastes more bandwith inflating his ego on the forums than i EVER will just by being personal), replying to all of that crap but i'll keep it short.

first off, congrats on being such a qualified addict, and congrats on your degree. i also have a degree. whoopdi doo. now that we have our egos covered...

as far as the whole 'poppy seed tea' thing goes. have you ever made any? do you have any experience with the seeds at all? good seeds vs. 'bad' ones, harvesting seeds for the purpose of making tea? and whats this shit about 'opium powder'? show me some references on that one if you please. i have never encountered 'opium powder' when taking seeds out of the pod. yes, there is some reddish powder, and i have included that 'cinammon stuff' in the tea i make just on the chance that it might contain some morphine, and it does not get you high.

OK? do you agree? no of course not.

anyway, this is from pods that are high in potency. so, there's some first hand experience for you with this so called 'opium powder'. i've tried it several times and it's definitely not 'opium powder'... that is, if opium powder is actually supposed to get you high. i have experience with this, remember? you do not. you've never made poppy seed tea, at least thats the impression i get from you. you know nothing of this subject, that subject being poppy seeds and the potentcy of them and how they acquire that potency, because you have no direct physical experience. your information, which you have learned... somehow, through books or whatever, i don't know... DIRECTLY contradicts my information, which was gained through first hand experience with pods and seeds.

one more thing. if this 'opium powder' is the residue that supposedly makes poppy seeds potent, then why isn't there EVER any in the good seeds? the only real difference between 'good seeds' and 'bad seeds', visually, is if you compare two batches, the potent seeds will be slightly darker blue than the unpotent seeds. you'd think the good seeds would have some reddish opium powder present, at least a little, if that were in fact the mechanism for the potency. that is what you're claiming, right? i mean, you did say that unscored pods can have potent seeds, and you attributed this potency to the hypothetical 'opium powder'.

why don't you spend a couple of years experimenting with poppy seeds, making tea, fucking it up, figuring it out, learning how to do it, and after you've gained some knowledge the hard way, get back to me, k? i don't expect to hear another word out of you for two years, please.
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Garuda: Like most plants with a long human cooperation, poppies come in many specialised strains. Natasha Strain works great in tropics, I use it here. There are more than 50 types of Somniferum. Name your climate under 10 k feet and below the Arctic Circle and there is a strain for you...save extreme desert.

Ideally, you want very alkaline soil with great drainage, above 3000 feet, temperate, and a northern or western exposure but they really are very easy to grow.
sicko said:
damn i feel soo good but if they expose my "little" ethnic community (the largest minority in BC, if not Canada) they might aswell expose the Hells Angels for the marijuana they sell above "cafes", dont ya think. But if you say so I will edit out the names of the store. ps pics to be up soon as i can get my ass unglued from the couch, btw they do have some good as weed no doubt.

Opium wars for nothin', huh? ;)
Well, I admit I too have found a kind of sick facination with keeping this thread alive, so to sum it up, here's what I think this is, and its just an educated guess assuming of couse that sick wasn't just intentionally posting a bag of curry or whatever:


It is possible, although not necessarily easy, to make an extract from dried poppies that is somewhat approximate, but at least slightly weaker than actual crude opium.

Its possible to buy poppies, albeit in large bulk amounts, at about 40 cents apiece online. Thus I conclude, that one may be able to buy something like this fairly inexpensively, but of course, it would definitely be a rare find.