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Kratom Dosing 7-OHM

7-ohms is awesome but has thrown the entire kratom community into straight up addictive behavior. Go on Reddit to the 7-oh forums. It’s crazy. People absolutely freaking the fuck out about late packages, total inventory raids of suppliers, cartel like control of production by one company, and basically the entire kratom community, which used to be stable and regular and chill, just became like active dope fiends who are all broke as shit now. You can really tell how addictive 7-oh is when you read the experiences of the people for whom money is no object. They’re taking like 9 pills a day and continuing to push upwards. Like there’s no limit to where this drug is taking people. It’s a bad vibe all over that community right now. It’s a great drug. It’s an awesome feeling. One of the more euphoric I’ve ever tried. But god damn that euphoria comes at a severe dopamine and serotonin reward creation associated with taking that drug and it will
Keep giving if you increase your dose. The withdrawals are fucked up and people are straight up losing their shit when it happens. It’s a crazy thing to observe in. Real time.
let's be real, most of those people were already hopelessly addicted to kratom

but yes, I agree, it's making the situation A LOT worse

The DEA will step in sooner or later, only a matter of time.
let's be real, most of those people were already hopelessly addicted to kratom

but yes, I agree, it's making the situation A LOT worse

The DEA will step in sooner or later, only a matter of time.
That's going to suck if it means they clamp down on regular kratom. 7s do sound interesting, maybe I'll get some, but I'm pretty happy with regular kratom and will really bummed to see it go
I'm not sure how discrete the packaging is, because I never received it. USPS tracked it all the way to my address, but when talking to my landlord I learned that the time that USPS claims it was delivered (3:40pm) was NOT when the postmaster was actually here, as he is always here in the morning, annd no packages were delivered around that time.

I will be going to the post office tomorrow morning, and I'm pretty sure I have insurance up to $100 on the package (I chose priority shipping or something), and I've already made the company I purchased the product from aware of the situation.

I'm really just flabbergasted that the one time in my life that a package is falsely claimed to be delivered USPS happens to be the one containing 7-Hydroxymitragynine .

Hopefully it's something simple, and easily solved, and they just pull it out from behind the counter like they were expecting me.
I hope it’s something easily solved
Good luck amigo 🍀
Did you see all that craziness around the 7oh powder? … apparently people were freaking out when they couldn’t get more
People were teaspooning their way to like 140 mg dosages of a chemical with almost no history of use besides as a metabolite of mitragynine. It’s been absolutely insane. I mean everybody talks about can’t wait to see this used for pain management in the pharma world but just a perusal of the debut would say the addiction potential on this stuff is insane. I know personally I struggle to not redose that evening or the next morning. Getting off of it was insane and I had dosed like a max three three packs over three days. It had a psychological hold on me hard. Definitely enhanced the depression aspect of kicking but I thought maybe the physical symptoms were shorter. I was trying to bounce off of kratom with it.
It’s a great drug. It’s an awesome feeling. One of the more euphoric I’ve ever tried.

It's definitely more drug-like than plain kratom or typical whole leaf extracts, but i wouldn't call it super euphoric.

Whatever was in those tiny pills with a W on them however was way more euphoric than the 7-ohmz pills, which are much more sedating than the W pills and less euphoric. The W pills gave me a manic sleepiness where i felt tired but also wired, doing stuff like cleaning my office etc (despite having pinpointed pupils and feeling almost like nodding at times).

These 7-ohmz however don't have that sparkle, they mainly just make me tired, like drinking an OPMS black shot, but much cleaner, lacking the dizziness and nausea.

That said, definitely feel like a hard drug compared to regular mitragynine extracts.
It's definitely more drug-like than plain kratom or typical whole leaf extracts, but i wouldn't call it super euphoric.

Whatever was in those tiny pills with a W on them however was way more euphoric than the 7-ohmz pills, which to are more more sedating than the W pills and less euphoric. The W pills gave me a manic sleepiness where i felt tired but also wired, doing stuff like cleaning my office etc (despite having pinpointed pupils and feeling almost like nodding at times).

These 7-ohmz however don't have that sparkle, they mainly just make me tired, like drinking an OPMS black shot, but much cleaner, lacking the dizziness and nausea.

That said, definitely feel like a hard drug compared to regular mitragynine extracts.
Yea a while ago I had a batch of the W’s & I was up all night just like I was on stimulants or something.
The 7ohmz’s help with pain or even help me sleep sometimes if I run out of pain medication
Yeah I liked that wired feeling from those Ws, I like stimulating opioids. The 7-ohmz just make me flat and tired
is this being sold in head shops or otc since it sounds like an extract of Kratom? Wonder if its what they put in those MIT-45 shots. those fuckers are strong but expensive. I used to get a great long lasting buzz from them but it sky rocketed and now i only use them coming off oxy or dilly to avoid the WD's which it does a fantastic job at reducing. They are not cheap but nor are any of the opiates we all use these days.
is this being sold in head shops or otc since it sounds like an extract of Kratom? Wonder if its what they put in those MIT-45 shots. those fuckers are strong but expensive. I used to get a great long lasting buzz from them but it sky rocketed and now i only use them coming off oxy or dilly to avoid the WD's which it does a fantastic job at reducing. They are not cheap but nor are any of the opiates we all use these days.

No they dont sell the W pills in stores. But they sell all kinds of other kratom extracts.
No they dont sell the W pills in stores. But they sell all kinds of other kratom extracts.
thank you. I dont know if youd know this but is this whats in the MIT shots that feels so much differnet than any kratom extract Ive come across? I know it has to be something because I can use those shots coming off a pretty high mg daily dose of oxy or dilaudid and it kills the WD's pretty signifacntly. I can also say those shots make your tolerance climb crazy fast and the cravings are pretty strong. I really liked them originally when first starting. They lasted a very long time and had a very smooth euphoric feeling. Then when your tolerance climbs the euphoria goes and they dont have the same kick. You cant just keep upping your dose or I atleast end up sick as shit from too much KIratom. The distorted blurry vision feels awful coupled w the nause.
I wonder if this would work for me? Kratom doesn't seem to work for me any more. I most recently tried the extra strong MIT 45 shot and it did nothing and then it just made my eyesight weird/felt a bit sick. Before that regular Kratos and black opms etc stopped working awhile ago. Would this do anything?
I wonder if this would work for me? Kratom doesn't seem to work for me any more. I most recently tried the extra strong MIT 45 shot and it did nothing and then it just made my eyesight weird/felt a bit sick. Before that regular Kratos and black opms etc stopped working awhile ago. Would this do anything?
It would work bro but I’m telling you now; it’s fucking expensive, and the compulsion to use is insane. 7oh is really fucking expensive and really fucking addictive. The euphoria is so potent. The withdrawal is fucking gnarly. I kicked have used 6 14
Mg tablets in two days. That’s fucking an insane period to develop a dependence. All I mean to say is use fucking caution. Check out the reddit threads
On 7oh and see how bad people are acting.

Normal kratom users turned into absolute degenerate drug
Addicts in like no time at all.

I could feel very strongly the similarity in compulsive/addictive
Behaviors after 7oh. Im
Talking straight junky shit. Almost considered going back to
I wonder if this would work for me? Kratom doesn't seem to work for me any more. I most recently tried the extra strong MIT 45 shot and it did nothing and then it just made my eyesight weird/felt a bit sick. Before that regular Kratos and black opms etc stopped working awhile ago. Would this do anything?
If you had this experience with just kratom shots I can pretty
Much assure you these 7oh tablets are going
To take whatever stability you do or don’t have and absolutely destabilize it even more. These pills will fuck your life
Normal kratom users turned into absolute degenerate drug
Addicts in like no time at all.
This stuff is going to get banned, plain and simple.

The entire supply is run by two extremely shady companies (though I suspect this number will go up soon as word about this cash cow spreads) and as such, it’s super expensive, which means we will start seeing crimes associated with it. This stuff will blow up, get bad press, and get banned. Worse still, one of 7-OHs metabolites, Psuedoindoxyl, is, to my knowledge, a full opioid agonist (although this metabolite is only produced when 7-OH is administered in certain ways, which is why tablets are supposedly stronger when administered sublingually), which means somebody could potentially OD on this stuff.

The shitstorm has only just begun.
Did you see all that craziness around the 7oh powder? … apparently people were freaking out when they couldn’t get more
I absolutely did. I’ve been watching this. It’s a unique situation to have a novel drug with a unique mechanism of action be introduced to a group of relatively stable drug users. I think it speaks to the fentanyl crisis that perhaps just letting people use opium would likewise lead to far less fentanyl deaths. The stronger a substance the less a person is able to control the behaviors surrounding acquisition. Free access to plant based drugs and awareness surrounding stronger ones can really help people to make healthy choices. If an opium user knows that heroin addiction is fuvjed they’re probably going to stick to opium and if a kratom user knew that 7oh would throw them into active addiction I wonder how many people might have tried it for the novelty but been aware that continued use would lead to dependency. The whole community was caught unawares.
Sounds a bit like tinapetine though I know tonapetine doesn't work for everyone (unfortunately it worked too well for me and almost destroyed me financially and physically. I would have caused less damage to myself amd my bank account with oxycontin). It seems like one difference is that 7oh isn't available in smoke shops/only online? Or maybe I just haven't seen it here. I'm broke so I couldn't afford it at the moment anyway. Does it cause precip withdrawals with suboxone? Is it a seizure risk like tramadol? It sounds like it's a short, dirty high?
Sounds a bit like tinapetine though I know tonapetine doesn't work for everyone (unfortunately it worked too well for me and almost destroyed me financially and physically. I would have caused less damage to myself amd my bank account with oxycontin). It seems like one difference is that 7oh isn't available in smoke shops/only online? Or maybe I just haven't seen it here. I'm broke so I couldn't afford it at the moment anyway. Does it cause precip withdrawals with suboxone? Is it a seizure risk like tramadol? It sounds like it's a short, dirty high?
7OH is available in many smoke shops and will be in many more soon.
well, luckily I'm broke lol. Maybe it will be banned before I gwt cash again haha, or else I have very little self control. I guess the fear of it messing even more with my suboxone could curb my natural inclination to try stupid shit a little bit at least.