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Doing Drugs At School?

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My sophomore / Junior year is when I become a complete dumbass about doing drugs at school.

I wanted to drop a tab at lunch so by my art final i'd feel it... bad idea. I had to walk around cause I was getting panic attacks.
No I didnt get caught. My art teacher knew but he was down as fuck.

I did this alot, cause I was an Etard. No reason.
Nope didnt get caught.

The I also did meth, coke, heroin, ect.
Sometimes it was fun others a waste.
I started by smoking weed and drinking befor school with my buddy when we were in 6th or 7th grade at first not every day but by the time I got to high school I was smoking 2 to 3 blunts and or sharing a bottle through out the school day we would slip away on lunch or from shop class or any assemble to someone's car. I started taking adderall when I was a sophomore that was a big influence on me back then. once I did a little more then an eigth of shrooms in school I wouldn't recommend it but I was able to keep cool and go unnoticed. The time I got caught was when I brought a bottle of jack on the bus and me and my stupid friends passed it around and the fat know it all bitch who sat behind us told the driver who told the dean who breathilzed all of us I got suspended for ten days, arrested, and charged with underage drinking the cop lead me through the school during a passing period in handcuffs well my buddy got expelled cause it would have been his fourth suspension that year or some shit like that. Then when I was a junior and senior I still did adderall but started throwing opioids in the mix witch eventually lead to heroin. I failed every class but 2 my freshmen year. But in part I think thanks to the adderall I was a straight A student the next three years except the semester when I was suspended cause some of my bitch teachers wouldn't let me make up my assignments. Why did I do it? I don't know probably cause I was an unpopular confused kid with a bunch of raging hormones and no real outlet put in a box with a bunch of other confused kids with raging hormones and no real outlet forced to stare at someone telling mostly useless information that I was supposed to memorize, or how does the old sain go young dumb and full of cum.
Just weed man, i can't imagine how i could control an LSD trip in school haha! I do it before entering school and in it like every time me and my friends have stash (like every fucking time) hahahah so i guess i do it cuz school its pretty boring and idk i guess im smart and i don't think school its hard so weed makes it all better! hahahaha =D
First time I tried MDMA was in high school. Took half a pill before class, got in and had to take a test (which was one of the most hardest things to do in my life). Ended up going to the restroom and running water through my hands for about 30 minutes without even realizing how long I was gone for.
I did opiates primarily amongst various uppers and downers (all pills, never smoked a lot of weed then) about once a week at school during my 8th-10th grade years until one fateful morning a temazepam blackout during 3rd period landed me with a 3rd degree felony. Apparently I was waving my baggie of Norcos around asking if anybody had a 'headache', then fell out of my chair onto the floor. Nobody was there to cover for me, it was AP chemistry class. :/
An hour before I had to get the bus to college I thought I would go high so I mixed a FAT joint of salvia 5x and 10x extracts and an ass load of jwh-018 containing blend. I was a fucking mess by the time i was on the bus. Got to class and started work and my writing started off nice then if started getting bigger, diagonal and messy as hell. It didn't wear off til lunch time either. Half of the class were stoners so I guess I looked normal haha
Wake and bakes! Last quarter of the school year my ex-gf dropped me for doing too many drugs so that last quarter at school I came into school messed up everyday for a good 3 weeks. Lots of booze on the bus, lots of Vyvanse (gave me amazing grades this semester), oxy, weed, ritalin, E, almost did special K during my study hall, a lot of random drugs.

But before that I dropped a lot of pills for two years in school. One time,my freshmen year when I first started doing drugs, my friend gave me three sleeping pills. He said the normal dose for a high was 2 pills but what was I supposed to do with the other one? So I just decided to drop all three right there in the bathroom before school. First period came along and I started getting double vision. Second period, study hall, I tried to eat cheese its I brought from home but only about 50% of them ended up making it to my mouth. Next thing I know, it's 5th period and I ask my friend as I'm walking out of the classroom "So 3rd Period is next right?" and they just burst out laughing. Apparently I blacked out for two whole periods. I took a test in one and to this day I haven't seen it and I can't tell you a thing that was on it but my teacher mentioned it one day to me "You're grades are doing great except that one test... You seemed kind of ... sick" I'm pretty sure he knew. I thought I must've been the luckiest kid ever, I was so gone man, and I never got reported. But it was that experience that really woke me up and reminded me how fine the line is between medicine, drug, and poison; I try not to take that experience for granted.
Used weed before and during school a lot, Also used valium and xanax

Why ? - School was boring as fuck

Get caught ? - I got caught once with a joint in my mouth, but nothing was done about it..
In seventh/eighth grade I took codeine a couple times before going to school; actually, in the first few months of seventh grade I took it whenever I was at school but that was for a medical reason. It was always the best fucking time because I could think well and was a social beast. I remember quite clearly having ADD after going off the 'deine initially; it sucked. I was never reprimanded for doing it, but I'm pretty sure a teacher saw me dipping at the water fountain and swallowing a pill a few times.

In ninth grade I smoked a little weed and baccy before getting on the bus, mostly toward the end. My first period teacher probably noticed, but she was a hippy so didn't care. This is when I realized that, counter to many people who find smoking and going to school very depressing, I would have an absolute blast sitting in class high while (most) everyone else was trapped in the school vortex; I didn't really consciously piece it together back then, but the sheer implied sign that I was throwing the school system through this action could blissfully fuel my amusement for hours.
Also in ninth grade I would chew coca leaves during first period instead of coffee and it worked pretty well. One time some kid brought a water bottle filled with lemon ice tea and liquor. I drank a few decent swigs then proceeded to get cracked out. Funny, because I was accused of being high on pot (haha).

During tenth grade I would smoke a giant bowl of dank before getting on the bus pretty much every day. Opium and nicotine gum were in the mix--during health class haha. But it was pretty much a shitload of bud. I remember taking kratom before math class one day. Oh yea, in the first half of the year, I'd smoke .05 of FIRE, take 100mg of 5-HTP along with the lexapro I was prescribed, drink some coffee, then be flying way high above the sky while playing pyromaniac with this sober kid in chemistry class; only he got in trouble haha. He used to hand his labs in with burn marks on them. Also vyvanse was in the picture a few days; I was the fucking king of my "super honors" esoteric social studies/english class those days; perhaps the greatest thing drugs did for me that year was allow me to give a fifty minute presentation on Hegel with minimal preparation--courtesy of coca--in front of aforementioned class.

This smoking continued into junior year. I mean I live in a chill place and looked like model student so I was never noted for being high or having drugs, but faculty most likely knew.

Half way through junior I wised up, and since have taken opium only one day (in senior year when I was very mildly dependent in the beginning). However, in the beginning of senior year I did do some stupid shit with drugs on school nights--mugwort, shrooms, and basically half a bottle of fruit vodka--but nothing compared to some people on bluelight.

Yea I never got caught. It was sort of close once, but I was outside and just left the campus haha.

I hated school in early high school. I was sick of it and wasn't pulled in by it. I saw no point to it anymore. So searched for my own enlightenment.
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weed daily since I was 15, speed daily since I was 16, both until I was 19.
Also took XTC a few times (like 2-3 times in total). That's it for at school.

I've never been caught while doing it, but I had to go to the principal twice (I went to 2 different schools) because they knew. The second time this happened (so in my second school) I had just started selling pot the day before and there was ~3 ounces of weed in my backpack. They pulled me out of class and I thought I was fucked (I had sold some to some friends at school, thought someone might've talked or idk). Turns out it was because I had been late a few times that week, and teachers reported that I looked stoned. I've never been so happy to get caught being a stoner lol. I left the backpack full of weed right outside her office. Obviously, I didn't want to take it inside because of the smell. I got a little warning, but that was all. =D
I took lsd on a school night once, thinking I would be cool by morning since it was the last week of school anyway. I literally got to the parking lot, took a long look at the doors, and just left. Not something I would want to do, and im glad I didnt.

then again driving while coming down from acid isnt smart either
I'm somewhat well known in my area/neighborhood as the guy that did heaps of drugs and got the highest in the school. People loved me and hated me for it simultaneously.
i used only weed and alcohol ( if that counts) and it was not very often , twice a month maybe...why? because the idea of getting high or drunk in school sounded good and interesting and it was xD i'm sure i'll do it again this year too. i got caught , but not because of my strange behaviour , it was because some fucking hoes told that to my prof...sorry if my english is bad
I was a crackhead all through high school from 10ththe grade until graduation until i moved to colorado after graduation to get away from it

What a shitty soul stealing drug

Oh one funny story though, i had a computer class in my senior year and brought in an old broken crack pipe one day because i thought it would be funny ti put it inside the conputer next to mine. Well it made the front of it stick out a little and a couole days later i came in and the teacher had tge crackpipe sitting on his desk like it was some kind of paperweight

I never got questioned about it or anything though lol
Oh i wasnt sure if i wrote it yet

Hey at least someones reading the shit i write. :)

Edit- everytime i tell this story i say it almost exactly the same and add that he had it sitting on his desk like it was some kind of paperweight haha i bet the other post wher i said it is almost the same verbatim
In college, I was into everything. Fraternity, organizations, freshman orientations and recruiting, etc. Everyday, I had something important to do. I worked as a graduate assistant and as a coordinator of special events with the SGA, of which I was a member. This was not good because my whole philosophy was:

Stay high all the time. There are two different ways to stay "high" -- one is drugs and one is real life. I decided to mix the two.

Well, I have settled down now. But I much prefer these days. Life has chilled out since then, and I have to resort to drugs only now. It's sad, I need to find a more active job.

But dressing up like the school mascot to introduce kids straight out of high school on Xanax and hydrocodone is something everyone should try. I would study between nods, stay up days on amphetamines to party, and spend every second of everyday acquiring drugs or reputation.

I did drugs at school.
In high school all I ever did was smoke weed.

I'm currently in college and I've gone to class on Concerta to focus, and clonazepam and oxy....just because...but if I need to do a speech, I'll be on clonazepam for damn sure
Of course I did drugs in school, so did most everyone.

There's a reason it was called high school.
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