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Doing Drugs At School?

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May 1, 2004
Basically wanted to hear some of your experiences from using drugs at school:
-What drug you used
-Why you used it
-Did you get caught;)

I honestly think that me & my friend are the only ones to do coke at school (this being our first time as well, at school of all places8( ). We went through 3 grams in less than a week, & we were buzzing the whole time.

I became more arrogant than I already am, swore openly at/ & in front of teachers, not so much just babbling shit, but I could not stop talking. I was sent out of class one day when we had a test due to me & my motor mouth.

I got over it, & i'm happy with myself that I could control the urges. (Been about 3.5-4 months since touching any coke:) )

Anyway, what are some of your experiences with drugs at school?
i pretty much partied hard during high school.
went to school stoned more often than straight
ate jello shots at lunch
snorted all sorts of powders at my locker, in class, at lunch
smoked weed in the bathrooms, and at my locker
ate 4 grams of mushies during lunch
snorted an e-pill during lunch
chomping down vicoden chasing it with water from the drinkin fountain
none of the teachers ever had a clue i was trashed(except maybe when i was shrooming). most of the other students didn't know i was fucked up either. the closest i ever got to getting in trouble was when i was shrooming and probably looked like i was bugging out, and my pyschology teacher was like "are you alright, is there anything i can help you with"- and i was like peaking and somehow managed to say "no"....later that day i handed in the years final assignment to the wrong teacher. and to cap it off last period my english teacher was like "mike don't do drugs" in front of the whole class cuz i was totally zoned out, and everybody laughed at me.

but overall drugs ruined highschool for me. i was too trashed most of the time to focus on the important shit like all the PUSSY
-What drug you used
I was perma-stoned during 11th year. I went in on acid, mushrooms and drunk a couple of times.

-Why you used it
I don't know. Dumb idea I guess. Well, school used to bore me, so adding drugs to the situation only made it better :)

-Did you get caught
Never. Two fucking years smoking weed everyday (along with other stuff) in a boarding school and I never got caught ... although everyone knew what was up.
-I smoke weed before/during/after school all the time

Why you used it - I would use it even if i wasnt at school, but since i normally have to be(fucking truency laws) i figured why not be high?

Get caught - Not officially but evey1 knows cuz id rather enjoy my high in class than act all not high :D

Am i high right now - Yes.

Should i be doing work - Maybe :D
Hmm highschool... kinda a blur. A few times that stand out in my mind are dropping acid that I had just bought in the school lobby, hitting a bowl in the back of class and crushing/snorting a dilaudid in English. Yea highschool was fun.
Hmmm, i dunno if uni counts as 'school'?

Being stuck in a business school tho, it seems more like a prison!


What - I snort speed in the toilets b4 hard classes or exams. Sometimes in the library in the tiny little desk-cubicles (but this is really dodgy coz it's so packed and dead quiet - you can hear a pin drop, let alone a great big SNOOOORRRT!) Sometimes i sip speed-laced water during long classes or exams.

Why - coz my concentration is really low at the moment, and I'm having to keep up my grades otherwise i'll get chucked outta uni (i caused problems a few years ago there and they're yet to forgive me)

Caught? - nope, but had a few close calls in the library, and in my exam last week when i went to take my student card outta my pocket and a baggie fell out with it LOL. Luckily the exam supervisor was half blind and didn't notice...
I've done quite a few drugs at school. I still sometimes get high before school, but I don't still do drugs at school for other reasons. But the drugs I have done:

1. Lortabs - Mostly 7.5 mg or 10 mg. I love being at school on opiates because they hype me up and make school seem intresting, plus I always seem to just enjoy doing my work when I'm on them.

2. Xanaxs - Either 1mg or 2mg is what I buy and I take a few. I love doing these at school a lot of times because time will fly right by, but when you black out at school on them, you then realize it's not really a good idea doing them at school, or at least in high doses.

That's basically all the drugs I have done at school besides coke once.
-What drug you used
I've only gone a couple of times, today I was comming down after an entire night of nodding off of various opiates, so I guess I was slightly high in early classes, but not too bad

-Why you used it
Boredom, I had nothing else important going on and I didn't want to wait.

-Did you get caught
nope, i guess I just looked tired.
Drug? Percocet, 4 7.5 mg tabs.

why? for the fuck of it.

caught? naw, but it fucked me up, during lunch i pretty much just zoned out the whole time.
What drug you used?

Used lsd, E, meth, coke, Valium

Why you used it?

School was the only time I could of used those drugs. And school was very boring, so those made it fun.

Did you get caught.

I never got caught.
Everyday me and my friends would smoke pot before, during and after school. Damn those were the good ol days.
I kept all my other drug use to after school and weekends.
I maybe took more drugs in school than anywhere else for the last 2 years. Bucket for breakfast, pipe in park, bucket at break bucket at lunch, maybe 2, bucket on way home, religiously.

Any time we did other shit we just didn't go, I had an attendance of like 60 something % and still passed my exams.
-What drug you used
Smoked weed every day before school, then 1st period, 5th, 6th, sometimes 7th, and 9th. I smoked weed in the bathrooms, around the school... etc. Me and my friends knew all the smoke spots. It was great. Got drunk in school on a few occasions but I liked smoking weed a lot more. Took various opiates etc. Never went to school tripping, was too scared of being caught, but now that I'm outta highschool I really wish I had done it.

-Why you used it
Hmmm... because I like being high?

-Did you get caught?
I officially got caught once, but there was also another time where I was *this* close to being caught. Me and my friend were smoking a bowl during gym class at the top of a flight of stairs where no one goes, and the teacher came up BEHIND my friend, while he was hitting it. I couldnt warn him to tell him she was there because she was looking at me too. Kind of like in a movie where two people are talking and one of them doesnt know someone is standing behind them listening to everything. LOL. So anyway they didnt have any evidence that I was hitting it, even though it was obvious.
doing drugs at school is fun



I hjave done shit at school, and brought it to school,. etc. But you shouldn't t dumb!

TRip at school or roll now thats fun! And you btter go to school high every damn day!
Bucket for breakfast, pipe in park, bucket at break bucket at lunch, maybe 2, bucket on way home, religiously.

wtf is a bucket??

I used to go to school high sometimes, but not a lot. I did DXM once and just my luck, first period was tech ed. and I had to use a power drill and build a desk....that was an interesting experience to say the least. and in 11th grade my friend used to come up to me all the time with pills that he told me to take cause "they fuck you up man" and I did, but I dont know what any of them were (hey it was before i found bluelight or erowid, I didnt know any better)
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