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does diphenhydramine become psychedelic at high dose?

i wonder if the people who dislike dxm and say it is vile have tried it in its pure powder form and not in some disgusting pharmacy preparation...
wouldn't the pharmacy preparation have other chemicals like fillers? so maybe it's why they didn't like it compared to pure powder?
im not sure what exactly they put in dxm syrop exept dxm but even thinking about taking one sip of that stuff makes me want to puke. with pure dxm i get nausea from doses above 800-900mg and even then if i have ginger and some cannabis it's easily gone. i can super sick with as little as 200mg in syrup form. i only use syrop these days in very very little amounts to potentate opiates (100mg max)
Yeah, I used to get bugs and snakes everywhere. Normally I kind of like bugs and snakes but I was always uncharacteristically afraid of them. Everything looked filthy and diseased, trash everywhere, thick layers of dust.
One time I was storing some things for a friend who was in between places and I thought he came to my window to get them, so I got him his things and handed them out to him, afraid when he turned into white dust that blew away. The fact that I lived on the third floor, and it was raining never even entered my head. Ruined most of his things. Then he came back several more times to my window to yell at me about breaking his things and what a shit friend i was. I still feel guilty about it 20 years later.
One of the kinda cool things that happened a couple times was a green jiggly jello like substance coming out of the walls till it formed a screen that played 3D movies, and only once was the show horrible.
Mostly however I just felt sick, miserable, and scared out of my mind. Metal as fuck, but nothing I plan on doing ever again.

It's a new day though, you can surely find much nicer things out there to experiment with, unless you are really looking for something to make you feel horrible and see terrible things you think are real. Keep searching, and keep reading.

the part about handing your friend things out the window cracked me the fuck up. sucks for his stuff, but i understand
i know people that have enjoyed themselves on high-dose diphenhydramine. i think DXM is gross enough, you couldnt get me to do any of the legal-high deliriant shit if you paid me to.
^I'm a freak who enjoys using anticholinergics occasionally (though at sub-deliriant doses). And combining them with alcohol (and that can feel really damn dehydrating, even if you do keep up the water consumption).

One time I was storing some things for a friend who was in between places and I thought he came to my window to get them, so I got him his things and handed them out to him, afraid when he turned into white dust that blew away. The fact that I lived on the third floor, and it was raining never even entered my head.

Hahahaha, that's brilliant. While I fill with shame to think of admitting that sort of thing to squares, the enjoyment of those sorts of things as stories among like minded persons make it worth having done IMO.

even thinking about taking one sip of that stuff makes me want to puke

I feel that way about 'tussin preps, but orange and grape flavored syrups aren't that bad. I don't want to try the pure powder, as dissociatives with few side effects make heroin look like cannabis in terms of addiction potential with me. :/
DPH can be fun at high doses if you are around friends that you trust. Friends that won't fuck with you or try to make you have a bad trip. NEVER do a high dose of DPH if you are alone. The few times I have done high doses of DPH, I have always been alone, and each time I had a very very bad trip.
I once took benadryl in a desperate measure to get high couple years ago. Not sure what my exact dose was but it was about 700-800mgs & it was fucking worthless.

I definitely wouldn't label it psychedelic at any dose, recreational or not. I don't know maybe some people like delirants, it reminds me of being totally lost in a weird psychosis but its even worse than sleep deprived amphetamine psychosis. I've tried many substances while desperate for a buzz and diphen was my biggest regret. Thought I was getting eaten by spinders it was scary as fuck lol maybe it's just me though.
I definitely wouldn't label it psychedelic at any dose, recreational or not. I don't know maybe some people like delirants, it reminds me of being totally lost in a weird psychosis but its even worse than sleep deprived amphetamine psychosis.

^^ this is pretty dead on.

I know this thread is old AF but i just wanted to throw something in since i have definitely had some experiences with this shit recently. I have taken DPH in low doses (100-150mg, [2-3 50mg gelcaps]) successfully while not on any other substances for sleep. Occasionally i would hear some little sounds that werent there before i went to sleep.

I have taken DPH (anywhere from 200-400mg) while on meth in an effort to go to sleep. The result was increased paranoia and my first REAL introduction to living, breathing shadow people. Later in the morning around 4-6am i realized later on that i had multiple LENGTHY conversations with people that were not there... friends, coworkers...

Since then i have tried to stay away from situations where i may feel like i need something to help me sleep... but just the other night I took some (100mg) before my gf came over and experienced the worst ever. I had smoked crystal a few hours prior, which was part of my rationale behind taking the DPH, i thought it would just mellow me out a bit. Goddamit was i wrong.

What happened for the next 1-2 hrs until she decided to leave was not only me talking to the invisible grocery store clerk or school principal across the room, but the experiences in which i was seeing were all FLASHBACKS of events that had happened to me in life. And these delusions/hallucinations were uncontrollable.. one minute id be telling her that im fine, just a little out of it because i took sleep meds, and a second later i would be motioning and speaking to Gregory the imaginary auto mechanic, telling him that i wanted NEW back tires, not just have them rotated! and then apologizing to her for speaking to him while she was talking.

Needless to say, she tried to help in any way she could, but i was straight OUTTA my mind, just about once every 5 minutes or so. Unless that sounds fun, which i realize might for some, i wouldnt dabble with DPH unless you are sober and just want to sleep.