EMD Does anyone in this forum listen to darker electronica/ dark or forest psychedelic trance/ darker techno?


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
So yeah the above question, as in not prog, full-on, night-time, twilight, just specifically forest or darkpsy, or darker electronica, darker techno, and if so where do you post it? The music discussion has so many threads which is great but a lot of the time I don't know where to look for other's who like the same or where to even post the stuff I like? (Examples: Atriohm, Electrypnose, Belief Defect, Lorn.)

The only thread entitled: "The dark electronic music thread!" had 3 posts in 6 months.

When I flick through these threads:

"What Electronic Music r YOU listenin' to? v. Watch your bass bins! I'm tellin' yah."
"Can we get a freakin' TECHNO thread or what?"
"PsyTrance Discussion ver. Carn mates, get your doof on!"

I feel like I'm playing pass the parcel at a 7 year old's birthday party, or sat in the kids corner in McDonald's waiting for Ronald to turn up with jellybeans.
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Love Lorn (especially the Drugs mixtapes with dolor).

Do you know the label Svbkvlt? Pretty good dark stuff.
Nahash - Montreal terror corps
Tzusing - Balkanize
Gabber Modus Operandi - Genderuwo

And then here's a bunch of random dark stuff that really gets my gears going.
DJ Richard - Critical damage
SD Laika - Great God Pan
Nazar ft Shannen SP - Airstrike
Demdike Stare - At it Again
Milanese - Barry Dub (the bluelighter ebola? recced this to me ages ago).

These are just a few off the top of my head, hope you enjoy.

^ that's a really good dark/deep techno set i just listened to if you want something to listen to

^ that's killer too - a little minimal deep tech house going on there - i loved it

Wow this threads got some stuff going on! Sorry for the delayed response I've been involved in a load of shit for the last week or so and only just remembered about this thread. Thanks for the replies everyone I'm going to check all the stuuf out and maybe post a few bits I like too. Cheers!
i listen to dark psy and forest. i like dohm

this mix is insane

That's a superb mix you posted.

I'd say no-one does sound design like Atriohm: Million Years Dance, Solstice Extract nobody's matched the sound design in those in my opinion.

Remember when this came out? It was pretty much a benchmark like Ukalen was for sound design in Forest music:

i mostly find the best sets on mixcloud - are ya on there?
I can't stand Mixcloud man, you can't rewind and their mobile app sucks so bad. Sometimes it just randomly closes and you need to find what you were listening to all over again, it's so hard to find something and there's so little engagement. The time I've wasted with that stupid app while tripping is insane, never have had the slightest issue with Soundcloud.

Music wise it probably depends on what you're looking for, but Soundcloud is just much larger and it's what most upcoming artists/labels... use to establish themselves, just gotta find who to follow.