Does anyone abuse sleeping pills to sleep through shit?

I use valium, for the times im begin to shake, or just sad and lonely.
I'd rather be dreaming anyway.
Damn I am fucked up
i dont have sleeping pills but i also use lorazepam to fall asleep quickly. mostly its enough for me to empty my mind with an avg dose of 5-6mg.
the reason that i sometimes cant fall asleep is racing thoughts about the past. i wanna forget what happened in my life so about 7-8mg puts me to rest and give me a long and deep sleep. i feel relatively refreshed the next morning but feel that stuff until afternoon.

it doesnt give me dreams, tho. but it works very well, i sometimes cant remember what happened the other day. i just love lorazepam, it helps me to stay alive.
when I was in my worst major depression I used to do this with seroquel from time to time. I was nocturnal then, but sometimes when I woke up in the evening, usually after something like 14 hours sleep, I would just pop a seroquel with the hopes of avoiding reality some more. but when I'm hypo-manic, I do the reverse, taking stimulants (or even coffee, or even nothing at all) to stay up for unnatural amounts of time until I feel the effects of sleep deprivation. in some ways, this is also a form of escapism.
If I had some sleeping pills now I'd bang them down, this just became one of the worst days in a while. Just want to escape then try and deal with it.
^ Same ere ghostfreak, cept theres no way my doc and psychiatrist would perscribe me sleeping tabs cos they know I would do just that 8). Sucks arse
Right now I'm going through a bit of a rough time...I'm not technically abusing 'cause I am taking my meds as prescribed, up to 5 1mg xanax a day and Ambien at night. Though lately the Ambien hasn't been working. I did have Sonata, but I ended up abusing that stuff, so I had to ask for something else. Snorted a few, just 'cause it was too tempting. Open the capsule and it's a perfectly smooth powder...I thought I got some euphoria from it but in retrospect it was most likely psychosomatic.

Is there anything one can do to make Ambien work like it's supposed to? I don't even take it every night so I don't think it's dependence. It'd be different if I got a nice trip out of it.
I'll use OTC sleeping pills to knock me out if i have to be around family or some other event that generally annoys me.
The problem with drugs like Ambien, Sonata, Lunesta and the benzos (like temazepam) is that you quickly develop a tolerance and they no longer work consistently or effectively. And with benzos, a lot of them are prescribed off-label (like Klonopin), and are actually made for daytime use.

The true knock-out pills are Seroquel, Trazadone and diphenhydramine (which is OTC). If I'm missing any, somebody should add to this list.
hahaha, how ironic I found this thread. I've just come out of a seroquel-induced comatic state. I've just been so depressed the past 2 days I have not wanted to be conscious and seroquel successfully knocks me out in every situation except acute heroin w/d. If I had any klonopin left that is what I'd be abusing for sleep though :)