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sounds like your doc is being conservative, probably for several reasons. injuries heal and pain decreases. your age may play a part as well as the opiate abuse problem in your location. giving you talwin makes me think he's concerned about potential abuse.
in locations where opiate abuse is a big problem, many docs likely feel they're under close scrutiny by certain federal agencies which is fk'd up.
bone pain sucks. best of luck.
Going from darvacet or whatever to morphine is like going on a first date and sticking your hand down her pants... its a good way to get slapped. Unfortunately for you, your doctor isn't a slut ;)

Sweet analogy=D

Listen to this man^ Mr.JJ, as he know's what he's talking about when it comes to dealing with(chronic) pain management.
you asked for a specific drug. Big mistake. Say "I've never had anything that worked," unless of course you've been prescribed something (not in a surgical setting).

pretty simple.
I have an issue with my doctor, what should I do?

so, i started seeing him for the first time back in June of 08 for depression, one month later i attempted suicide, after that ordeal, in early august, i started feeling extremely painful back pain, which turned out to be a non traumatic compression fracture, it took him 4 months after the initial visit to complain about my back to order a x ray.
now its may and i recently started to think i was FINALLY healing, able to do more and more excercises, shoot hoops, and then one day it hurt too much to do anything, and i havent been able to do so for about 3 weeks now, i told my dr this yesterday and he completely blew it off, to the point where it was disrespectful if you didnt know any better.
isnt it normal practice for situations like this, to order another x ray to make sure its healing properly or if there arent any new problems thats causing the pain?

because i was so upset about this, i went to the hospitals clinic to get an x ray, and even though my pcp may be right on some levels, the x rays i got showed nothing else but the fracture, and tissue around it is whats causing the pain, but nothing else to do than to start with excercises again, i saw the x rays for myself, the clinic dr was going thru it with me, and everything looked fine, except for the original t9 fracture which looked like a wedge and pain surrounding it....
so the dr offered me vicodin, since i already have vicodin, i asked for percocet, and he was totally cool about it, whereas my pcp gave me vicodin (10 qty) with 1 refill after telling and begging him that no ibu, naproxen or tylenol even touches the pain.....so now that x rays show what they show, is it harder for me to get vicodin for the pain if its necessary, my pcp told me to take only 1 a day so i can excercise without pain.

does anybody have any experience with this?
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