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Do you think you'll still do E when you have kids?

Originally Posted by Cremaster
Are you going to stop ALL risky behavior when you have kids? Will you stop driving after a single beer? Will you give up maybe a dangerous hobby like mountain climbing? Will you stop eating saturated fats?

I'm not knocking your decision, and as a father, I sometimes feel selfish when I take E (one hit ONLY, once every month or two), but then I try and remind myself that it's only one of many risky things we do in life. I ride a bike in NYC without a helmet. I Kayak without a life preserver. I feel that these are just as risky...

First of all I don't nor ever will drink and drive. Yes I have driven after 1 beer, and I've almost gotten in an accident after only drinking 2 beers...I was slightly distracted...after that incident I've never gotten in a car with anyone who has been drinking, nor have I driven after consuming alcohol....

And lets say when I have kids I die from something like mountain climbing, high cholesterol, car accident, car jacker, plane crash etc etc etc.....that's a lot different than dying from DRUGS. I would much rather leave my children by means of an accident or natural death over dying in a situation where I was on drugs....that's not the memory I want my kids to look back on...think of it this way...which sounds better (when your kids say)

"My Dad died 2 years ago in a car accident..."
"My Dad died 2 years ago from ecstasy..."

And it doesn't have to be ecstasy...put any drug in that second underlined area....this is just my opinion.
Dan1584 said:
First of all I don't nor ever will drink and drive. Yes I have driven after 1 beer, and I've almost gotten in an accident after only drinking 2 beers...I was slightly distracted...after that incident I've never gotten in a car with anyone who has been drinking, nor have I driven after consuming alcohol....

And lets say when I have kids I die from something like mountain climbing, high cholesterol, car accident, car jacker, plane crash etc etc etc.....that's a lot different than dying from DRUGS. I would much rather leave my children by means of an accident or natural death over dying in a situation where I was on drugs....that's not the memory I want my kids to look back on...think of it this way...which sounds better (when your kids say)

"My Dad died 2 years ago in a car accident..."
"My Dad died 2 years ago from ecstasy..."

And it doesn't have to be ecstasy...put any drug in that second underlined area....this is just my opinion.

I don't necessarily agree. I'm not talking about becoming a drug addict. I'm talking about taking E a few times a year - one pill - or maybe smoking weed. What are the ODDS that that will kill you? And why is that any more irresponsible than living unhealthy in other ways? I mean, if I eat like a pig, get high cholesterol, do nothing about it and drop dead at 50 from a heart attack, is that any different then if I take an E or smoke a joint at 50 and drop dead from one of those?

And let's say that you are a heavy E user now - dropping a half dozen pills a week today, but you plan on stopping when you're older and have kids... is it unfair to your future children that you may be frying your brain today, making you a worse parent tomorrow?

I'm just raising these for the sake of argument, you and everyone else certainly has a right to their own opinion. Personally, I think as a parent who takes E occasionally, I'm much more responsible then a single person who plans on being a parent, but is a heavy pill dropper now, possible causing damage that will effect their parenting ability later...

Well said-

My husband and I have pretty much stopped taking it, not by choice, more that we didn't keep in touch w/ the people having it or hang out in the places where it's at. We don't have children, still very undecided on that issue, I am at least. He is 5 years older so much more ready. But if we did have them I don't see the reasons for stopping it altogther. If you're able to do it responsibly and in moderation..why not? I don't think you should have to give up everything you enjoy doing just because you have kids...unless it becomes a problem of course. Also I think it should depend on your lifestyle, work ect. If your time with your children is limited, I would think you'd want to spend free moments with them. In conclusion, I see taking E occationaly as nothing more than an indulgence, having nothing to do with your parenting...unless of course it begins to interefere.;)
im not gonna have kids either ;)

but to be honest..i dont think about the future and whether ill still be doing stuff. i live for the present and when i feel that i should stop i will, till then ill party on ;)
Has anybody ever thought of this before?

-You get caught drinking.. what happens? nothing! You're allowed to drink in designated areas right?

-You get caught holding/doing/etc drugs.. what happens? Child services takes your kid(s) away.
Absolutely not!

Too much of a legal risk, and too much of a risk of the kids finding out. I just think it's inappropriate.
pRIMALfL said:
Has anybody ever thought of this before?

-You get caught drinking.. what happens? nothing! You're allowed to drink in designated areas right?

-You get caught holding/doing/etc drugs.. what happens? Child services takes your kid(s) away.

not necessarily true. If you're the only parent with the kid and your in a supervisory roll and you're fucked up on drugs, then maybe yes. If you're NOT with the kid (they are with babysitter/grandparents/spouse) and you're fucked up, they won't do anything. I have a child. I do drugs (mostly weed, but also E and C occasionally). NEVER while I'm watching him or with him. FWIW, he's 2 1/2. Also, I have many friends whose parents smoked weed while they were growing up. NOt a huge deal.
I've got two kids, 13 and 14, son and daughter. My wife and I do lots of drugs (just the legal ones, of course).

I'm on one right now. A good one. Legal, of course...(DAMN if this isn't a good pill!)
This is a really interesting question.

I want to say "no, of course not! The instant I have children I will morph into an angelic version of my former self and never be tempted again". But of course, as most parents on here will attest, children don't change you to that extent. You make different choices, but you don't stop being who you are.

I do think however that I'd be way more responsible, and doing illegal substances would be bottom of my priority list. Perhaps on a girls' night or with my partner once or twice a year, with the kids safely tucked away at grandmas? I don't think there's much harm in that. But drug use would never be as prominent in my life again as it is now, not if I have any say in it. There's too much at stake.

Plus as I know I'll give up all substances when I get pregnant, 9 months is a helluva break to wean you off the psychological addiction. Enforced healthy lifestyle change. I like the idea.

But who knows. Essentially, my answer is: maybe.
The issue of being on E around my children(If i ever have them) doesn't phase me as I know im in control. But I seriously doubt when im ready for kids, (im thinking in my 30's) I will still find it enjoyable and benifical as its been rapidly losing its appeal over the past few years. E would though be a better choice than being fully K-Holed, Don't you think!
Was thinkin bout this and thought yeah itd be sick to dump with the kids or just as a parent, but completely agree with Dan1584... I know the chances are low, but what if you did fuck out and die one night leaving your kids with no parent?
synchrojet said:
I've got two kids, 13 and 14, son and daughter. My wife and I do lots of drugs (just the legal ones, of course).

I'm on one right now. A good one. Legal, of course...(DAMN if this isn't a good pill!)

what legal pills? do you roll now that you have kids?