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Do you think you'll still do E when you have kids?


Jun 25, 2003
What do you think? I have a 2 1/2 year old. Only tried E two years ago, now I do it once every month or two.
IMO I think i would but not often. Maybe twice a year or so.... I am only 18 and there is nothing i would rather thant do than go to a nightclub and roll..... but this question has really made me think... I think my opionon would change dramatically if and when I have a child. My child would come before anything else in the world. I can't wait to have a child to raise with my boyfriend but that isn't for years to come.

I think everybody's opinon would differ on this question and I think it would be hard to answer for those out there (including me) who do not have children as yet.... :)

Keep Safe
of course

and after my kids graduate high school, i will do mdma with them :)
tathra said:
of course

and after my kids graduate high school, i will do mdma with them :)

LOL... invite me over! ;)

but i do think that it's to soon for me to even attempt to decide that... being only 18 I know what i still have alot of life to explore and alot more to learn, so in 10 years times I may be a whole different person then I am today. But I will never forget my good times with MDMA.
Put it this way, if I were living my life now but had a child in the equation, I would not consider myself a responsible father. The life you live when you're single and free with no responsibilities or obligations to anyone but yourself is one where you can allow yourself to drop every weekend 8o and not feel too guilty about it.

As a parent, I wouldn't do it more than once a month maximum and always make sure that you compensate for the effects of your drug use on your parenting. How bad would you feel if you shouted at your kid on a come down?

If I do have kids one day, I would really look forward to dropping with them when they were ready and if they were interested.
hoptis said:
How bad would you feel if you shouted at your kid on a come down?

Parents shout at their kids for no good reason all the time... doesn't make much difference (but I guess that's for another forum)
I guess I would cut down a lot if I had kids.

I recon I would cut it out 100% when we were trying for a baby though (not sure what effect the pills would have on the sperm (may fuck up the baby)).
Interesting question. I've given it some thought, as my first child is expected in a few months.

Some other people have had plenty to say on the topic, asking me if I'm going to "retire" from pill taking after the baby comes, and implying that I should.

I think I'll still take a pill or two occasionally, but the opportunities will likely be less frequent. But I really just don't know. Trying to be a good parent is pretty high on my priority list. Enjoying myself is high on the list too.

....ask me again in a year's time.....
so so glad I am not gonna have kids!
Don't have to worry about the question, hypothetically tho, I would keep droppin, cuz of "pursuit of happiness" and all that jazz.
I'm 35 and my husband and I are due to have a baby any day now. In fact, she's three days late (come on already, kiddo!). Yeah, I think a fair amount about whether there will still be opportunities for a little "fun" post-baby (why else would I still be reading this darn board?). I hope to be able to go out a few times a year, at least.

It will be a whole production, though --- getting someone to watch the baby and all.

I would in no way consider myself a negligent parent if I continue to drop in moderation. I've always handled E just fine. I don't see my dropping an occasional E as any different from my parents going out with friends every once in a while and having a few drinks (when I was a kid). Didn't hurt me any.

The real question is whether my husband will still join me on my club outings...somehow I don't think so.

Any other "e parents" in the SF Bay Area?
I stopped doing E about 7-8 months before I got pregnant. At that time is when I decided I wasn't going to do it anymore. Now that I've had her, I definitely won't. I don't like too many people watching her, only grandparents so therefore I don't get out too much. I don't think you have to stop, you really have to limit/control yourself. Imagine taking care of a baby the day after, I wouldn't want to do it
Nah i dont think i would, if ur on a comedown the next day ur kid will definatly be able to tell ur in a different mood. Besided i would have prolly quit pills by the time i have kids.
I would stop all drug use if I was going to have a kid, and my main reason:

What if you died one night BY CHANCE. You'd leave your child without you because of drugs.....I couldn't live with that fact, knowing that my child would look back and reflect on my memory and remember so clearly that his/her father died while on drugs.

Yeah I know we are talking about ecsatsy and deaths are not common, but WHAT IF......I wouldn't want to take that chance whe there is a child in the mix....living with your parents and still doing drugs is one thing, but having a child and doing drugs, I just look down upon that, at least for myself.
Dan1584 said:
I would stop all drug use if I was going to have a kid, and my main reason:

What if you died one night BY CHANCE. You'd leave your child without you because of drugs.....I couldn't live with that fact, knowing that my child would look back and reflect on my memory and remember so clearly that his/her father died while on drugs.

Yeah I know we are talking about ecsatsy and deaths are not common, but WHAT IF......I wouldn't want to take that chance whe there is a child in the mix....living with your parents and still doing drugs is one thing, but having a child and doing drugs, I just look down upon that, at least for myself.

Are you going to stop ALL risky behavior when you have kids? Will you stop driving after a single beer? Will you give up maybe a dangerous hobby like mountain climbing? Will you stop eating saturated fats?

I'm not knocking your decision, and as a father, I sometimes feel selfish when I take E (one hit ONLY, once every month or two), but then I try and remind myself that it's only one of many risky things we do in life. I ride a bike in NYC without a helmet. I Kayak without a life preserver. I feel that these are just as risky...
At the moment i think i would probably still drop every now and again, not as much as i use now. but who knows what i will be thinking in ten years time, and hey i still need to work on getting a girlfriend before i think about kids8)
Orpheus420 said:
"so so glad I am not gonna have kids! "


well, me either, but i was taking this question as being a hypothetical question :p